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The Past Perfect Passive


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Seguramente conoces el pasado perfecto del inglés donde pueden hablar de acciones pasadas que terminaron antes de otra acción. Puedes combinar este tiempo verbal junto con voz pasiva para hacer especial foco en el objeto, en lugar del sujeto.

Pasado perfecto pasivo del inglés

En las oraciones pasivas, el objeto precede el verbo de la acción, sin importar el sujeto que realiza la misma. Por otro lado, el pasado perfecto te permite hablar de acciones pasadas que ocurrieron antes de otro evento o acción, también del pasado.

Puedes combinar ambas estructuras gramaticales del inglés para crear oraciones que hablen de sucesos del pasado, donde el objeto es lo más importante.

Implementar dos fórmulas para utilizar este nuevo vocabulario:

  • had + been + past participle
  • had + gotten + past participle

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

Pasado perfecto con voz activa Pasado perfecto con voz pasiva
She had sent a report to them. A report had been sent to the.
Jessica had received a federal grant for her nonprofit. A federal grant had been received by Jessica for her nonprofit.
They hadn’t sent me my passport until it was too late. My passport had not been sent to me until it was too late.
Miguel had rejected the request because it was way too vague. The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague.

Veamos una oración en pasado perfecto del roleplay: I had gotten so used to thouse pesky emails that I never even thought of the new possibilities. Es tu turno de practicar y transcribir esta oración a pasado perfecto pasivo.

El pasado perfecto pasivo es un tiempo verbal poco común. Si lo utilizas demasiado, suena bastante formal. En su lugar, puedes reemplazar “had been” por “was” y utilizar pasado simple. Veamos un ejemplo:

  • A new printer had been delivered to the office.
  • A new printer was delivered to the office.

Ambas oraciones son correctas. La segunda es más frecuentemente utilizada, incluso en contextos formales.

Combina estas dos estructuras del inglés para hablar con un vocabulario más avanzado y formal. Los tiempos perfectos son muy importantes y utilizados en el inglés, practicar y practicar es lo mejor para afianzar estos conocimientos.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 57

Preguntas 2

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • A federal grant had been received by Jesica for her nonprofit.

Useful vocabulary

Nonprofit: Sin ánimo de lucro

Bureaucracy : Burocracia

Reject: Rechazar

Incantation: Conjuro


  • A cake had been prepared by my mother last week
  • The math homework had been included in the class by the teacher
  • A dog had been distracted by the human while some cats ate its food
  • An inform had been filled out for today’s presentation
  • An accident had been informed to the cop
  • My mother had been contacted by my English teacher because I have done a very good job with my homework


  • A single paper had never been written by him at the university
  • A bunch of free food had been brought at work to us to celebrate
  • Millons of young fiction writers had been influenced by his imaginative mind in the early century
  • All the candy that we bought for the summer party had been devoured by a misbehaved boy named Jordan
A speach had been prepared to inform every body. It was not been included in the proposal. My father had been contact by the teacher. I had been distracted when it happened and I didn´t realize. The principal had been informed about your foult. The invoce had been filled out correctly.

I had been performed a general analysis
The fire around the house had been intensified.
The laws for the most needy had been regulated.
The path to freedom had been illuminated for us

