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La estructura “so as to” es útil para expresar una meta o propósito específico al realizar una acción. Esta construcción nos permite conectar dos oraciones para explicar el porqué detrás de una acción determinada.

Expresando propósito o razón de una acción

Para expresar el propósito o la razón de por qué realizas una acción de manera muy formal, usa la expresión “so as to” seguido de un verbo en su forma infinitiva, o “so as not to” en caso de negación para explicar por qué evitar una acción.

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

  • We need to conduct a competitive analysis so as to enhance our business strategy.
  • Mateo furnished his bedroom in a minimalist fashion so as to keep his mind clear and productive.
  • So as not to complicate the final mix of the song, the sound engineer emphasized the vocals with delicate compression and EQ techniques.
  • We have to focus on learning Japanese business customs so as not to offend our new colleagues. (Ejemplo del roleplay)

Con este simple vocabulario, puedes conectar dos oraciones donde expreses la necesidad de realizar o evitar una acción y su justificativo de por qué realizarla o no.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 56

Preguntas 2

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

It’s time to address the issue so as not to create a bigger problem.

The quaterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to protect the players from being burnout.

The information is divided in two parts: the analysis and the results, so as to Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.

Regulate social media is important so as not to create more hate speech.

Listen to your favourite music, movies and american culture in general is important, so as to keep learning Ensligh fun.

Jake would rather make reggaeton beats instead of learning how to play the guitar so as to he can meet more easily latin girls.

  • What is it good idea to regulate social media usage?

  • What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?

  • Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?

