First Doctor's Visit


Aportes 61

Preguntas 1

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Useful Vocabulary

  • Patient: Paciente
  • Appointment: Cita
  • Medical history: Historia clínica
  • Symptoms: Síntomas
  • Examination: Examen
  • Diagnosis: Diagnóstico
  • Prescription: Receta
  • Medication: Medicamento
  • X-ray: Radiografía
  • Blood test: Análisis de sangre
  • Urine sample: Muestra de orina
  • Injection: Inyección
  • Surgery: Cirugía
  • Follow-up appointment: Cita de seguimiento
  • Allergy: Alergia
  • Fever: Fiebre
  • Headache: Dolor de cabeza
  • Stomachache: Dolor de estómago
  • Cough: Tos
  • Sore throat: Dolor de garganta
  • Nausea: Náuseas
  • Vomiting: Vómitos
  • Dizziness: Mareo
  • Fatigue: Fatiga
  • Night-time cough medicine.
  • I hit my head and scraped my shoulder.
  • My ribs hurt pretty badly too.
  • The treatments can differ based on age.
  • The last time I went to the doctor was two years ago, because I had a lot of pain in my abdominal part.
    After some appointments and tests, the doctor found out that I had chronic gastritis. The treatment was to take one pill of medicine for three months.

I went to the doctor last month, because I felt a little discomfort in my navel. I happen to have an umbilical hernia. The doctor did not send any medicine, he just told me not to lift heavy things.

The last time that I was to the doctor I have an infected ear. For that reason, I couldn’t listen well. My treatment was I vaccine for the pain and antibiotics for the ear.

The last time I went to a doctor was two months ago and it was because I had repetitive symptoms such as dizziness, headache and general discomfort, And the treatments that the doctor sent me was a CT scan to see that everything was fine in the cerebral part and an audiometry to check the ears


Last time that I visited the doctor I had a skin allergy, it was caused by a meal. The treatments were, I had to take two pills every eight hours and I had to drink water a lot because the pills contain a few of secondary effects.

daunting: desalentadora
scraped: raspar
rbs: costillas
nagging: persistente
cough: tos
dose: dosis
injuries: lesiones
allergies: alergias
surgery: cirugía
procesures: procedimientos
invasive: invasor
pollens: pólenes

Familiarizing ourselves with the medical terms:

  • The medicines could be generic medicines or prescribed medicines. For example: night time cough medicines.

  • The medicines could be classified by: cough medicines, throat medicines, earache medicines, inside others.

  • The dosage that is given as part of the treatment could be a smaller or stronger dose. For example: one pill every four hours or two pills every 12 hours.
    It’s important how our body reacts to the dosage based on your weight and your height.

  • There are different medical solutions to the treatments. It’s hoped that the medical solution is always right.
    The medical solutions could involve anything serious. For example: surgical procedures. But other ones could be the least invasive treatment, that don’t go into the body and just treat the external part of the body.

  • One person could be allergic to different things.
    Food products allergies. For example: peanuts or almonds. Plant allergies. For example: pollens. Medication allergies: the doctors always must check if the patient is allergic to certain medications and has an allergic reaction.

The last time I went to the doctor was a month ago, I had an irritation on my armpits, it was very uncomfortable and itchy when I sweated, the treatment was a topical cream.
*During my last visit to the doctor, I went because I had a high body temperature and symptoms like a headache, vomiting, and other cold symptoms. This was maybe between 6 or 9 months ago.*
The last time I went to the doctor was after a car accident. I went to make sure everything was okay. My symptoms included a mild headache and temporomandibular pain. There were no warning signs like vomiting or dizziness. The treatment was a diclofenac injection to manage the general pain, along with one day of medical leave.
Usefull medical terms * make an appointment: pedir una cita * can fit you in: podemos atenderlo * scraped: raspado * ribs: costillas * nagging cough: tos persistente * night-time medicine: medicamento nocturno * we will get you in: lo atenderemos Long medical phrases: * make an appointment by phone: pedir una cita por teléfono * we can fit you in today: podemos atenerlo hoy * scraped my shoulder: me raspé el hombro * hurt pretty badly: me duele mucho * fill out this paperwork: llene este formulario * we will get you in to see the doctor right away: lo atenderemos para que vea al médico de inmediato GENERAL TERMS * troughtout this workshop: a lo largo de este taller * little daunting: un poco abrumador * be faced with a scenario: enfrentarse a un escenario
Here is the vocabulary learned: * **Medicines:** "I was taking night time *cough* medicine" * **Treatments**: "If you were taking a smaller dose, we may *prescribe***** a stronger dose, as treatment" * **Solutions:** "i hope we can find the right *solutions* and they don't involve anything serious" * **Allergies**: "That is only if you are *allergic* to any medications" My turns: * When was the las time you went to the *doctor*? The las time i went to the *doctor* was the past Friday at night. * What were your *symptoms and treatments?* My *symptoms* were *body pain*
I went to the doctor two months ago, I go every three months to get medicine for my dust allergy.
I went to the doctor about 2 years ago, for back pain. the treatment was AINES, for pain and inflammation.
* Last time I went to the doctor was for a follow-up appointment because I suffer of insulin resistance, six months ago. * Treatment that I got was to take a pill name "Levotiroxine" and had to make examination
1. When was the last time you went to the doctor? The last time I went to the doctor was about four months ago. 2. What were your symptoms and treatments? I had a sore throat. I couldn't even talk at all. I felt so much pain when I tried to. The doctor gave some pills to be taken for five days and it was the best.

