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Yet / Still / Already / Just


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Preguntas 4

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the personal goals i have already archieved it was when i graduated.
i havent achieved living by myself yet.
now i am still studying for coming true a lot of project that i have.
i have just had breakfast before starting this class.

I have already graduated from civil engineering.
I haven’t become a software developer yet.
I’m still working on improving my English speaking skills.
I just drinked a smoothie before writing this.

Adverbs of Time

  • Yet, still, already and just are adverbs of time
  • Used to describe extra details about actions


  1. To describe that something happened before something else.
    For example:
    The project is due tomorrow but I’ve already delivered it.
  2. To express the idea that something happened quicker than expected.
    For example:
    The test started 10 minutes ago but he’s already finished it.


  • To express something that we expect to happen son
  • Negative sentences and questions
    For example:
    Have you finished your homework yet?
    Have they contacted the client yet?

Already vs. Yet
Affirmative: I’ve already updated my CV.
Negative: I haven’t updated my CV yet

Affirmative: She’s already completed the job application
Negative: She hasn’t completed the job application yet


  1. To talk about something that is continuing/ongoing
    For example: I’m still working on the project
  2. Sometimes indicates that the action is taking longer than it should, or is later than expected.
    For example: I still haven’t finished the report


  • ‘Just’ can mean ‘recently’ or ‘a very short time before the moment of speaking’.
    For example:
    I’ve just met with the executives. They’re happy with our results.
    We’ve just finished the meeting with them.


“What personal goals have you already achieved? I have passed the English exam.”
“What plans have you not done yet? I don’t have a job yet.”
“What personal projects are you still working on? I am still working on improving my front-end skills.”
“Mention something you’ve just done as you were taking this class? I practiced a lot of adverbs of time.”

  1. My goal have been to start looking at B1 courses.
  2. I have not yet gone to visit the different landscapes of my country.

I would like to share this wonderful song with my Platzi´s friends.
Talking about the adver still.

I’ve already achived some goals, exactly My own company, and my car.
I haven’t worked as a blockchain developer yet.
I’m still working in my mind and also in my spirit.
I’ve just sent my cv to a company.

Differences between “Yet/Still/Already/Just”+

  • All of these are adverbs of time, they give us extra details about actions


  • To refer something happened begore something else (I already submit the workshop, miss)
  • To express the idea that something happened quicker than expected (I have a date at 4:00pm but I already arrive when it left 10 minutes)


  • T express someth that we expect to happen soon
  • N- sentences and questions ( have you finished your work yet) No, yet


  • Something that continuing/ongoing (I’m still here)
  • taking longer than it should, later than expected (I still haven’t finished x)

-Something recently (I’ve just x. we’ve just x)

I already have a Job at my shool
I already improve my time management

I don’t have a better job yet
I’m still studyng a career
I’ve just finished to taking notes on my notebook

I have already completed my bachelor’s degree in arts education.

I haven’t finished reading the complete stories of Pedro Gómez Valderrama yet

I’m still building the ideas and concepts to make my own comic book

I just got back from running errands and have started my English classes

My personal goal already achieved is to have two bikes, one fixed and other for carriers.

I haven’t had a trip by plane yet.

I haven’t had a trip to Santa Marta by bike.

I’m still working on learning English because I want to take a trip to Europe.

I still haven’t been promoted to university.

I’ve just done exercise.

* I have already finished my master class * I have not completed the english platzi academy yet * I'm still working to be an hybrid athlete * Today, I have just done my workout


the project is due tomorrow but I’ve already delivered it
have you finished your homework yet?
I’m still working on the project
I have just met with the executives, they’re happy with our results

Personal objectives
speak fluent english
Study a specialty in coaching or consulting
Share my knowledge through courses
Being a leader in project management

I have alredy change my physicist.
I haven’t achieved make my own business yet.
Today, I’m still studying for improve my habilities.
I have just helped my mother with her mobile.


  1. I have already studied marketing digital and applicated almost everything what i learned.
  2. I haven’t complete the Platzi’s colors course yet.
  3. I still have studied English in Platzi.
  4. I have just cooked the meat for the lunch.

he´s = he has? ??? at the began of the video

  • I’ve already learned a lot about AI.

  • I haven’t travel to an European country yet.

  • I am still working on my programming projects.

  • I’ve just had dinner before taking this class.

