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Describing Symptoms - Part 1


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Preguntas 3

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To remember


When the doctor asked me what my symptoms were:

A constant cough about during a month.
I’ve been Phlegm that came from my lungs.
Shorteness of breat.
my heart beat was faster than normal (Tachycardia)
About 12 year ago when they removed my appendix:

My body was shaking
I had a stomachache
A little bit of nausea
I was dehydrated
All this come from a real experience.

Extra vocabulary

  • Fever: Fiebre
  • Sneezing: Estornudos
  • Fatigue: Fatiga
  • Dizziness: Mareo
  • Nausea: Náuseas
  • Vomiting: Vómitos
  • Diarrhea: Diarrea
  • Shortness of breath: Falta de aliento
  • Rapid heartbeat: Ritmo cardíaco acelerado
  • Muscle pain: Dolor muscular
  • Joint pain: Dolor en las articulaciones
  • Rash: Erupción cutánea
  • Swelling: Hinchazón
  • Numbness: Entumecimiento
  • Tingling sensation: Sensación de hormigueo
  • Loss of appetite: Pérdida de apetito
  • Insomnia: Insomnio
  • Anxiety: Ansiedad
  • I have a broken arm
  • I have a sprained ankle
  • I have a nose ache is incorrect
  • I have a sore stomach is incorrect
    My recording example
  • I have been having a headache ever since I was working too much.

  • I have been experiencing a sore since I have broken my arm.

  • I have been feeling sore throat since my coworker was sick

Is both correct?
1- when my husky hit me it sprained my left shoulder and arm, in fact, the doctor said it was a dislocation or
2. when my husky hit me I have been experiencing a sore shoulder ever since I was knocked off my husky

* ACHE: Headache . Stomachache. Earache. Backache. Toothache. * SORE: Sore throat. Sore eye. Sore nose. Sore shoulder. * SPRAINED: Sprained ankle. Sprained finger. * BROKEN: Broken foot. Broken hip. Broken arm. Broken wrist.
"I have been having headaches ever since I stopped wearing glasses.
I have been having backaches since i started working in front of the computer for many hours. Also I have bee feeling heartaches since Ollin broken it. :c
**I have a broken arm** **I have a sprained ankle** **I have a sore ache** **I have a sore throat**
I have been having hip pain since I got an sports injury dancing ballet.
Acording to chatGPT, When the labrum is torn (a labral tear) it can cause pain, stiffness, and a limited range of motion in the joint.
How can I describe the pain in my hips?
**Ache**: Dull and continuous pain. **Sore**: Pain or tenderness in muscles or irritated areas. **Sprained**: A sprain, an injury to the ligaments. **Broken**: A bone that is fractured or broken. thank you
* **Sprained ankle**: Esguince de tobillo * **Sprained finger**: Dedo Torcido * **Broken foot**: Pie roto * **Broken hip**: Cadera rota * **Broken arm**: brazo roto * **Broken wrist**: Muñeca roda
I have been suffering from anxiety ever since I changed my lifestyle, now I am in a new city and with a new job where I don´tt know anyone, I am far away from my family and friends. I have been having headache and stomachache.
"Sore" y "ache" son dos palabras que se utilizan para describir sensaciones de malestar en el cuerpo, pero tienen algunas diferencias sutiles en su significado y uso: 1. **Sore (Adjetivo)**: * Se utiliza para describir una sensación de dolor o sensibilidad en un área específica del cuerpo, especialmente después de un esfuerzo físico o una lesión. * Por lo general, se refiere a una sensación de dolor agudo, punzante o sensible en los músculos, las articulaciones o la piel. * Ejemplos: "Mis músculos están adoloridos después de hacer ejercicio", "Tengo una garganta adolorida por el resfriado". 2. **Ache (Sustantivo o Verbo)**: * Se utiliza para describir un dolor continuo y sordo en una parte del cuerpo, que puede ser persistente y menos agudo que el dolor "sore". * Puede referirse tanto a un dolor físico como emocional. * Ejemplos: "Tengo un dolor de cabeza", "Mis dientes duelen por la caries". En resumen, "sore" tiende a referirse a una sensación más aguda y específica de dolor, mientras que "ache" describe un dolor más generalizado y sordo. Sin embargo, en la práctica, estas palabras pueden superponerse en algunos contextos, y a menudo se utilizan de manera intercambiable para describir malestares físicos. Fuente: ChatGTP
# Describing Symptoms - Part 1. Practice: \- Following the prior examples, write or record a scenario. \- Describe what caused the symptom. \- I have been having pain in my lower back when I sit down or stand up, ever since I lifted a heavy box. \- I have been having stomach burning ever since I was eating late all days of last week.
* I have been feeling headaches ever since I got hit by a motorcycle. * I have been having sore backs ever since I feel down of the stairs.
I had a headache a few days ago and a nurse recommend me to take some pills, and to drink a lot of water during the day. ☻
I have been feeling a sore throat since I was visited a person with covid. I have been having a backache since I was worked 10 hours.
i have been having a headache ever since i was playing soccer when i fell of and hit my head with the floor so i went to the doctor and he sent me a TAC and fortunately i didn't have any trauma in my head and the doctor prescribed me just acetaminophen for the pain.


Sprain: Esguince
Ankle: Tobillo
Hip: Cadera
Wrist: Muñeca
Ladder: Escalera

What an interesting class, I have no idea about the different word for the body parts... loving this course so far :)
**Assistant:** Please describe your symptoms **Patient:** I’ve been feeling a backache during the week, it started on Monday, at first the pain was bearable but as the days went by the pain began to get worse. I work in a call center and I always have to be sit, I only have 2 breaks of 15 minutes each where I have the opportunity to stand up or lay down. Now it’s Friday and the pain has gotten worse, it’s unbearable, I can’t sit for too long.

I have been having headaches since I started working 😃

“Describing symptoms Part 1”

  1. I have been feeling a sore throat because I have cough. Days before, my boyfriend had flu and I was with him all the time.
  2. I have been having a headache ever since I was working too much.

I have been feeling a sore throat for a week, ever since I got wet in the rain.

twiat: girar, doblar
heal: sanar
hip: cadera
wrist: cadera
x-ray: radiografía
ever since: desde entonces
knocked: golpeado
ladder: escalera
I was given: me dieron
I had come: Me he puesto

I went to the doctor because my head hurt . When the doctor came to see me ,he said : you don´t have anything, just take some rest and you will be fine

  • I’ve been having a headache ever since I haven’t been able to sleep well.
  • I have been feeling a sore throat since I started to work in a cooler.

Doctor, I wanted to discuss,I have been feeling a quite sore right shoulder ever since I had fallen my bike about a week ago. The fall caused me to land on my right side, directly on my shoulder. It feels tender to touch and is especially uncomfortable when I try to move my arm or lift any objects.
On the other hand, I’ve been noticing discomfort in my left knee ever since the fall. My knee hit the ground forcefully, causing bruising and pain. When I walk and bend my knee I’ve been experiencing a dull ache and occasional sharp twinges of pain in that area.

  • Hey doctor. I have been feling an strange pain, like a stomachache ever since my mom started cooking at home.

I have been feeling a sore shoulder for months now, ever since I had carried a very heavy package.
The doctor prescribed me some pills and physiotherapy.

Today i feel a few sick i have headache, sore throat and earache, maybe i have flu

I have been having sore shoulder I was ever since started with the exercise, because many positions aren’t easy for me, I need more watch out with it.

I have been feeling a sore throat because I have cough. Days before, my husband had flu and I was with him all the time.