Welcome to the course!
Visiting the Doctor
First Doctor's Visit
Appointments and Forms
Describing Symptoms - Part 1
Describing Symptoms - Part 2
Questions and Diagnoses
Quiz: Visiting the Doctor
Essential Medical Terms
Treatments: Kinds and Terms
Medical Terminology
Specialists Within Fields
Dentists and Orthodontists
Vision Care
Quiz: Essential Medical Terms
Common situations
You Need a Surgery!
Common Procedures
At Home Scenarios
Follow up Procedures and Recommendations
Quiz: Common situations
Communicate Naturally
Medical Idiomatic Expressions
Medical Phrasal Verbs
Quiz: Communicate Naturally
Going to the Doctor's
Doctor's Office is Closed
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Aportes 22
Preguntas 2
spouse: conyúge
Ethnicity: etnia
vitamis: vitaminas
penicillin: penicilina
diseases: enfermedades
disclose: revelar
insurance: seguro
pocket: bolsillo
reimbursed: reembolsado
medical records: registros medicos
oftentimes: a menudo
vaccination: vacunación
faxed: enviado por fax
hesatite: dudar
Observations of the background medical forms from the United States.
What’s your name: most American forms have just one last name. But many people from Central and South American countries have two las names.
Your permanent address: zip code is associated with our postal address and the area code is associated with your phone number. Don’t confuse those terms.
Date of birth: the month is put before the day in the United States (MM/DD/YY).
Height: Convert your height from meters and centimeters to inches.
Weight: Convert kilograms to pounds.
Marital status: married, single, divorced and widower.
Emergency contact: a person that is very close to you that could be called in an emergency and has access to international phone calls.
Medical history previous: Ask you about any previous procedures, serious illnesses such as cancer, surgeries, injuries or any other kind of treatment that you have had. For example: knee surgery.
Family history: Could test for any genetic medical procedures.
Current medications: Not vitamins or those kinds of things, but prescribed medications and allergies reactions (for examples penicillins).
Medical insurance: medical treatments of any kind are very expensive in the United States and it’s hard to get reimbursed.
Look, I am the first, that’s crazy haha
-zip code: codigo postal.
-Ethnicity: etnia.
-Illnesses: Enfermedades.
-Injuries: lesiones.
-Insurance: seguro.
-Provider: proveedor
“Appointments and forms”
New vocabulary: zip code, reimburse.
Inches: Pulgadas
Pounds: Libras
Widower: Viudo
Spouse: Cónyuge
Ethnicity: Étinia / Origen Étnico
Relatives: Familiares / Parientes
Disclose: Divulgar / Revelar
Insurance: Seguro / Aseguradora
Reimbursed: Reembolsado
Record (noun): Registro / Antecedentes
Fax: Communication media
Hesitate: Dudar
Useful Vocabulary
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