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Going to and "Gonna"


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Preguntas 10

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Whatcha = What are you

How to Use “Going to”

  • Moving in relation to a place (present)
    For example: I am going to the office
  • Plans we had and may have changed (past)
    For example: I was going to travel but the flight was cancelled
  • Plans and intentions (future)
    For example: I am going to visit my mom

What’s "Gonna"
Gonna = going to
in informal contexts, especially in speaking and in song lyrics

  • One day I’m gonna be a star

Moving in relation to a Place (Present)
Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + place

  • He’s going to the supermarket
  • We’re going to Mary’s house

Plans we had and may have changed (past)
Subject + verb to be (in past) + GOING TO + verb

  • She was going to sell her car but she changed her mind.
  • They were going to travel next month but they decided not to.

Plans and intentions (Future)
Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + verb

  • My sister is going to plan my wedding.
  • I’m going to travel next week.
  • We aren’t gonna go to that restaurant.

My plans:

  • Tomorrow I’m gonna practice my speaking English skills in a conversation club. 😄
  • Tomorrow I’m gonna do some workout.
  • This weekend I’m gonna climb a mountain with my siblings and pets.
  • I’m gonna see a movie this weekend.
  • I’m gonna keep my study plan next week.
  • I’m gonna hang out with my friends next Wednesday.

Hi everybody.
tomorrow i’m going to visit my parents because they were takin vacations. so, i´m going to travel the next month too with my family. we aren´t going to Europe becase is very expensive, but at leat we are going to Merida.

The whatcha reduction make reference to the “What are you”

Tomorrow I’m going to be here at home. In the morning I’m going to continue my route to becoming a Data Analyst. After that, I’m gonna keep learning and practicing my English by watching these videos of teacher Mayra.

On Saturday I’m going to the university because I have an English class. (Yes, I study English by myself thanks to Platzi and on weekends I attend another course, but this last one is face-to-face haha).

On Sunday, I’m going to attend my cousin’s baby shower. The celebration is going to be here at my house, so I won’t need to move to another place.

Next week, Carnaval is going to take place on Monday and Tuesday. I don’t have anything planned yet. Surely I’m going to keep studying haha.

“Whatcha” es una contracción coloquial en ingles que significa “what are you” en español. Por ejemplo, “Whatcha doing?” se traduciría como “¿Que estas haciendo?”.


I`m going to do the homework for Sistemas Dinamicos.

I`m gonna read the book for Etica y Bioetica.

This weekend

I`m gonna dance with my friends and family.

I`m going to eat tacos and Suchi.

Next week

I`m going to study a lot.

I`m gonna start a business.

Let’s Practice

  • I’m going to the beach.
  • She was going to the pool.
  • He’s going to the market.
  • You’re going to eat.
  • We´re going to dance.
  • They were going to the cinema.
  • She’s going to sing.
  • He was going to the market.
  • I was going to eat.
  • We’re going to the pool.
  • Tomorrow: I’m gonna launch the MVP of my project
  • This weekend: I’m going to the park
  • Next: week: I’m going to add features to my project
Tomorrow is a holiday in my country, so I'm going to rest, although I was going to travel to a city, I change my mind because I'd rather spend time with my family.
-I'm gonna work hard, because it's t he last day of the year -This weekeng I'm gonna get relex, I have two free days -In January, I'm gonna prepare my success 2025

Tomorrow, I’m gonna work hard in my projects as I always do it, also I’m gonna try to wake up early in the morning to completed my journey plans.
I have interesting plans this weekend, first, I’m gonna change my schedule and adapt new strategies to be more productive.
I’m gonna maintain my consistency next week, probably.


My excersises:

I am gonna eat in McDonals

She was gonna sing in the Church.

He is going to the market alone

You are going to the beach on wednesday

We were gonna dance in the bar last friday.

They are going to the pool to swim.

It’s gonna rain a lot.

I am going to the cinema this Thursday.

She is gonna sing “Bohemian”

He was going to the beach on afternoon.