**EXAMPLES:** 1. **Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage?** Because having contact with other person reduce your anxiety so as not to prevent losing relationship skills. 1. **What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?** So as to apply a job in Australia and enjoy of their amazing landscapes. 1. **Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?** In my opinion, Jake should learn to play the guitar so as to develop his artistic side in music.
  • I reorganized my bedroom so as to renew the energy in my own space.
  • I told her she can’t go to that party so as not to pick up her late in the night.
  • The night before recording a Platzi course you should sleep well so as not to have brain tiredness problems the next day.
  • It’s time to address the issue so as to clarify the main problem.
  • The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to give more rest time to the players.
  • The meeting was postponed so as to make more time because jenny will be presenting the analysis portions instead of Michael.
  • So as to prepare better the information, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.
  • Regulating social media is a good idea so as to study and feed the young brains, which can help us to create new inventions, instead of wasting time.
  • The best way to stay productive and motivated in learning English is to learn as a kid so as to continue growing and enjoy the process.
* why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage? in my opinion about to regulate the social media usage is management the phone usage time and remove notifications in your phone **so as to** reduce distractions * What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English? **so as not to** lose the motivated is so important go step by step and go at your own pace * Should jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats? jake must play guitar ***so as to*** look more cool
**So as not to** mess it up,Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael. **So as not to** sound bad in a rock concert, Jake should learn how to play guitar.
# So As To Activity: \- It’s time to address the issue \_so as not to compromise another people\_ (so as to, so as not to). \- The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed \_so as to improve the condition of the coliseum\_ (so as to, so as not to). \- (So as to, so as no to) \_So as to explain it in more details\_, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael. Practice: Answer the following questions using “so as to” and “so as not to”. \- Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage? It’s a good idea to regulate social media usage so as not to avoid distractions and the procrastination. \- What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English? I think the practice and be focused to know more about culture and literature in English so as to stay productive and motivated to learn English. The best way is to set clear goals so as to track your progress effectively. For example, you can create a study schedule so as to dedicate specific time to practice every day. Additionally, surround yourself with English media, like movies or podcasts, so as to improve your listening skills while staying engaged. This approach ensures consistent learning and keeps your motivation high. \- Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats? I think Jake should to learn to play guitar so as to learn new skills.
Regulating time spent at social media is key to keep track of our time, so as to dedicate it to more meaningful and valuable aspects of our lives Something that comes to my mind to stay productive is scheduling certain study days, even performed at certain time. It is essential to keep into consideration our enhance. So as to stay motivated I would recomment to keep into knowledge the reasons to practicing, but at the same time trying to enjoy doing it by touching topics of our interest
1. Regulating social media usage in school is important so as not to develop addictions. 2. Talking to native speakers and watching movies in English are good options so as to stay motivated and productive while learning English. 3. Jake should learn to play guitar so as to practice before studying the music and art career.
· Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage? It is a good idea to regulate social media usage so as to protect users from harmful content and misinformation, and so as not to allow excessive screen time to negatively impact mental health. · What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English? The best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English is to set specific goals so as to track progress effectively, and to engage with enjoyable materials so as not to lose interest. · Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats? Jake should consider learning to play guitar so as to develop a versatile skill that can be used in various music genres, and he might choose to learn how to make reggaeton beats so as not to limit himself to one style of music.
**Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage ?** * The regulation in social media usage is very important so as to be productive and happy because we have been procrastinating the time that we have to learn which is a lot it doesn't matter how busy is our daily schedule because we normally use our mobile phone for hours and it doesn’t allow to reach our goals.  **What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English ?** * I think that the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English is learning constantly so as to improve that skill every day. Additionally, it is a good idea not to think in the learning path. I mean when we start learning something the learning path looks endless so as not to be scary. The best way to be productive learning English is listening listening and listening to native speakers. It doesn't matter the level where you are. **Should Jake learn to play the guitar or how to make reggaeton beats ?** * Jake should learn how to play the guitar so as to be motivated in learning how to play another instrument after the guitar.
I think the best way to learn English it's by taking virtual courses complementing it watching movies and series that you like (in english of course) so as to make the process a lot more easier and enjoyable.
Regulate the social media usage is essential so as not to let the it become an addiction.
Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage? Is a very good life strategy, so as to keep your sleep hygiene, avoid dependency to social media, distimia, overinformation and to live out your best life! You can make great connections through people. Personally, knowing other people experiences and creating healthy bondings is unique What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English? Switching the language of your feed is very functional, you can start by songs and get to read complex text as coloonial period books Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats? I think the answer goes with your life path at the moment. If Jake wants to make money, reggaeton beats is a great idea as well. Just add some creativity and trendings with the base rhyme and it's to stand out of the modern big ones. Just as Pitbull says ''music in my case is 90% business, and 10% music'' If he's going for the guitar, is a very useful instrument so as to unterstand and manage the 7 modes of the scale (very powerful to communicate and evocate in our audience) and I would recommend it, cause in that way, connecting with the music can guide you to great lyrics. Remember, culture is power
The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to protect the players from the flu, since we're in rainy season.
It is a good idea to regulate social media so as not to lose a lof of time in it. In English practice what you learn so as to keep it motivate me. Jake should learn to play guitar so as not to annoy his parents.
So as to explain with more details, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.
The quaterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to plan it better.
It´s time to address the issue so as not to forget it later.
* Regulating social media usage is a good idea so as to gain mental clarity and peaceful * So as not to give up in your learning english jorney, the best is earn motivation by chasing a goal * Jake should learn both so as to have multiple tools in creating any kind of music he wants to
* It´s time to address the issue so as not to get it into a bigger scale * The qyuarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as not to coincide with mother's day * So as to check up her skills, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael
so as to regulate the social media use you can try turn off your phone by a few hours and turn on again to respond just the most important messages. So as not to lose the concentration in my english courses i block one hour in the day where I can jus study and don't do anymore. I think that so as to be happy Jake should do it that his heart say him.
It's a good idea to regulate social media so as not to lose social skills Practicing daily is the best way to stay motivated so as to make it a habit. Jake should learn guitar so as not to become old-fashioned after some years.
So as to improve the focus of the minds of the kids, I propose regulate social media usage So as to stay productive and motivated to learn English, My recomendation is using the learning time like a hobby Yes Jake should learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats so as not to be the whole day watching tiktok
1. Social media would require regulation so as not to stimulate anonymous abuse on vulnerable people. 2. Social media should not be regulated so as to keep freedom of speech alive. 3. Keeping an intense curiosity in one's mind is perfect so as to stay productive and motivated to learn English.
So as to have constrasted information, very close to reality, regulate social media is mandatory but the problem is how. I think to stay productive and motivated are different things, however, I believe one feeds the other one. To keep motivated all time is not possible but, stay productive is slightly easier. So as to stay productive to learn english or any other activity, you just need to keep doing. Start moving, in this case for exampleis at least listening some podcast of my interest topic, in addition if I have more time,I try to write what I heard and repeat it loud. You'll realise keep doing give you motivation. In my opinion Jake should learn how to play guitar first, so as to make whatever kind of music. To learn how to play guitar is a great skill so as not to fail trying.