My sentences: 1\. The party had been prepared by the marketing team since July. 🥳🎉 2\. TikTok had been included to improve engagement for the company. 📈📽️ 3\. The boss had been contacted by the administration to ask for a suggestion. ❓😟 4\. The teenagers had been distracted by social media for three hours. 👨‍🎓🤳 5\. The news had been informed by email. 📰📤 6\. The forms had been filled out with incorrect information. ✖️✍️
# The Past Perfect Passive Activity: Convert: \- Jessica had received a federal grant for her nonprofit. A federal grant has been received to Jessica for her nonprofit. \- They hadn’t sent me my passport until it was too late. I can’t believe I missed my whole vacation because of them! My passport has not been sent to me it was too late. I can’t believe I missed my whole vacation! \- Miguel had rejected the request because it was way too vague. The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague. Practice: Form sentences in the past perfect passive using the following verbs: \- Prepare All the food for the event had been prepared by the time the guests arrived. \- Include Several additional features had been included in the product design to meet customer demands. \- Contact The clients had been contacted well in advance to confirm their participation in the meeting. Worksheet: **The past perfect passive is a challenging topic, but I know you’ll get the hang of it. Let’s try out some exercises to get some more practice.** **<u>Conversions</u>** The best way to implement the past perfect passive is to convert past perfect sentences, taking the emphasis off of the subject. 1. He had never written a single paper at that university until he got super inspired one day. → \_Not a single paper had been written by him at that university until he got super inspired one day\_\_ 2. They had brought us a bunch of free food at work to celebrate the success of our holiday sale. → \_A bunch of free food had been brought to us at work to celebrate the success of our holiday sale\_ 3. Her imaginative mind had influenced millions of young fiction writers in the early 20th century. → \_Millions of young fiction writers had been influenced by her imaginative mind in the early 20th\_\_ 4. Some terribly misbehaved boy named Jordan Jerbokawitz had devoured all the candy that we bought for the summer party. → \_All the candy that we bought for the summer party had devoured by some terribly misbehaved boy named Jordan Jerbokawitz\_ 5. The avocado vendor had screamed an incessant incantation of “Aguacate Madura’o” that woke up the whole neighborhood every morning → \_An incessant incantation of “Aguacate Madura’o” that woke up the whole neighborhood every morning had been screamed by the avocado vendor\_ **How did you do? Check your answers below!** ● **Now, let’s see you make even more past perfect passive sentences with the following verbs** 1. Perform The surgery had been performed successfully before the patient woke up. 1. Intensify By the time the storm arrived, the warnings had been intensified to ensure public safety. 1. Regulate The industry had been regulated more strictly by the time the new policies were introduced. 1. Enlighten Before the seminar began, the participants had been enlightened about the importance of the topic.
***ClassWork*** * A federal grant had been received by Jessica for her nonprofit * My passport had not been sent to me until it was too late. * The request had been rejected because it was way too vague ***HomeWork*** * The recipe *had been prepared* by my mom. * This new topic *had been included* to my knowledge. * The enterprise *had been contacted* to get an expansion. * My sister *had been distracted* by my dog. * The employees *had not been informed* of the new policies of the company. * The form *had been filled out* by my sister.
Nonprofit: Companies with zero incomes. Federal grant: Like a benefit.
* The project had been prepared to be successful. * The tickets had been included in the total amount of the holiday package. * The university had been contacted to allow the meeting. * The dog had gotten distracted by the cat to steal its food. * The police had not been informed about this wave of crime in our neighborhood. * The form had been filled out by Mark, requiring a PTO.
The food **had not been prepared** until mom came home The benefits **had been included** in the contract The aliens **had been contacted** me… now I’m a light human being The crash **had been distracted** the employees, now one of them has an injury RRHH **had not been informed** us about those schedule changes, what are we going to do? The resume **had been filled out** and sent to the company, I hope they’ll give me the chance.
-My horse had not been prepared for the race three minutes before it started -A bunch of unnecessary elements had been included in the preliminar desing -I had not gotteng contacted by the back until i got my credit card, after that they call me almost every day -the mad dog had been distracted by one of the kids until the crew got their ball back -Melina had been informed on time about the investment opportunity, but she didn´t took action. -I haven´t ralized I was on the air force until the form had been filled out completely.
* This blue wall had been prepared before with cloud patterns. * Hotel reservation had been included with the scholarship for LATAM students in China * Imon Data Center had been contacted the last week for support at least five times. Nonetheless, we haven't received a solution yet. * The Collie had gotten distracted for the hunting by a salamander * All of the textile companies had been informed by the New Zeleand minister about the new gestion for ECO resizing * The 3D printer had been filled out twice than the last week. We will have to determinate a limit with an ID for each group
The structure had been prepared to start the campaing. The ID had been included in his registration. He had been contacted to assume the position. The team had been distracted and over there was when they were the gol. The possible war had been informed in the last meetings. The registration had been fiiled out before he came back.
**EXERCISE:** * The exposition **had been prepared** by Miguel to impress the audience in first arrival in the city. * A new bill **had been included** in my monthly payment, so I’ll file my complaint. * The delivery company **had been contacted** to my home phone while I was on the office. * My favorite song **had been distracted** by street morning noise. I’m mad to live in this big city. * The whole department **had been informed** of multiples out boarding produced by low company budget.  * The swimming pool **had been filled out**, in order, to chill down people by height temperatures.
The student hadn't been prepared for the pop quiz. A budget for food hadn't been included in their vacation planning. I already had been contacted before by your parents. The player had been distracted by some family problems so he hadn't been playing well during the beginning of the season. HR department had been already informed about my quitting. The vault had been filled out with water due to the storm.
Some groceries had been prepared by the sales team, to share after the meeting. All the data about sales had been included in the monthly report. The customer service had been more contacted by our clients this month, than the last month. All of the forms had been filled out before submit them.
A federal grant has been received by Jessica for her nonprofit My passport hadn´t been sent to me until it was too late. I can´t believe I missed my whole vacation because of them The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague * The food had been prepared by the reconized chef * The document had been included by the lawyer in the legal folder * He had been contacted by the recluiter * The driver had been distracted by the manifastation * The director had been informed by my boos about the topics * The contract had been filled out by the seller
-The coffee had been prepared before the meeting. -His name had been included in the Forbes list. -Karol had been contacted by Anna 2 days earlier. -The guard had been distracted while the thiefh was committing the robbery. -The policeman had been informed about the robbery. -My bottle had been filled out before i went running.
The professor had been distracted by maria's flirting.
HAY UN GLITCH EN EL QUIZ: hay DOS respuestas QUE son iguales y solo califica bien la que decidieron los creadores: We need to maximize our output to keep up with the demand of the industry → \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. a The **maximalization** of our output is necessary for keeping up with the demand of the industry b The **maximization** of our output is necessary for keeping up with the demand of the industry c The **maximizing** of our output is necessary for keeping up with the demand of the industry d The **maximilation** of our output is necessary for keeping up with the demand of the industry
* A federal grant had been received by Jessica for her nonprofit. * My passport had not been sent to me until it was too late. I can't believe I missed my vacation! * The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague.
  • The exam had been prepared for the students.
  • The word ‘Fill out’ hadn’t been included in the exercise.
  • The teacher had been contacted by the principal
  1. The meal had been prepared by the chef before the guests arrived.

