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You Need a Surgery!


Aportes 45

Preguntas 2

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  • If I were diagnosed with an illness. I would probably travel the world and enjoy my last days. I don’t want to get my last days in hospitals.

  • If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in a scream so loud that doctors and wait until I got the effect of anesthesia.

My hypothetical scenario:
What if you weren’t understood the medications the doctor gave to you?

  • If I were diagnosed with a serious illness, I would probably look for the best treatment options out there.

  • If I received the wrong medications, I would probably complain.

My hypothetical scenario:
What if you go to the doctor and he tells you that you are pregnant?

Extra Vocabulary

  • Operating room/Theater: Sala de operaciones
  • General anesthesia: Anestesia general
  • Local anesthesia: Anestesia local
  • Preoperative: Preoperatorio
  • Postoperative: Postoperatorio
  • Incision: Incisión
  • Scalpel: Bisturí
  • Sutures/Stitches: Suturas/Puntos de sutura
  • Forceps: Pinzas
  • Surgical instruments: Instrumentos quirúrgicos
  • Blood loss: Pérdida de sangre
  • Recovery room: Sala de recuperación
  • Swelling: Hinchazón
  • Pain management: Control del dolor
  • Wound healing: Cicatrización de heridas
  • Dressing: Vendaje
  • Rehabilitation: Rehabilitación
  • Surgical procedure: Procedimiento quirúrgico
  • Surgical team: Equipo quirúrgico
  • Operating table: Mesa de operaciones
  • Anesthetic mask: Máscara anestésica
  • IV (Intravenous) drip: Goteo intravenoso
  • Recovery period: Período de recuperación
  • Discharge instructions: Instrucciones de alta

Tomorrow i have a surgery on my rigth knee, i hope it will be ok

My answers to two hypothetical scenarios choosed:

  1. What if you WERE DIAGNOSED with something serious? (like cancer).
    I would seriously talk to the doctor to find out if the disease is terminal or not. If there is a chance of surviving, I would go for medical treatment, otherwise I would go on a trip.

  2. What if you were given a choice for surgery or not?
    It depends on the type of surgery we are talking about. For example, if it is surgery for having cataracts in the eyes, I choose surgery.

Create your own hypothetical scenario:

  1. What if a doctor gives you the option of applying euthanasia or not to a relative who is very dear to you?

  2. What if you face financial difficulties due to medical expenses?

  3. What if you have a fear or phobia related to medical procedures or healthcare settings?

  4. What if you receive conflicting opinions and recommendations from different healthcare professionals?

  5. What if you have concerns about the potential long-term side effects of a prescribed medication?

  6. What if you experience significant delays in getting an appointment with a specialist?

I’ve never had an operation, but just thinking about it makes me feel nervous!!!