This is my excersice after be corrected by chatgpt 😃 :
"My last medical appointment was last year. Fortunately, I’ve always been a healthy person, so the appointment focused on routine checks for my glucose and cholesterol levels. Currently, I don’t require any medication or similar interventions. I exercise regularly.”

I learned a lof vocabulary. I don't remember when I went to the doctor the last time but I knew to go to the optometrist because I couldn't see anything far away :(. The Optometrist asked me that I needed to use glasses as soon because I have been problems of vision for loong time and I never to pay special attention.
The last time I went to the doctor was a few days ago. I was having a terrible headache and sore throat. The doctor gave me a prescription and he recommend me to rest well at home.
My last appointment with the doctor was 1 year ago, when I have my dry hands, because I wash many times my hands during the pandemic, in adition I had gripe.
* the last time when i went to the doctor was approximately one month ago. * my symptoms and the treatments were: i had a backache and itching in the lower abdomen and the treatment was: metacarbamol for the pain in my back and betamenazona for the itching
Hi! This is a useful and practice course. I've been working in a travel insurance agency, and sometimes I have to talk with some phys offices in USA. Learn about some medical vocab help me a lot! About the taks for this class, I went to the doctor back in August. I went there just for the anual checkup.
The last time I went to te doctor was last year in march, I was having a lot of nauseas and stomach pain. I was induce with anesthesia for an endoscopy. My diagnosis was helicobacter pylori. I receive many antibiotics as treatment.

When I was in the hospital, doctors asked about alcohol consumption, tattos and if I was taking any medication, all those questions are included in the form.

The last time I went to the doctor was today because I feel really bad and I threw up in the night, the treatments was heartburn medications.

The last time I went to the doctor it was in December. I went for a checkup. I did not really have specific symptoms but the doctor performed the routine tests.

The last time I visited my doctor was 3 months ago. I explained to him that a week ago when I was at the bathroom I felt that I was going to pass out and I didn’t know why, I told him that I started a new job a month ago and I’ve been feeling more stressed ever since. So he prescribed a medication for my mental fatigue and also some vitamin B12 to feel with more energy, and that was it. He didn’t give me too much explanation on why he prescribed that medication.

The last time when I was to the doctor was in May.
I had a cold, flu, sore throat. The treatments were amoxicillin every 8 hours, nebulization, rest and check my body´s temperatures. If the body temperatures, rises take an ibuprophen.

“Visiting the doctor First Doctor’s Visit”

  • It’s your turn!
  1. When was the last time you went to the doctor?
    ** I went to the doctor 6 months ago.**
  2. What were your symptoms and treatments?
    Symptoms: Back pain, Dry mouth,Strong stomachache.
    Treatments: Walk everyday, Take pain pills.

The last time that I went to the doctor was six months ago, because I can’t sleep at night and the treatment was take a pill half hour before to go the bed.

I was in the doctor one year ago. I had too much pain in my knees. The doctor sent me to a chiropractor. He helped me with some therapies.

  • The last time I went to the doctor was years ago, I went for a general control.
  • I only went for work, I had to carry out a healthy general control

My last time in the doctor was 1 years ago I went because and I had a cough

Sick leave tips and tricks hehehehe

New vocabuklary: scrape, nagging.

Great role play!