One of my goals was to travel abroad, and I’ve already achieved that goal.
I haven’t graduated yet.
I’m still studying at university.
I’ve just eaten some bread. It was delicious.

Lest’s Practice!

9:10 am
Mom: Hi sweetie, what are you doing?
You: Hi mom, I’m washing the dishes.
Mom: Did you have breakfast?
You: Yes, just had breakfast.
Mom: Okay, also remember to do your laundry.
9:50 am
Mom: Hi again, what are you doing?
You: I’m still washing the dishes.
10:30 am
Mom: Did you take a shower?
You: No, I haven´t taken a shower yet.
11:30 am
Mom: Did you clean up your room?
You: Yes, I already cleaned up my room.

These words have in common that these are adverbs of time.

  • ALREADY is used:
  1. to refer to something that happened before something else. For example: the project is due tomorrow but I 've already delivered it.
  2. when we talk about something that happened earlier or quicker than we expected. For example: the test started 10 minutes ago but he’s already finished it.
  • YET is used when we talk about something that we expect to happen soon (negative and question). For example: have you finished your homework yet?

  • ALREADY vs. YET. For example: I’ve ALREADY updated my CV (affirmative) or I haven’t updated my CV yet (negative).

  • STILL is used when:

  1. We talk about actions that are ongoing or continuing (present continuous). For example: I’m still working on the project.
  2. you indicate that something is taking more time or is taking longer than it should or than we expected it to. For example: I still haven’t finished the report.
  • JUST is used when we talk about something that happened very recently or something that happened a short time before the moment of speaking.

I have already graduated from system engineer
I haven’t finished all english courses at platzi yet
I’m still working on improve my english every day.
I just ate a banana before taking this class.

I’ve already done my work.
I haven’t gone vacation yet.
I still working to improve my english level.
I’ve just talked with Ignacio during this class.