  2. All the necessary details had been included in the presentation.

  3. The customers had been contacted about the changes in the schedule.

  4. The noisy construction work had distracted the students during the exam.

  5. Everyone had been informed about the new company policies.

  6. The application forms had been filled out by the applicants.

  • The test had been prepared by the teacher.
  • The taxes had been included in the receipt.
  • The parents had been contacted by the college authorities.
  • The police had been distracted by the car noise on the street.
  • The student had been informed by the teacher.
  • The application form had been filled out by the employee.
  • The tea had been prepared 5 minutes later to the order.

  • The new house had been included some kitchen furniture before the moving.

  • I had been contacted by my friend to indicate me the direction.

  • The kids had been distracted for a high sound to the street.

  • The teacher had been informed the students about the cancelled classes.

  • I had been filled out the pool to my birthday party.

  1. The lunch had been prepared by Jessica, and no one had realized until she told us.
  2. My resume had been included by the recruiter, so I was one step further to get the job.
  3. John had been contacted by Matthew at night, but John was not happy.
  4. The little boy had been distracted by the clown until parents arrived.
  5. The parents had been informed that school will close soon.
  6. The form had been filled out by his brother, and he didn’t realized it.

my activity:
The school play hadn’t been correctly prepared so the children fell.
That song had been included in the original film, but in the final version they changed it.
The boss hand’t been contacted until the problem was uncontrollable.
The lions had been distracted by the safari guides to avoid any possible accident.
My illness had been informed to the company too late because the secretary forgot it.
The form had been filled out by me before my vacation.

The exam had been prepared for nobody can pass it.
The analysis had been included in the article
the travel agency had been contacted to discuss the next vacation.
The smartphone had been distracted me to do my homework
the community had been informed about the accident.
the report had been filled out before the meeting.

  • Food had been prepared by my dad when he cuts his finger.
  • Nonprofit had gotten received a federal grant.
  • My passport hadn’t been sent to me until it was too late.
  • The request had gotten rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague.

-The salad has been prepared by me and my brother for the dinner
-A new toy had been included to my collection until my sister lose it
-Family i had been contacted by a famous company to know if i wanna work with them

  • oh im sorry that girl… had been distracted me with his beauty
    -something bad happen in the school and the director already had been informed about the matter by someone.
    -Yesterday in the night cecilia had been filled out a form to join in a job interview
  • A federal grant had been sent to Jessica for her nonprofit.
  • My passport hadn’t been sent to me until it was too late.
  • The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague.
  • The presentation had been prepared by the most important professor.
  • Your idea had been included in the project, but it wasn’t finally accepted.
  • The University had been contacted you for a scholarship, but you never answered and it was given to another student.
  • My cellphone had gotten distracted me until I decided to stop procrastinating.
  • The news had been informed about the tragic event.
  • The form had been filled out a long time ago.

. I can’t believe i missed my whole vacation because my passport hadn’t been sent to me at the time

The concert had been prepared since 2018.
The recipe had been included.
The implements had been contacted.
The workers had been distracted.
The applicants had been informed of the decisions.
The form had gotten filled out.