- When was the last time I went to the doctor? I went to the doctor 6 months ago - What were my symptoms and treatments? I went to the doctor because of a control of my knee surgery. I had some inflammation in the knee, but that was completely normal. My recovery was being very good and I just had to continue with my physical therapy and a new control for the next six months.

When was the lat time you went to the doctor?

Was when I had 17 years old, because I had backache. The doctor gave me relaxing muscular pills as a treatment

-Dose: dosis

-I went to the doctor one week ago.
-I went to the doctor to see if i had any heart problem.

In The Simpson:

  • Lisa is allergic to the pollen.
  • Bart is allergic to the shrimp.
  • The Principal Skinner is allergic to the peanuts
  • Milhouse is allergic to dairy
  • And I´m allergic to the amoxicillin.

-The last time i went to the doctor was two months ago.

  • I didn’t have any symptoms that was a routine appointment.

The last time I went to the doctor was month ago, I had sore throat and cold. The treatments she sent me was a pill for 5 days, vitamin and nasal spray for 3 months

I went to the doctor last week for a severe headache.
Back pain
dry mouth
strong stomachache
Walk everyday
Take pain pills.

I was in the medical center two weeks ago, I´m OK but my wife had a tiny surgery so I was taking care of her, giving her pills on time and walking her around the home daily for exercise , as recommended by the doctor in the medical treatment.

  1. The last time i went to the doctor was when i was feeling a hurt feeling under my ribs when i breath.
  2. Speciallists said was normal, and that happened commonly when you weren’t breathing well. They recommended and told me to drink much water.

I went to the doctor many years ago. The cause was alergic symptoms, and the treatments was to take some medicine that containe some anti allergy. From there I have been fairly good, and I used to take my medicine only when I have some relapse.

I went to the doctor to control my type 1 diabetes mellitus.
I felt very good. My treatment was and continues to be insulin, exercise, healthy nutrition, and emotional balance.

scraped: raspado
ribs: costilla
nagging cough: tos persistente
chest: pecho

It´s been 7 months i went to the doctor, i broke rigth menisci and anterior cruciate ligament of the rigth kniee. the treatment was take pills for the pain, take rest till the hospital calls me for surgery

I went to the doctor like a year and a half ago, because i hurt my back because of a bad posture at the office. The treatment was taking pills and ointment for two weeks.

The last time I went to the doctor was a long time ago,my symptoms were: severe pain in my stomach and less desire to eat, the treatments were pills and a healthy diet

I went to the doctor a couple of months ago, I had I big stomachache, and it was necessary to do blood exams and in the end, I stayed hospitalized for two days.

The last time I visited the doctor was by phone call.
My diagnosis was sinusitis.
I had a terrible headache, I felt pressure on my face and I had a lot of phlegm.
The treatment was to do nasal washing and take antibiotics.

The last time I went to the doctor was three weeks ago. I had intense pain left shoulder and arm derivated from doing exercise and a hit of my Siberian husky while doing that exercise. The terminology used by the doctor was encapsulated my shoulder. He returned tendons and bones in their place pulling them and doing certain movements. It was so painful…After that, I had to inject and take some medicaments to desinflamation.

The Last time I went to the doctor was 5 months ago, because I twisted my foot and The doctor told me I had to rest for a week he gave me some medicines.

To be honest, I can´t remember the last time I went to the doctor.
I believe the last time I went to the doctor, it was because I had a skin allergy.
The treatment I received was betamethasone cream.

I can’t remember very well when was the last time I visited the doctor, but I think it was like six months ago or something like that. I went due to I had more acne than usual and also I had discovered a bulk on my right elbow.
For my acne, he prescribed me some pills, I had to take one of them each day at the same hour for three months. Now I can say they really worked, I have my face cleaner now!
For the bulk, as it didn’t hurt and doesn’t do either now, he gave me an echography order so we could see better what it is. A few days after that, I went back to the clinic to have my echography, everything was easy and fast, and I claimed the results a couple of days after. It seems to be a harmless mass, so I shouldn’t worry about it

Last time I went to a doctor was LOOOOONG time ago like a year ago to get the COVID 💉 but the last time I needed a doctor we ordered it it was more than a year ago, I was 🤮 so the day before that, I ate a pizza but I regret doing that, and the next day I was so bad, headache, stomachache, also I didn’t stopped the 🤮 and when the doctor came they gave me a remedy and dang, it tasted so bad that I vomited it too, at the next day i was good but worst day in my life, now I’ll stop telling my life