I've already taken few courses in Platzi I haven't trained for running yet I'm still working on a tool in Excel for my job I've just worked out leg day
Hi. I've already achieved stay in a job for a good time. Before, i didn't stay for so long in jobs. I haven't travel to another country yet. I'm still learning english and music business. I've just learned something new!
I've already achieved one of my travel Goals, I've already reduced sugar from my life. I haven't traveled to europe yet because I am still working on my savings and budget to invest first. I've just planned my day.
My personal goal: I have already finished university after studying since 2018. I think it is the most important goal that i've achieved. But I have many plans for the next months that I haven't done yet, like learning at least 3 programming languages or improving my English level. The main project that i'm working on is to get a remote job. And lately, I've just been trying to learn more and more.
I´m still continue learning english, because I don´t up my level yet.
I already got a job as development. I´m too glad for this. I haven´t traveled to other country yet. I still working in learn english. I just read the message text.
Nowadays, I've already got graduated from school, and I want to study in university buy I haven't entered yet. For that reason, I'm still improving my skills at Platzi. I have just learned about different adverbs in this class.
* I´ve already finished my undergraduate degree as Industrial Designer, two years ago. * I haven´t apply to TOELF exam and driver passport yet. * I´m still working on my habits which are focused in waking up earlier and respect the attention time. * I know it´s a little late, but I´ve just eat the lunch with my brother.
My personal goals included, I've already achieved was when i learn power BI. I haven't start a course of magister. I'm still learn english with platzi platform. I have just cook a cake before start my english class
* I already learned something about design. * I haven't traveled to Europe yet. * I'm still learning English. * I just walked in my home, I have been in recovery since December
One of the things that I 've already done is end my Data Scientist course to be honest it was difficult but I haven't finished yet because there are many thing to learn. I'm still studying and practicing every day to be better than how started. I'm aware that I cannot become an expert overnight so I just did a programs before anything else
I've already finished the python I course on Cisco. I've already cooked new year dinner on time. I've already got in shape last year. I've already started my English learning this year. I haven't finished the Vibration course yet. I haven't got new job yet, I'm still searching on. I haven't got family vacation yet. I'm still improving my English every day with platzi. I'm still studying courses on internet. I'm still working out three times a week. I've just drunk a glass of water. I've just saw a new you tube channel about English. I've just used to translate phrases.
* I have already reached my bachelor degree. * I haven't started my master studies. * I'm still developing the idea of my own business * I just finished some course in Platzi.
I have already achieved my dream of studying at the university I always wanted to go to. I could not live abroad yet. I am still working in my English and Data career to be able to study the Masters that I want. I just have to finish taking the notes of the class.
* I have already organized all my master bedroom. * I haven't planned to take a master MBA yet. * I am still working to get a better job. * I just studied the past participle.
1. I've already been accepted at the university. 2. I've already got my driver's license. 3. I've already learned how to cook my favorite dish.
I have already achieved my personal goal of graduating from university. I have plans that I haven't completed yet, but I intend to pursue them next year. I am currently working on a personal project that I expect to finish this week. I just drank a juice with some cereal while I was taking notes.
Personal goals: * I've already travelled abroad. * I've already graduated from college with awards. * I've already received professional recognition. * I haven't bought my own apartment yet. * I haven't started my master's degree yet. * I'm still working to improve my English. * I'm still working on opening a franchise of the company abroad. * I've just taken notes while listening to this class.
Hi! It's Walter. I want to tell you that I've already visited Paris and eaten a Croissant but one of a country that I haven't visited yet is Greek. I am math teacher I'm still working to post my second article. Finally, I just realized that my boss in looking for me so, goodbye!!
* I've already closed the sales with a big customer. * I'm haven't subscribe to the gym yet. * I'm still learning English * I've just complete this clases with these sentences.
What personal goals have you already achieved? My personal goal that I've already achieve is living alone I just move to my new place just two weeks ago and I love it! What plans have you not done yet? I haven't finish my studies because I have a lot of work so I'm trying to make a space to study hardly What personal projects are you still working on? I'm still trying to have a really good english, I won't giving up on this! Mention something you've just done as you were taking this class I just finsh to clean my house before I starting to study! I hope my answers were okey but I accept recommendations about this! :)
1. What personal goals have you already achieved ? R. One of my personal goals was to have a house for me and my family. I am currently living a peaceful life because I’ve already achieved that first goal. 1. What plans have you not done yet ? R. I would like to have a master's in AI, but I haven’t planned how I can achieve it. I think that I can plan a roadmap before finishing this month. 1. What personal projects are you still working on ? R. One of my main goal is to learn to speak English. I am still working on it. My first step is to approve an international exam for level B2. 1. Mention something you’ve just done as you were taking this class ? R. I’ve just planned my son's activities for today while I was taking this class.
* "I have already achieved my goal of passing my class." * "I haven’t finished college yet." * "I am still working on getting my college degree." * "I have just drunk water while taking this class."
I've already made a program that can classify cats and dogs, using neural networks. I haven't finished my PhD homework yet I'm still working on making better my English I've just learned how I can use these adverbs
* what personal goals have you already achieved? One of my goals is to get my degree as a TSU in Foreign Trade * what plans have you not done yet? One of my plans is to start going to the gym again * what personal projects are you still working on ? Currently, I’m working at ClinicHogar, which is an agency that provides at-home care services * mention something you have just done as you were taking this class improve my english