  1. I´m goint to the beach
  2. She is going to the market buy food.
  3. He wasn´t going to the pool, He was going to the school.
  4. He’s going to sing on stage right now.
  5. you are** going to** eat
  6. we were going to the cinema.
  7. They were going to dance all night.
  8. We are going to the beach this weekend.
  9. They are going to eat together.
  10. It were going to rain yesterday.

GOING TO can be used in three different scenarios.

  1. Moving in relation to a place (present). For example: I’m going to the office or I’m going to my mom’s house.
    We cannot use the reduction gonna when we’re talking about moving in relation to a place.
  2. Past intentions or past plans that might have changed. For example: I was going to travel but the flight was canceled.
  3. Plans and intentions for the future. For example: I am going to visit my mom or My sister is going to plan my wedding.
    We can replace GOING TO with the reduction GONNA in the second example. For example: My sister is gonna plan my wedding.

GONNA is the reduction of GOING TO. It is usually used in a very informal context.
GONNA is not applicable for all instances of GOING TO. It is only used when the next word is an action. For example: I’m gonna study or I’m gonna work.
GONNA can be found in many more songs.

I’m gonna visit my mother in law tomorrow
I’m going to do excercise this weekend
I’m gonna go to my office next week.

The next weekend I’m gonna develop my IoT project and clean my workspace
I am going to the mall to shop new clothes.
I’m gonna finish my english courses to get a better job.
I’m going to cinema to see a move with my friend

Moving in Relation to a Place (Present)

Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + place

He’s going to the supermarket
We’re going to Mary’s house
I’m gonna the movies

Plans We Had and May Have Changed (Past)

Subject + verb to be (in past) + GOING TO + verb

She was going to sell her car but she changed her mind

They were going to travel next month but they decided not to

Plans and Intentions (Future)

Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + verb

My sister is going to plan my wedding

I’m going to travel next week

We aren’t gonna go to that restaurant

My plans:

Tomorrow I’m going to practice my English speaking skills on an app with AI.
Tomorrow I’m going to read a book.
This weekend I’m going to study a lot of programming.
I’m going to watch the Office series.
I’m going to eat delicious food.
I’m going to do exercise next week.

I’m gonna do a favor tomorrow.
I was gonna sell my motorcycle next week, but I regretted of it.
I’m gonna eat in a fancy restaurant in this week.

Tomorrow, I am gona visit a friend.
This weekend, I am gona take care my sister.
Next week, I am going to the zoo with my family.

