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Course Name: Curso de Inglés Intermedio B1: Expresiones de Tiempo y Cantidad
English School Owner: Jhon Carvajal
Teacher: Mayra Triana
Course Direction: Andrés Blanco
Production OPS: Lizeth Cáceres
Audiovisual Creator: Sergio Navas
Video Editor: Diana Capote
Audio Post Production: Santiago Guarín Suárez
Graphic Design: Amelia Amórtegui
Coordination: Andrés Arizmendy, Daniel Gutiérrez, Carol Baquero, Carlos Céspedes & Sura Cedeño.
Revision: Brian Pajares, João Guilherme Vieira Jófili y Reinaldo Espinoza

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“Thank you so much, this course is very good and has helped me improve my English skills.”

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Great course! I`ve learned a lot!

How I mentioned in some past class, all my english learning process has been empiric before Platzi. So, this course (specially the first module) has helped me with some tricky words and mistakes that I usually make.
It was a great course and thank you teacher, I’ve learned a lot!

It was an amazing course, not to mention the teacher, who was also excellent.


Mayra is the better English teacher that I´ve ever seem on platzi. We need more course made by her.

Great course and teacher!!!
I have learned a lot, especially about prepositions, tricky nouns, countable and uncountable and to practice the things that I have learned before, but didn’t remember, as well.
Also, I think that this course gave me some more confidence.

I’m going to continue practicing all this by reading, listening, and writing.

The most interestingt thing I learned from this course was the differences between ‘many’, ‘much’ and ‘a lot’

All this is useful for me to express myself at work when talking about time or about a person.

I am going to continue practicing all this by reading books and writting my own stories.

Thank you for this amazing course Mayra.

One of the most interesting things I’ve learned in this course was Prepositions of time.
All of this is useful for speaking fluently.
I’m going to continue practicing all this by reading and listening to different topics in English every day.

Thank you, Mayra.

I love this course, it´s de first time I use Platzi and I love it, thanks a lot and I´ll se you in the next course
This is the very best course that I have getting for B1 level, the way that teacher conduces it is so nice, thanks Mayra, best regards.

Great course! 5/5

Thanks for the course! I really enjoyed it a lot with a very nice teacher 😃

Thanks for the Course Teacher Mayra!

Thank you Mayra you are an excellent teacher!

I learned so much in this course, the teacher is amazing

It was a great course, thank you Mayra for this amazing course.

It was a great course, well organized and a lot of practice.
Thank you teacher Mayra !!

Amazing course, thank you so much Mayra and Platzi team

  1. I’ve learnt tat the present perfect is easier than I belived before. I`ve just wanted prectice and learn more about English.
  2. All this knowledge is useful to practice and correct my grammar mistakes, learning every day to enhance myself.
  3. I`m going to continue practicing all this by speaking and reading new books.

Yeaaaah!! Finally… I’ve learning so much in this course. I’m going to practice everything, thank you so much profe Mayra.

She’s a great English pronunciation, and that allowed me to improve both my English listening and speaking skills. 😎

This is a really powerful course. I’ve been delayed more than I thought but I’m glad for all the practices and classes. Thank a ton Mayra.

Great course!

good course

thank you very much for this course I have advanced a lot and with pride I am moving forward and fulfilling my dream of being a polyglot.

Thank you teacher Mayra!!!

Your class was very good!!

what a great course, thank you so much. i´ve learnead a lot of new things

One of the most intersenting things i’ve learned in this course was the use of the present perfect. I remember when i was in the school and this topic was a head-breaker for me.

All of this is useful for me because i want to talk to native americans and sure i will use it many times.

I’m going ro continue practicing all this by set specific days to study and don’t leave it like simple knowledge.

Great course! Thank you!

thanks to this course i have learned lots of important thing about the language and correct some mistakes that i was making , thanks a ton

It was a great course, thank you!

Thanks a ton! I learned a lot.

Great course, thank you so much Mayra! 🙌🏽 🙌🏽

What an amazing course, thank you

Una excelente profesora explica super bien, es muy didáctica en el curso.

Thank you very much Mayra! Great course!

Hi Mayra and friends, let me tell you that one of the most interesting things I’ve learned in this course was the alerts like " We don’t use nobody, no one or nothing in negative clauses " all those tricky words/expressions. All the content is this course is useful for expressing ourselves in a working environment and also to express sur goals and the this we have to do to achieve them. I’m gonna continue practicing all this by writing my professional experience and to describe my last job with other people.