* I have **already** managed to have a family business, which was only made possible this year. * I've not **yet** been able to put into practice my plan to gather enough savings to buy my own house. * I am **still** working on learning English and finishing my engineering studies. * While I was watching the class, I **just** got a call on my cell phone.
1. I have already achieved to have my bachelor’s degree and get a job in technology. 2. I haven’t achieved to get my certificate in advanced English yet. 3. I’m still working on my listening skills in English. 4. I’ve just learned a lot studying this course.
my personal goals i have already graduated i could travel with my daugther to margarita yet i still studing english i have just eaten popcorn
I've already bought a new house. I haven't finished my English course here in Platzi yet. I still haven't moved to another country. I've just drunk my lemonade while I was taking this class.
I´ve already did my certificate in lean six sigma and design sprint.  I haven´t learn to driven a car yet  I´m still working in a painting project I´ve just take note about this class
* I've already bought my own apartment * I haven't started the magister yet * I'm still studying english at nights * I've just sent the last mail of the day.
* I've already worked on my team inventory. * I haven't finished my university homework yet. * I'm still learning English. * I've just walked with my dog.
I've already learned played guitar🎸
I have a lot of goals and projects in my life, fortunately i've already got graduated from highschool recently which is one important goal for me. I'm currently trying to learn english and also other abilities to improve my CV.
1. get job in TI 2. i haven't bought a house yet 3. learng english and maths 4. write these sentences
I've already created my own startup. I have not actualized my cv yet. I´m still working on my german skill ands vocabulary. I have just eaten my lunch a few minutes ago.
the goals i have already achieved it was in a moth when i get my platzi B1 certificate, i haven't create my fisrt business yet but i will do it, i'm still studying, i'm still working, iust need some time to fullfill all my potencial
i already went to france to study one year but i haven’t done a master degree yet and i’m still working to achieve that dream so i just reached my ex french teacher so he help me with al the motivations letters he hasn’t aswered me yet :(
* I have already got a job as a software engineer. * I haven't finished my Platzi English learning path yet. * I am still working on my hard skills like python. * I have just used the word "just".
* What personal goals have you already achieved? * Feel more confident to speak and understand content on english. * What plans have you not done yet? * Selling projects with American customers. * Travel to Niagara falls. * What personal projects are you still working on? * Improving my marketing and sales knowledge training with books and videos in english. * Create courses about marketing and sales in english * Be a conference speaker of marketing and sales in english. * Mention something you’ve just done as you were taking the class. * Taking notes and translate some words that I’ve don’t knew
The personal goals I've already achieved it was work in a multicultural team and practice my English with they In my plans that I haven't done yet are go to Corea and know their culture. I'm still working to improve my skills to achieve my AZ-204 certification in Microsoft. I've just finished to take my notes
1. One of my personal goals was to buy a car, and I already could do it, it was much work. 2. One plan that I´m still working on is to be able to buy an apartment, i´m focusing on save more money because in my country its actually very expensive. 3. When I got married, we never had a honeymoon, actually we are trying to find time and a good place so we can travel and really celebrate. 4. I´ve just starting to eat my lunch during this course.
I have studied hard to achieve a professional career and some security certifications, I haven´t obtained a international job yet but I am studying to achieve others security certifications that will help me and During class I've been taking notes about adverbs of time to enhance and practice English.
* I´ve already bought my house * I can´t speak in russian yet, I´ll start classes next week * My wife and I, we´re preparing our first Airbnb department * I´ve just learned the meaning of the adverbs of time.
Homework: I'v already achieved a great promotion in my company. I'm still working on the project of my house. I haven't traveled outside of the country but I hope do it soon and finally I've just prepared a coffee when I was taking this class.
Hello! * I've already found a job that makes me feel great * I haven't worked as a Communication Director or Manager Communication yet, but I've been prepared for the arrive of the that oportunity * I'm still working in my knowledge in order to be a leadre of communication * I've just stared to study english en platzi platform
Adverbs of time * Already: something happened before or quicker than expected. * Yet: something that we expect to happen soon. (- ?) * Still: something that is continuing or is taking longer that it should. * Just: something happened recently.
I've already started to study english again. I haven't got speaking fluency yet. I'm still working on my jokes to built a stand-up comedy rutine. I just finished my last ticket.
I've already finished a book. I haven't traveled to Japan yet. I'm still working on a photographic album. I've just learned how to use it correctly already and yet in a sentence.
  • I’ve already finished college.
  • I haven’t traveled to Europe yet.
  • I’m still looking for scholarships to study abroad.
  • I’ve just taken a shower.
* I have achieved more knowledge about myself. * I haven't traveled to europa yet. * I've still working on my portfolio. * I've just drink water hahaha
My family arrived early but my wife has already finished the dinner it Has he fixed his car yet? Have you drunk the german beer yet? It's very good I haven't slept my eight hours yet The game will start soon but we haven't finished cook the meat
The personal goals I've already archieved it was finished my community service like coder mentor for girls. I haven't finished my 4th semester at University yet. I'm still working on my health, eating good food and doing exercise. I've just had dinner before starting this English Class
I have already gotten a job as an automation QA, but I haven't gotten my ISTQB certification yet. Anyway, I'm still studying software engineering so I can earn more money. I know I can do it. I just finished an interview to get a promotion.