  • A federal grant was received for her nonprofit.
  • My passport hadn’t been sent until it was too late!
  • The request had gotten rejected because it was too vague.
  • the party had been prepared on time, but the rain delay it a few hours
  • the parade had not been included in the pass, so in this moment we went to had lunch
  • Messi had not been contacted by Laporta, so there was not a negotiation yet.
  • if people had been informed about covid on time, there would not had been so many deaths
  • the pool had been filled out when the guest arrived
  • A federal grant had been receives by Jessica for her nonprofit.
  • My passport had been sent by them until it was too late. I can’t believe I missed my whole vacation because of them
  • The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague

1.The breakfast had been prepared by my boyfriend
2.his girlfriend had not been inlcuided n the guest list
3. He had been contacted to you to inform you got a job
4.his brother had been distracted all class
5.they had been informed the bad security in the building

The party had been Prepared meticulously for the boss birthday. The gender sensitive content had been Included in the class pensum The communications director had been Contact for the meeting. The competition had been Distract from our sales campaign. The marketing team had been Informed about the packaging issue. The date base had been Fill out by all of our employees.
  • The report had been prepared for the technical team.
  • The form had been filled out by MIguel.
  • The package had not been included in the flight.
Her coffee had not been prepared as she wanted. This material had not been included in the materials list. The hard-working guy had gotten contacted by the company to get the job All the children had been distracted by the kid The whole college had been informed of this new policy. The request had not been filled out yet.
  • The cake had been prepared to celebrate his birthday.
  • The breakfast had been included in the bundle.
  • The CEO had been contacted by me.
  • The child had been distracted by the TV show.
  • The company had been informed that it needed to pay its bills.
  • The form had been filled out incorrectly.
  1. The food hadn’t been prepared by they
  2. Practice had been incluide in the course
  3. Since August contact with she had been lost
  4. He had been distracted during the meet
  5. The document had been filled out yesterday

My passport hadn’t been sent to me until it was too late.
The request had been rejected by Miguel, because it was way too vague.
Food had been prepared by Miguel.
The last sheep of the essay had been included by the team.
The secretary had been contacted by the assessor.
The artist had been distracted by the roll.
The new changes in the company had been informed by her.
He had filled out the form.
The form had been filled out by him.

The Past Perfect Passive

  • Refers to something that happened in the past, but in passive voice, not focusing on the subject
  • Used on verbs that can take objects
  • The object precedes the verb
  • Examples:
    • Past Perfect: She had sent a strongly-worded email to them
    • Past Perfect Passive: A strongly-worded email had been sent to them
  • How to Use

With this tense, we use the followin formulas:

had + been + past participle

had + gotten + past participle

  • The drawings had been uploaded on the platform.
  • A federal grant had been received for her
  • The passport hadn’t been sent to me until it was too late. I can’t believe I missed my whole vacation because of them.
  • The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was too vague.
  • The food had been prepared by them.
  • The drawings had gotten included in the PCS.
  • The form had been filled out by the team.
  • The truck had been crashed because he was distracted.

A federal grant had been sent to Jessica for her nonprofit.

My passport hadn’t been sent to me until it was to late. I can’t believe i missed my whole vacation because of them.

The request had been rejected by Miguel because it was way too vague.

The conference had been prepared by David.

The apples had not been included in the list.

Marcos had not been contacted by the company

Jenny had been distracted by the movie.

I had been informed by the counselor about this problem.

The document had been filled by Diego.

· The class had been prepared by Cole to make us understand it.
· All the ingredients on the recipee had been included on the cake.
· The suppliers had been contacted by the contractor
· The sounds on the outside had been distracted the host
· All the details of the meeting had been informed on a work sheet

  • The project had been prepared with out the boss’s consent.

  • The slides had not been included in the presentation.

  • The social media department had not been contacted with the inbound marketing department to finish the project.

  • The called had been distracted by the boss.

  • The police department had been informed of a robbery.

  • The form had not been filled out.

  • Miguel had rejected the request because it was way too vague.

  • The request had been rejected by Miguel, because it was way too vague.

The passport had not been sent to me, until it was too late, the whole vacation had been missed because of them.

  • The pesky emails had been used, even when never was though of the new posibilities
  • A strongly-worded email had been sent to them.

The presentation had been prepared without thinking about the audience.
A last exercise had been included in the test of new technologies.
An important customer had gotten connected by the new salesman.
The presence of the beautiful Maria in the library had gotten distracted Juan’s rigorous study.
The bugs list had been informed to programmers to resolve it.
The surveys had been completed to perform the statistics and analyze the case.

  • What I was about to say hadn’t been prepared to be told to my wife.
  • My backpack had gotten included into the whitelist of objects that I can carry.
  • An interview had been scheduled, so they contacted me.

-The exam has been prepared to evaluate each student.
-The last sale that I did last month has been included in my pay for this month.
-I have been contacted by a company where I sended my cover letter.
-That soccer player has been distracted at the moment to kick the penalty.
-Andres has been informed that he got the promotion for the job.
-The bottle has been filled out with water.

* The meeting had been prepared for the next week. * My feature had gotten included for that release. * John had been contacted by the marketing agency. * The purpose of the project had been distracted with other priorities. The CEO had been informed about the risks of the project. The Job Application had been filled out by the candidate.