Now I know that I stiil being a very passionate student. This content is useful for talking in a fluent way. I still recording my dayly 3 minutes video.
* I´ve learned some adjectives that I never heard before that I found very useful; I also have clarified some tricky similar uses of words and prepositions. * All this is useful for me in daily scenarios where I need to describe situations o getting my internal dialogue. * I´m going to continue practicing all this by chatting in some forums and given there my opinion more confidently. Thanks teacher!
One of the most interesting things I've learned in this course was to contract adverbs. All of this is useful for practice English. I'm going to continue practicing all this by my own.
One of the mos interesting things that I learned in this course was: * People conjunction is "are" * You only can use gonna after an action o verb. All of this is useful to communicate correctly I'm going to continue practicing all this by taking another courses in platzi and
One of the most interesting things I've learned in this course was to practice every class without subtitles, after that, with subtitles. I'm going to continue practicing all this by several ways, studing podcast in youtube, reading books and following victor\_poliglota in instragram.
1. One of the most interesting things that I learned was gonna, I've heard it many times but didn't know we can only use it before a verb, "I'm gonna travel next week to visit..." and another interesting thing I learned was about the tricky nouns that could be both: countable and uncountable. 2. All of this is useful for my work, since I work for a company in the US and English is my main tool. 3. I'm going to continue practicing all this by listening to podcasts, talking to colleagues and friends and writing emails and WhatsApp messages. Thank you so much Mayra for being such a good teacher and thank you Platzi team for doing an remarkable job, well done!
Thanks for the course. I will continue practicing with chat gpt the items I identify as weak in the path to excellence.
One of the most interesting things I've learned in this course was the difference between **since** and **for,** because I was always confused by them. Sometimes they're a little bit tricky. All of this is useful for me and my career because it will help me develop my skills in English and will improve my job opportunities. I'm going to continue practicing all of this by speaking, using it in my everyday vocabulary so I don't forget it and know it by heart.
It was a great course. Thank you teacher. One of the most interesting things I've learned in this course was reflexive pronouns. All of this is useful for me because improve my English skills. I'm going to continue practicing all this by playing some audios to improve my listening skills.
thanks for teach me. i learn a lot in this course.
Let's reflect! One of the most interesting things I've learned in this course was that every topic has its importance because them allowed to structure a good sentence, context, question or answer. All of this is useful for our lifes because we have the opportunity of know others countries and communicate us with its people. If you want is growht inside your company, with the learning this language is one way of achieve as well. I'm going to continue practicing all this by myself with help of Platzi and its collaborators because it's a challenge that I've been looking achieve during several years and I know that I'll have great opportunities in the future.
thanks a lot
  1. In this course, I’ve learned about new words and the correct way to express facts about my life and those things that I haven’t done yet.
    2.- All I’ve learned is useful for talking with friends or job interviews.
    3.- I’m going to continue practicing by talking with classmates or practicing speaking with IA.
Really nice cousre!! I liked it all!!
The most interesting thing for me was the uses for with and by, I learned a lot, and it's useful for my live and my goals now and in the future, I'm going to continue practicin all this by platzi and autonomous learning.
One of the most interesting things i`ve learned was SINCE and FOR All of htis is useful if one day I travel to Englabnd, Australia or the US I`m going to continue practicing all this by myself
jajajaja, it`s very good this Spider meme,
thak you so much Mayra! you are a very good teacher, i have learn many things easily!

It´s Has been a great course, I hope continue improving my English, never was important for me, but today I need to learning it very well, because I dream managing an important company in USA , and to aplicate all knowlegde learned in the University.

good course, i think the most important topic is Present perfect, I'll try to use more often now
i like the woorksheets and the listenings comprehension
1. In this course I have learned about expresions of time and cuantity, Some thing I have already hear, but this course help me to review this, and, also, to learn more things. Also I learned to write so much than in the past. 2. All of this course is useful for the basics conversations that I will have. 3. I am going to continue practicing by Platzi and Coursera.
1. One of the most interesting things I've practiced in this course was the indefinite pronouns. I think it is important to understand the differences. 2. All of this is useful for my English classes and my international exam. 3. I'm going to continue practicing all this by listening English grammar.

I love this course. Mayra explains incredible and it’s easy to understand when she is talking.


Thank you very much. I have learned several new things.

Thank you teacher Mayra!

Thank you, this course is well explained.
The platform is so slowly! I'm tired to try see the videos, but it's impossible to take a good study rhythm with this limitation.
thank you

nouns and pronouns, indefinite pronouns, reflexive, countable and uncountable pronouns and even the difficult countable and uncountable nouns.

descriptions and we learned new adjectives to describe people, places, things and our jobs.
time, experiences correctly use the present perfect simple

  1. One of the most interesting things I’ve learned in this course was the expressions of time and, of course, the present perfect.
  2. All of this is useful for my future and projects.
  3. I’m going to continue practicing all this by reading comprehensible books and articles.

Thanks very much, This course was interesting.

the Lesson about Describe as good as the lesson about prepositions of time.

This course is very useful for describe ourselves and we talk about ours jobs and hobbies

I am going to continue practicing all this by platzi and youtube.

At last!

The most interesting thing I have learned has been the grammatical structures, especially the comparative forms. As a suggestion, I would like to have in Platzi a space to practice speaking.
I want to use all this knowledge in my daily life and in my work. Then I plan to continue to the next level.

It was a nice coruse but I have problems several times with quitz and now with the exam. The page doesn’t work well.

I have learned a lot with your classes. There are many things I already knew, but some tricks I didn't knew.