Would Rather / It’s Time

  • Would rather = Typically used to express preferences
  • Would have rather = Regrets or caution

Its time:

  • Very common expression
  • Used to express the current responsibility or priority in the moment

So As To

  • Very formal expression
  • Used to express purpose or reasoning for actions
  • Used with infinitives
  • why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage?
    It’s a good idea because the kids spend much time in his homes watching social media, so as to it’s difficult for him socialize with other kids and value a friendship.

  • What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?
    My best way to stay motivated and productivity it’s the discipline and think in everything that I want to my future. Also I stay productive with my favorite things like my swimming classes, the gym and reading.

  • Should jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?
    Jake should do it what she likes, but in mi opinion, learn to play guitar it’s more artistic and sutil.

My activity #1:

  • It’s time to address the issues so as not to continue with the same mistakes.

  • It’s time to address the issues so as to go on with your life

  • The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to the players recovered.

  • The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as not to continue with failures due to the poor condition of the pitch

  • So as not to have errors with the presentation, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael

My activity #2:

  • Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage? So as not to loss the attention of young people in real life and in their future, it’s important to get them out of social media.

  • What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English? Watching TV shows in English is a good way so as to maintain interest in English

  • Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggae ton beats? It’s important that Jake learns to play the guitar so as to train his brain and distract himself from work

  • Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage?
    So as not to keep distractions, it’s a good idea regulate social media usage.

  • What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?
    Study one hour per day and keep practicing looking at your progress is a good idea so as to stay productive and motivated to learn English.

  • Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?

    So as not to annoy Lisa, Jake should learn to play the guitar, she doesn’t like reggeaton beats.

People must regulate social media so as to can go outside and interact with the physical world.

The best way to stay productive and motivated is remember your purpose so as not to give up.

Jake should learn to play guitar so as to make reggaeton pop music.

  • So as to avoid wasting time on social media, I let my smartphone far from my desk.
  • So as to stay productive and motivated to learn English, remember why you are learning.
  • He would rather learn to play guitar so as to develop a new ability.
  • Establishment of periods of time using social media so as not to lose a lot of time.
  • It’s time to address th issue so as not to have a fight.


  • It’s time to address the issue so as to give it a name and we can talk about it
  • The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to players have a fairer game
  • So as to the public feels more comfortable, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael


  • Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage?
    We spend a lot of time in social media so as to be more productive we need to decrease the usage of this kind of entertaintment
  • What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?
  • So as to stay motivated you need to start doing things you need to do even when you don´t want to, motivation comes but it needs to find you working so it will stay with you .

so as to have more abilities and techniques, learn to play guitar is better

  • It’s time to address the issue so as not to let it get worse.
  • I think a good idea to regulate social media usage is installing an app that show us how much time we spend on the phone so as to be conscious about it.
  • I think the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English is focusing on which future one wants so as to recognize how important it is.
  • Maybe Jake should learn to play guitar so as to compose beautiful romantic songs.

Jake should learn how to make reggaeton beats so as to the students dance in the English Presencial Forums.

Regulating social media usage is a good idea so as to be more productive and friendlier.

So as not to be unproductive, the best way to keep learning English is by watching series, listening to songs, and writing our feelings. So we’ll practice most of the necessary skills.

So as not to spread Covid-19, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.

  • What is it good idea to regulate social media usage?
    The companies that develop apps must improve their register so as to children not have access to delicate content

What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?
when I am studying english turn of my phone so as no to I don’t get distracted

Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?

It is time to address the issue so as no not to fail as a team.
The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as not to ingured the players.
So as to be more clear, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.