Whatcha is another contraction that means: what are/do/did/have you

Reading the lyrics makes me want to listen to the song

* Tomorrow I'm going to practice English for one hour. * This weekend I'm going to finish something at work. * "Next week I'm gonna be Laura's best friend.
What are my plans? \*Tomorrow: I´m going to Sucre Theater I am going to MyS Tecnology Office I´m gonna study english in platzi I´m gonna work in MyS Technology Lab I´m gonna work out at Gym \*This weekend Until this friday I´m gonna get five hundred dollars as net profit in MyS Technology On thursday I´m gonna celebrate my birthday On saturday I´m going to medic center with my mother On thursday I´m gonna work out at Euforia On Tuesday I am going to Mila Rof Top Next Week: I am going to dance salsa in Mila Roff Top We´re gonna celebrate Lucho´s birthday We are going to Solanda Church to celebrate a Thanksgiving Mass
whatcha gonna do===> Qué vas a hacer? , It is used in a coloquial and relaxing context
My plans for tomorrow. 1\. I'm going to a job interview. 2\. I'm gonna have lunch with my family. 3\. I'm gonna study my English class. My plans for This week: 1\. I'm gonna go to the cinema with my friends. 2\. I'm going to my nephew's school to have a meeting. 3\. I'm going to seek a new job.
i cannot see the resources section.
I'm going to downtown to get a book and also, I'm gonna meet some friends. This weekend my family and I are going to Belmira, a place where we use to fish. I don't know yet if I'm full free time this weekend, so if I am I'm gonna study harder my english lessons for improving my lenguage. Next week I'm gonna have a very important meeting.
I have to take a big test next week, so I'm gonna get some books from the library. I'm gonna study very hard because I'm gonna be the best doctor in the city and after that, I'm going to the clinic to visit some patients
three months a go, I was going to several apartments on rent because I needed a place to live. this is because i am gonna live alone and sometimes I'm gonna take my dogs there. however my plans changed and currently I am travelling across some countries from south America, although I think the next month I'going to Cali to look for apartment for rent again.
Tomorrow I´m going to the office early. Because I want to finish my pending task. I´m gonna finish them before 12:00. In this weekend I try to learn about artificial intelligence. I gonna enroll in the Chat GPT course in Platzi. In the next week I going to the capital city to a meeting with my clients. I hope close the bussines.
I'm gonna finish this course because I'm gonna be better than yesterday and speak more fluent.
<> My voice record reading the two sentences 🚀
Tomorrow I´m going to swim 1 Mile. This weekend I was going to go to visit my parents but I decided that its better to go to the next weekend. Next week, I´m going to train hard because I´m going to do a triathlon.
In this new year I'm going to improve my selfcare in all aspects (physical, emotional, financial, espiritual, etc.)
0\. It’s going to rain. 1\. I’m going to the beach. 2\. She’s going to the cinema. 3\. He wasn’t going the pool because He needed to study english. 4\. It was going to be fun but really It was very boring. 5\. We were going to dance in the party, but we were drunk so much. 6\. There were going to eat hamburguer but they were changed mind. 7\. We were going to sing last nigth karaoke but I had flu. 8\. They’re going to the market walking and It started to rain. 9\. We’re going to beach, hopefully it won’t rain. 10\. You’re going to eat pizza.
Tomorrow: My wife and I are going to buy Christmas dinner tomorrow in the morning. This weekend: I'm going to train with my TRX in neighborhood's park, I'm so excited because I've never used it. The next week: We aren't going to travel next week because there's many people everywhere and it's too expensive as well.
I'm going to speak English fluently. To achieve that I'm going to study and practice everyday!
* Tomorrow, I'm going to buy some clothes for myself. * This weekend, I'm going to continue with my web project and after that, I'm going to relax and spend time with my boyfriend. * Next week I'm gonna begin a new course at Platzi about backend development.
1.Tomorrow I'm going to work very hard due to I need some extra money 1. This weekend I'm gonna buy some presents to my family because december is too close ! 2. The next week I'm gonna play soccer wiht my friends 3.
Last week i was going to start maestry but I was not sure so i'm gonna work some years to be sure about the direction of my career.
Sure. I can tell you what are my plans: 1. Tomorrow, I'm going to assist a training about speaking and story telling. This weekend I'm going to visit my parents in a small city close to Bogotá, the idea is recharge my batteries for the next week. We are going to present the results of the year with my work team.
What are my plans? Tomorrow I'm gonna complete my job in the morning and call my boss. Later this week I'm going to the movies with my family and finally next week I'm gonna visit the doct.
1. I am going to the beach tomorrow 2. She is going to the market to buy vegetables. 3. He was going to the cinema but he lost the tickets. 4. It is going to rain as every day of October. 5. You are going to sing the hit of year. 6. We are going to the pool after take a brunch 7. They are going to eat pizza in best place of the city.
1. I am going to the beach 2. She is going to sing some songs 3. He was going to the cinema but now he is going to the party 4. You were going to the pool but now you are gonna do your homework 5. We were going to the market but we change our mind and we are going to our house. 6. They were gonna do their homework but they went to the beach 7. They are gonna eat pizza tonight 8. She was gonna dance last night 9. He is gonna work in the afternoon 10. I was gonna practice piano today but I’ll do it tomorrow.
1. I’m gonna go to the stadium tomorrow to do exercises. 2. This week I’m gonna finish 2 tasks of my current project. 3. The next week I’m gonna start studying three english classes every day.
* **Tomorrow*** "I’m going to work at the office." * "I’m going to learn more than I did today." * **This Weekend*** "We are going to sell burritos." * "We are going to hike in the mountains." * **Next Week*** "I am going to work out."
* Tomorrow I'm going to receive a visit. * This weekend I'm going to the cinema * Next week, I’m going to keep working on my job.
Tomorrow, I'm going to exercise in the morning, also I'm going to read a book for my afternoon class. In the afternoon I'm going to university, in the evening I'm going to the supermarket to buy food. At the weekend, on Friday I'm going to the cinema to see Beetlejuice. The Saturday I'm going to travel to any town with my family, always on Sundays I'm going to ride bicycle with my father, 2 weeks ago we were going to Cájica, it's a town near Bogotá, but it rained a lot, we only went to Chía. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * I'm going to the pool. * She was going to the beach, but She decided to go shopping. * He was going to the market, but preferred to stay at home. * You are gonna dance this weekend. * We are gonna eat fried fish tomorrow. * They were going to the pool, but it kept raining.
