Welcome to Intermediate English
Nouns and Pronouns
Starting a New Job
Indefinite Pronouns: Prefix and Suffix
Workshop: Let's Practice!
Variable Indefinite Pronouns
Countables vs. Uncountables
Tricky Nouns
Using Quantifiers
Quiz: Nouns and Pronouns
Get Ready to Describe!
Descriptive Words
My New Job Is Better Than My Previous One
She's As Tall As Me
How Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?
Listening Practice: Meeting a Coworker
Quiz: Get Ready to Describe!
Knowledge, Needs and Future Plans
We Need the Report with the Metrics
Have to
Talk About Skills and Knowledge
Going to and "Gonna"
Behind the scenes with the Platzi Crew
Quiz: Knowledge, Needs and Future Plans
Experiences with Present Perfect Simple
Have You Heard About the Present Perfect?
Since vs. For
Prepositions of Time
Yet / Still / Already / Just
I've Been Promoted!
Project: Let's Practice the Present Perfect Simple
Quiz: Experiences with Present Perfect Simple
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Aportes 337
Preguntas 10
How to Use “Going to”
What’s "Gonna"
Gonna = going to
in informal contexts, especially in speaking and in song lyrics
Moving in relation to a Place (Present)
Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + place
Plans we had and may have changed (past)
Subject + verb to be (in past) + GOING TO + verb
Plans and intentions (Future)
Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + verb
My plans:
Hi everybody.
tomorrow i’m going to visit my parents because they were takin vacations. so, i´m going to travel the next month too with my family. we aren´t going to Europe becase is very expensive, but at leat we are going to Merida.
The whatcha reduction make reference to the “What are you”
Tomorrow I’m going to be here at home. In the morning I’m going to continue my route to becoming a Data Analyst. After that, I’m gonna keep learning and practicing my English by watching these videos of teacher Mayra.
On Saturday I’m going to the university because I have an English class. (Yes, I study English by myself thanks to Platzi and on weekends I attend another course, but this last one is face-to-face haha).
On Sunday, I’m going to attend my cousin’s baby shower. The celebration is going to be here at my house, so I won’t need to move to another place.
Next week, Carnaval is going to take place on Monday and Tuesday. I don’t have anything planned yet. Surely I’m going to keep studying haha.
“Whatcha” es una contracción coloquial en ingles que significa “what are you” en español. Por ejemplo, “Whatcha doing?” se traduciría como “¿Que estas haciendo?”.
I`m going to do the homework for Sistemas Dinamicos.
I`m gonna read the book for Etica y Bioetica.
This weekend
I`m gonna dance with my friends and family.
I`m going to eat tacos and Suchi.
Next week
I`m going to study a lot.
I`m gonna start a business.
Tomorrow, I’m gonna work hard in my projects as I always do it, also I’m gonna try to wake up early in the morning to completed my journey plans.
I have interesting plans this weekend, first, I’m gonna change my schedule and adapt new strategies to be more productive.
I’m gonna maintain my consistency next week, probably.
Record practice!
My excersises:
I am gonna eat in McDonals
She was gonna sing in the Church.
He is going to the market alone
You are going to the beach on wednesday
We were gonna dance in the bar last friday.
They are going to the pool to swim.
It’s gonna rain a lot.
I am going to the cinema this Thursday.
She is gonna sing “Bohemian”
He was going to the beach on afternoon.
GOING TO can be used in three different scenarios.
GONNA is the reduction of GOING TO. It is usually used in a very informal context.
GONNA is not applicable for all instances of GOING TO. It is only used when the next word is an action. For example: I’m gonna study or I’m gonna work.
GONNA can be found in many more songs.
I’m gonna visit my mother in law tomorrow
I’m going to do excercise this weekend
I’m gonna go to my office next week.
The next weekend I’m gonna develop my IoT project and clean my workspace
I am going to the mall to shop new clothes.
I’m gonna finish my english courses to get a better job.
I’m going to cinema to see a move with my friend
Moving in Relation to a Place (Present)
Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + place
He’s going to the supermarket
We’re going to Mary’s house
I’m gonna the movies
Plans We Had and May Have Changed (Past)
Subject + verb to be (in past) + GOING TO + verb
She was going to sell her car but she changed her mind
They were going to travel next month but they decided not to
Plans and Intentions (Future)
Subject + verb to be + GOING TO + verb
My sister is going to plan my wedding
I’m going to travel next week
We aren’t gonna go to that restaurant
My plans:
Tomorrow I’m going to practice my English speaking skills on an app with AI.
Tomorrow I’m going to read a book.
This weekend I’m going to study a lot of programming.
I’m going to watch the Office series.
I’m going to eat delicious food.
I’m going to do exercise next week.
I’m gonna do a favor tomorrow.
I was gonna sell my motorcycle next week, but I regretted of it.
I’m gonna eat in a fancy restaurant in this week.
Tomorrow, I am gona visit a friend.
This weekend, I am gona take care my sister.
Next week, I am going to the zoo with my family.
Whatcha is another contraction that means: what are/do/did/have you
Reading the lyrics makes me want to listen to the song
Songs that have “gonna”:
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