Social media has become a prominent part of our daily life. As adults we partially grow with it and we quite understand that most of the things we see in it, are fake or cautiouslly edited. But this is not the same scenario for the new generations, they literally born with social media interaction and in some of the cases, access to it. That being said, we need to start regulating social media use an also content creators, so as to make them built their content based in real human experiences, all concerning with bodyimage, life expectations, relationships, mental health, ect.

So as to keep yourself motivated and productive around learning a new lenguage, you need to inmerse yourself in the context, and what do I mean with this? The easiest way to do this, is traveling to a English speaking contry, but take it easy, if that´s not possible for you, you can also practice watching movies, series, like The Office, and also you can try listening some podcast that speak about something you are passionate about.

Jake, that is a tough question, but as a musician I recomend you to first learn how to play the guitarr, I strongly thing you can learn how the music theory works from your guitarr lessons, so as to get to understand better music production and beat creation.


  • So as no to become a problem for the company
  • So as to recibe more time for the teams get ready
  • So as to learn how to expose


  • Regulate social media usage is a good idea so as to kids can used without the dangers of a grose o bad publication
  • Practice every day for no more of two hours so as to you no get overwhelmed
  • Play guitar is a good idea so as to he also practice fine psychomotor
  • It is important to avoid social media usage so as to avoid spoilers of that new game.
  • Stay motivate to learn English so as to improve it.
  1. So as to enhance people to share time with other people in real life.
  2. Studying everyday so as not lose momentum.
  3. Jake should learn play the guitar so as to learn about real music.

It’s time to address the issue so as not let space for misunderstendings.
The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as to avoid injuries for both teams due to weather.
So as to take adventage of her interpersonal or soft skills, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Micheal.
Let’s practice:
Regulating social media usage is an excelent idea so as to increase our productivity and improve our focusing.
So as to stay productive and motivated to learn English, I always try to set daily things in this language such as listening to music, watching movies or series, setting my devices in English and so on.
Jake should learn how to play guitar so as to learn how the music works and then he will be able to make reggeaton beats.

Regulating social media is a good thing so as to avoid the proliferation of fake news.

  • So as to include her in the process, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.
  • So as not to screw up the presentation, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of Michael.
  • The quarterfinal basketball game is the tournament had to be postponed, so as to celebrate the match with the appropiate weather.

  • The quarterfinal basketball game is the tournament had to be postponed so as to give proper time for the team to arrive.

It’s time to address the issue, so as not to let tensions rise.

It’s time to address the issue, so as not to get the social departement anxious next week.

– Why is it a good idea regulate social media usage?
Because it works so as not to distract people of what the need to do.

– What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English?
Setting and achieving goals works so as to stay productive and motivated.

– Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?
He should do the one that make him feels better so as to his future.

  1. Fill the blank space:
    It’s time to address the issue so as not to be confused.
    The quarterfinal basketball game in the tournament had to be postponed so as not to play in the rain.
    So as to everybody understands, Jenny will be presenting the analysis portion instead of michael.
  2. Answer the following questions using so as to and so as not to:
    Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage?
    Social media usage is a good idea to regulate so as not to have aggressive and discriminatory expressions.
    What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn english?
    The following sentence: so as to improve the quality of my life, I will never stop learning english.
    Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats?
    Jake should learn to play guitar so as not to get bored in free time. the guitar will always be at hand.

In a previous course, we learned that “So As To” means the same that “In Order To”, it is just more formal.

-Why is it a good idea to regulate social media usage? Of my point of view, I believe that to take a controlation over the time that we can use to check the social media is very important because that time we can reuse it so as to invest it in new challenges, so as to learn another language, so as to improve abilities that we can help to get better employments and this form to be a little bit more close of our goals in the life.

-What is the best way to stay productive and motivated to learn English? I think that the best form of to stay me motivated is keep the picture of who I want to be in my mind always, with this picture in my mind, when I want to give up I will remember so as to I am doing all and I will recharge my energy so as to continue working hard for my goal.

-Should Jake learn to play guitar or how to make reggaeton beats? I consider that Jake should learn to play guitar but is better that being Jake who make the decision so as not to regrets after to do something that decided other person.