Tomorrow I’m going to my work. This weekend im going to a spooky tour for the día de muertos season. The next week I’m gonna eat pizza.
1. I'm going to the beach 2. She was going to the pool, but it's cold 3. He’s going to the market 4. you're going to eat 5. They were going to the cinema, but they fortgot the ticket in the office 6. We're going to dance 7. She's going to sing 8. He was going to the market, but he lose his credit card 9. I was going to eat, but it's ok, I can take your call 10. We are going to the pool
Tomorrow, I'm going to the dentist because I have an appointment. Then, I'm going to go to the university, and after that, I'm gonna hang out with some friends. This weekend, I'm gonna visit my grandparents in the countryside, and then we're going to go to the movie theater to watch this new movie that just came out. For next week, I don't have anything planned yet, but I'll probably be working and studying.
I too busy this week, tomorrow i´m going to go to the gym then I have a lot of work, On the weekend I gonna sell my car because I´m changing it for an electric one, usually the weekend I´m going to  go a restaurant but this weekend we are gonna to do a barbecue
Im gonna take an examen in a few hours
Tomorrow: - I’m gonna take English classes as always. - I’m gonna watch a funny movie with my cat. - I’m gonna take to my cat to the veterinary. - I’m gonna take a shower while I listen to music. Next week: - I’m going to my aunt’s house. - I’m gonna plan my schedule to study. - I’m going to the cinema with my cousin.
My plans: 1\. i'm going to the office because i have some face to face meetings to attend tomorrow. 2\. This weekend I'm gonna run a 10 km race 3\. I'm gonna travel to Medellin for business next week.
Tomorrow I'm going to have an Interview. This Weekend I'm gonna go to the house of my In-laws The Next week I hope I'm gonna be working in my future job. (I am unemployed)
Tomorrow: I'm going to wake up early for the job. I need to finish some tasks for a meeting at 10 o'clock. I hope to finish work in the evening because I'm going to visit the doctor
* I'm gonna get some books. * I'm gonna study. * I'm gonna be the best doctor. * I'm going to the clinic
What are your plans? Tomorrow I gonna study and take 3 courses on platzi. This weekend I have a interview, so I gonna prepare for that. Next week I have a date with my girlfriend, so i gonna buy new clothes
My plans for tomorrow are the next ones; I will pick my friend Laura and I´m gonna see the doctor and then I'm gonna eat with her. This weekend I'm gonna take a first aid course and also I'm gonna watch the movies all Sunday. Next week I'm gonna have a job interview, I'm gonna be hired and I'm gonna receive more money.
Practice 1. I'm going to the beach 2. She was going to sing. 3. He is going to the pool. 4. You are going to the market. 5. They were going to dance. 6. We are going to the cinema 7. I wa s going to eat. 8. She was going to dance. 9. They were going to the market. 10. I am going to eat.
Watcha = What you "What you gonna do when they come for you"
i'm gonna get a ps5 from the mall
* **TOMORROW:** I´m gonna study some the edition by Capcut platzi´s course, next i am going to university to pay a class the sixth semester. * **THIS WEEKEND:** i am gonna to go to a football game and probably i am gonna to visit grandmother´s. * **NEXT WEEK:** i have my first study week in sixth semester of the marketing career, so i´m going to the university and then i´m going to the gym
* I'm going to study observational techniques tomorrow * I'm going to hiking this weekend * I'm going to do some homeworks next week
My record <>
1-I'm going to dance. 2-She was going to the beach. 3-He is going to the market. 4-You are going to the cinema. 5-We are going to the pool. 6-We were going to dance last night. 7-They are going to the cinema together. 8-They were going to the beach on the weekend. 9-I was going to eat with my girlfriend. 10-She is going to sing at the concert.
I'm gonna study very much english, becouse my goal is get highest english level in 12 months I'm gonna save money to travel to out of country next year I'm going to gym this saturday
Worksheet for Going to and "Gonna" ![](
Homework: I'm gonna buy some construction material tomorrow. This weekend I'm gonna visit to my friend who comes from Spain. My sister is going to organize a big party the next week.
Practice read aloud: I gonna take a big test next week, so I'm gonna get some books from the library. I'm gonna study very hard because I'm gonna be the best doctor in the city and after that, I'm going to the visit some patients.
Tomorrow: I am gonna buy a shoes This weekend: I'm gonna go the cinema to watch the new movie Next week: I'm going to attend a concert
I have to take a big test next week, so I'm gonna get some books from the library. I'm gonna study very hard because I'm gonna be the best doctor in the city and after that, I'm going to the clinic to visit some patients.
homework: * I´m **goint to** the beach. * She is **going to** the market buy food. * He wasn´t **going to** the pool, He was **going to** the school. * He's **going to** sing on stage right now. * You are **going to** eat. * We were **going to** the cinema. * They were **going to** dance all night. * We are **going to** the beach this weekend. * They are **going to** eat together. * It were **going to** rain yesterday.
I have to send an email to my teacher, so I'm gonna do the homework firts and then send it to her. This week I'm gonna go to see my doctor, I have an appointment with him. The next week I'm going to the movies with my friends and after, that we are gonna go to play video games.
I'm gonnna go to the gym very early during the week. I was going to travel the next friday, but i have a meeting on saturday. I am going to the cinema with my friends. I was going to stay my grandparent's house but I need to come back home.
I'm going to (gonna) rest tomorrow because it will be Sunday. I'm gonna buy some clothes with my mom at morning and then I'm gonna play with my cat. Next week, I'm gonna study for my exams. At weekend, I'm gonna visit my boyfriend's house
Hello. The correct way to say "I'm gonna the movies" will be "I'm gonna watch movies"? Thank you
Next week i am gonna go to the gym for first time.
Tjis week i am gonna stablish myself in mybnew home.
Tomorrow i'm gonna create the marketing strategy por the personal brand of a friend.
* I am going to continue learning english in platzi * I am going to go to and exposition this weekend * I'm gonna be B2


