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Visiting the Doctor
First Doctor's Visit
Appointments and Forms
Describing Symptoms - Part 1
Describing Symptoms - Part 2
Questions and Diagnoses
Quiz: Visiting the Doctor
Essential Medical Terms
Treatments: Kinds and Terms
Medical Terminology
Specialists Within Fields
Dentists and Orthodontists
Vision Care
Quiz: Essential Medical Terms
Common situations
You Need a Surgery!
Common Procedures
At Home Scenarios
Follow up Procedures and Recommendations
Quiz: Common situations
Communicate Naturally
Medical Idiomatic Expressions
Medical Phrasal Verbs
Quiz: Communicate Naturally
Going to the Doctor's
Doctor's Office is Closed
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Aportes 49
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if you have a stomachache drink a cup of tea and some ALKA-SELTZER effervescent pills but if the symptoms persist go to the doctor.
Antibiotics, you can use them in three ways:
Cream, as she said.
Pills 💊
and shots. 💉
What can you do if a dog bite you?
Clean and desinfec the area
Ask if the dog got an antirabic vaccine
You go to the hospital
You get an antirabic vaccine
If you get a fever, you can use both antipyretics and stay hydrated.
If your back hurts you can take** both** a pain reliever and a muscle relaxant.
Bandaid: Banda adhesiva
Scar: Cicatriz
Tore: Desgarró / Arrancó
Drops: Gotas
Nap: Siesta
Crutches: Muletas
You can get both, take over-the-counter fever-reducing medication (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen) or apply a cool sponge gently on parts of your body (such as forehead, neck, and underarms) to alleviate your FEVER.
You can get both, gargling with warm saltwater or use lozenges containing ingredients like benzocaine or menthol, to alleviate your SORE THROAT.
You can get both, apply a mild hydrocortisone cream to the affected area or take an antihistamine medication (such as diphenhydramine) to alleviate your SKIN RASH.
You can get both, get adequate rest and sleep or do regular light aerobic exercises that boost your energy levels to reduce your FATIGUE.
For a bad cough, You should take antibiotics, cough syrup and plenty of liquids.
For a cut, you can use a bandaid and external antibiotic.
If you broke a bone, you must use a cast for several weeks and use pain killers to control the pain.
For a terrible headache, you should use advil and avoid exposure to light and strong sounds.
I have a skin infection. That’s why my doctor prescribed me creams with antiobiotics for its treatment.
“Essential medical terms Treatments:Kinds and terms”
If you have a stomache you can take both a saline and a lot water.
You can can take both cough drop and you can get some rest to alleviate a dust allergic reaction.
I didn’t know what was a cast and a crutch
slow deep breaths
not that i know of
i’ll try this one
can you point?
I am concenrned
soothe- calmar
thread- hilo
tore- rasgó
-if you have a headache, you can take an aspirin and get some rest, the last one is the best option
If a have a sprain I should take pills to relieve the pain and apply hot and cold water sheets.
If I have pain in my knees I must take pills and immobilize her.
In these comments there are many home remedies jejeje
If you have a sore throat, you can take both an over-the-counter medicated throat candy and gargle with water and vinegar.
If you have a sprained ankle, you can try both ankle-length bandages and get some rest.
- If you have a sprained finger, you can get both, a cast and and some of over the counter medicine to alleviate the pain.
- If you have a sunburn, you can both use an antibiotic cream and a compress on your skin to reduce the pain.
If you have an infection, you can take pills and rest at home. You also can do a tea with honey if this and throat infection. And it because flu, you can do the all thing that I mentioned before. Stay at home, take pills and make a tea with honey
If you have a stomachache, you must take a pill, and if doesn’t matter you need to get exams.
If you have sprained finger, you must get a cast to immobilize injured bones.
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