I have already got an offer job
I haven’t update my cv yet
I am still working on my businees without raising capital
I have just finished one of my daily goals with this class

I graduated with my master's degree last year, but I haven't yet learned English very well. I'm still working on my English every day. I just put my baby to sleep before starting this class."
* I've already achieved to be in a great company * I've haven't gone to Egyp yet * I'm still working in my crochet practice * I've just breakfast while I was taking this class
I already finished my classes at the university, I'm just waiting to do my exam to get my degree, and for that I have to study a lot, so I'm still studying but only the topics that will come in the exam. I haven't planned where to get my TOEFL English certificate yet, but when I finish this course I think I'll have the necessary knowledge to take the exam I'm still studying other courses, one of them is CNC machining which will help me improve my skills as well as my CV I've just checked my phone while I was taking the class
I´ve alrady sung in front of almost 5.000 people, but i haven´t consolidate my orchestra yet i´m still working on improving my skills in order to guet a well paid job and i´ve just had my lunch before taking this class
I've already graduate in Bussines. I haven't finished my english course yet. I'm still working on new projects in digital bussines. I'm just smiling because I see myself wrinting a great english. :D
I've already gone out to my country and live in the USA right now. I haven't gotten the driver's license yet, but I hope to get it soon. For know, I've been working to improve my English, which is the most important thing for me living here, and I've still become better at it. I've just started to go to the gym. In my country, I used to go since 2022, but I arrived here a short time ago, and I've been adapting.
My personal goal i've already achieved was my graduation of highschool. I'm not working yet but i´m still studiying to improve my english. i have just had lunch before to taking this class.
I´ve already studying laws and represent about politics to our people. I haven´t working in a statal company like hospital. I´m still working on new agenda about my boxing club. I´ve just drinking coffe before this.
***What personal goals have I already achieved?*** I've already started a master's in finance and maintained a minimum GPA of 4/5 since the first trimester. ***What plans have you not done yet?*** I haven´t done the B1 English level path yet ***What personal projects are you still working on?*** I'm still working on finishing B1 English level and Data Analysis with Python paths. ***Mention something you've just done as you were taking this class.*** I've just made a cup of coffee
I've already submitted my project of grade to the University, I've already got married and I've already bought a car. I haven't been graduated of the University yet, I haven't got a job yet and I haven't built my own house yet. I'm still working in a project related with production. I've just had lunch with my family
The personal goals have already achieved, was buy my first car when I was 21 years old I haven't could have my own house yet I still working on buying my own house the next year I have just dinner while I took this class
I've already got my degree as a Software Engineer. I haven't spoken English fluently yet. I'm still working on my English skills and continue to learn programming. I've just finished the class of prepositions of time before taking this class.
I've already finished my engineer studies. I haven't traveled europe yet I'm still working in my english expertise. I've just eaten a sandwich before Platzi english class
* Personal goals I already achieved: I've already finished paying my first cellphone bought by myself and my own money. I know that it's a simple thing but it meants a lot to me <3. * Plans I haven't done yet: About this, I already finished college but I haven't got my degree yet. Due to the Corona, and other determinant factors I haven't care less about a degree but now that everything is getting together, I'm excited to complete that academy step. * Personal projects I'm still working on: I'm still working on improve my english ability and learning about photoshooting nature. * Something I've just done as taking this class: I've just taken a shower right before this class. ![]( ![](
I have already gotten my driver's license. I haven't done to play saxophone as a Professional yet. I am still working on improving my English level. Before starting my class I had just eaten my dinner.
A personal goal that I've already achieve is obtain my degree in Social Comunication a year ago thanks to an scholarship. Actually I've not finish my english module yet, because I didn't study the last week. I'm still working in my discipline, specially doing exercise. I´ve just take my morning coffee answering the questions of the class
I've already achieved some personal goals like graduating as an engenieer, learning new tecnologies, but also there are some plans that I have not done yet, like getting a new car, or buying a house. in other hand I'm still working in projects like crating a youtube channel and learn english to become an more fluent english speaker. In addition I've just took notes about how to use words like: 'already', 'yet', 'still' and 'just'.
  • I´ve already got my bachelor in dramatic arts
  • I haven´t completed this course yet
  • I´m still working on my new brand Jogo y Training
  • I´ve just took a shower
I have already achive, one victory in cyclism I havent climb any mountain in Italy I am still studying english for improve my level I just take my lunch before starting my english class
* I've already finished my Platzi project. * I haven't completed a marathon yet. * I'm still working on my schedule for march. * I've just eaten my lunch.
Kylian Mbappè haven`t arrived yet to Real Madrid Lionel Messi have already won the Champions League Erik Ten Hag is still at Manchester United, Rafa Borrè has just arrived to Inter F in the chat cause of Erik Ten Hag