    • I’m gonna read some books.
    • I’m gonna clean my bedroom.
    • I’m going to Anita’s house.
    • I’m going to the hospital.
    • I’m gonna buy new headphones.
    • I’m gonna have my driver license.
    • I’m going to the gym.
    • I’m gonna take the TOEFL test.
    • I’m gonna visit my grandparents.
I´m gonna finish this course by tomorrow This weekend i´m going to my grandma´s house and the next week i´m gonna pay all my doubts
inner circle rulz!!
ABout my plans: Tomorrow I'm going to my fiance's place and we're gonna watch movies. I'm gonna dance this weekend with some friends. Next week I'll going to the church.
I'm gonna get some books I'm gonna study very hard I'm gonna be the best I'm going to the clinic
Tomorrow i'm gonna study for my english test. This weekend my brother gonna cook the dinner. Next week my father was going to the new museum, but he is going to the old museum instead, because it will be closed from monday.

Songs that have “gonna”:

  1. Like I’m Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor
  2. Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You - Glenn Medeiros
  3. I’m Gonna Be - Post Malone
Tomorrow it is going to rain, so today I'm going to wash all my clothes I was going to the beach, but my car didn't work, and I had to stay home I'm going to go to school next week, but only on Monday and Wednesday
today im gonna go at gym because is legs day, then im going to do some food, and after that im gonna read my book because i was going to do it yesterday but was very busy.
Tomorrow, i gonna train my chest and my back. I really need to workout. This weekend i´m going to make business. Next week, in Dreamers & Makers, we´re going to the Bootcamp.
Tomorrow, I'm going to class at IESA This weekend, I'm gonna stay at home because I have to study a lot Next week I'm going to Maracay to visit my family