What if I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in? I think I couldn't tell my history in the futuro because I will die surely. What if I were to have a post-surgery infection? Securely I could have another surgery. By the way, talking about surgery, perhaps in the futuro I could require a back's surgery because I visited the chiropract and he recommended a surgery due discal hernias.
# You Need a Surgery! * What if i were taken to surery before the anesthesia kicked? I could definitely get very nervous. * What if i wasn´t woken up after anesthesia? The doctors would know what to do. That's why they are so professional and study so much. * What if i were to have a post-surgery infection? I would have to take an antibiotic that the doctor would recommend.
If I were diagnosed with a serious disease , I would look for another opinion and different kind of treatments in order to be cured If I were given with the wrong medicine, I would complaint about the doctor and demand him
* If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in I would inform the doctors of the situations. * If I were diagnosed with something serious I would look for the best doctors in the city to try to find a solution to my illness.
* If i were given the wrong medicine, I would ask the doctor for instructions on what to do to avoid adverse consequences. * If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in, I would scream to alert the doctors to the situation
**You Need a Surgery!.** Practice. \- Select 2 of the following scenarios and explain what you would do. What if you were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in? I was very nervous in my last surgery on my leg 10 years ago, but It’s better to ask the doctor to give you relaxing medications to prevent the anesthesia from failing. In addition, the surgeon tests whether the anesthesia took effect before starting the surgery. What if you were given a choice for surgery or not? This depends on your lesion or disease. Sometimes surgery is necessary to repair or solve a problem in your internal organs or skin. If I need surgery to recover, I would choose that option. \- Create your own hypothetical scenario. Patient: Marie Jones Age: 72 Medical Problem: Severe osteoarthritis in the knee joint, causing debilitating pain and limited mobility. Scenario: Marie Jones, a 72-year-old retired teacher, has been suffering from severe pain and stiffness in her right knee for several years. Despite trying various non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, pain medications, and corticosteroid injections, her symptoms have progressively worsened, significantly impacting her quality of life. After consulting with an orthopedic surgeon and undergoing imaging tests like X-rays and MRI scans, Marie is diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis in her right knee. The joint damage is extensive, with significant cartilage loss and bone spurs contributing to her symptoms. Given the severity of her condition and the failure of conservative treatments to provide relief, Marie and her healthcare team decided that total knee replacement surgery is the most appropriate course of action to alleviate her pain and improve her mobility. Marie undergoes pre-operative evaluation and preparation, including consultations with anesthesiologists and physical therapists. The surgical team performs the total knee replacement procedure, during which the damaged parts of the knee joint are removed and replaced with artificial components made of metal and plastic. Following surgery, Marie receives pain management medication and begins a structured rehabilitation program to regain strength, flexibility, and function in her knee. With dedication to her recovery plan, Marie gradually improves her mobility and experiences a significant reduction in pain. Over time, Marie's knee continues to heal, and she regains the ability to perform daily activities with much greater ease. She is delighted with the outcome of the surgery, as it has restored her independence and allowed her to enjoy a more active lifestyle once again.
What happens if I need surgery to remove my left kidney because this organ is not functional and in the surgery the surgeon removes the right kidney?
**"What if you were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in?"** I think I would be very scared and would cry a lot. **"What if you were given the wrong medicine?"** I would be really angry with my doctor. **"What if you were diagnosed with something serious?"** I'm afraid, I would need my family by my side. **"What if you were given a choice for surgery or not?"** I would weigh all the options with their pros and cons.
if the anesthesia doesn`t work i would scream very lound heheeh if i were diagnosed with something serious i would travel, spend time with my family and my dogs only accept it ***<u>hypothetical scenario:</u>*** what if i wasn`t understood the prescription that the doctor gave me
if the anesthesia doesn`t work i would scream very lound heheeh if i were diagnosed with something serious i would travel, spend time with my family and my dogs only accept it
* What if you were diagnosed with something serious? I have new thought about it, however, I would consider all my options and also pray to GOD. * What if you were given a choice for surgery or not? I should follow what the doctor would advice.
* What if you were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in? I would shout with all my heart. I remembered my first and only surgery. Actually my surgeon asked me my age and to count until 9 which was my age at that time. * What if you were given the wrong medicine? I have no idea, how can I know? I would ask again if the medicine they gave me was the correct. I have never thought about it.
I think I would say yes, because in most cases it is the best way to cure any suffering.
If I were diagnosed with something serious I will cry myself out then took some time to realized that is not the end of the world and move forward to follow my treatments

If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in, it’s probably my anxiety speed up my heart rate and I’d feel others symptoms like nausea.

  • If I were diagnosed with something serious like cancer or similar, I would spend my time traveling around the world.

  • If I were given a choice for surgery or not, I would think about and analyze the different possibilities and the pros and cons about the options.

  • If I were taken to the surgery before the anesthesia kicked in, I would try to tell it to the doctor, I don´t know how, maybe screaming or raising a hand.

  • If I were given the wrong medicine, maybe I wouldn´t notice about that and I pass away.

"COMMON SITUATIONS You need a surgery"
I’ve never had an operation, but just thinking about it makes me feel nervous!

If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked I would be very nervious.
If I were given the wron medicine I would be very angy with the doctors.
If I were diagnosed with something serious I would looked for spiritual support.
If I were given a choice for surgery or not I would have to think it.

what if you were diagnosed with something serious?
I would prefer to share time with my family. I would not like to be in a hospital my last days

  • If I was diagnosed with something serious I would call my parents.

  • If I was taken to surgery before the anestthesia kicked in I would try to warn the doctor.

1. What if I was diagnosed with something serious?
In this case I would looking for the best doctor on the field of my disease and I would ask the real scenario, the possibility of a recovery, the treatment and depending on that I would make a choice. This choice would be between make a treatment following all the instructions seriously or enjoy my lasts days, travel, share time with my family and friends.

**2. What if I was given a choice for surgery or not? **
My decision would depend of many factors as the risk of the surgery, my quality life if I take the surgery or not, my physical condition and my age.

Useful Vocabulary

Wore off: desgasto desvanecio
Fiddle: Violín / Manipular
Chemotherapy: Quimioterapia

I I were diagnosed with an illness, I would probably do the same thing every day I do
If I take the wrong medicine, probably I would drink a lot of beer so doesn´t have effect

What if you were diagnosed with something serious?
If I had a chance I’ll try, but if is imposible just try to live the most I can.

prior: previo
wore off: desaparecio
woken up: despertado
regimen: régimen
I’d do it in a heartbeat: lo haría en un santiamén

  • What if you were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in?
    A //I would be very nervous and ask for delay the surgery
    -What if you were given the wrong medicine?
    A// Probably, I will fell bad and the illness could be worse with the time
  • If I were diagnosed with an illness, I would try to enjoy my last days and spend the time with my family

If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in, I would scream.

If they were given me a choice for surgery or not the two eyes I choose both because it is better to have that experience once.

What would happen if I went to the dentist and pulled out the wrong tooth?

  1. I couldn’t believe it. But, i think i might feel confidence, without stress. I’m just thinking in what my parents would think.
  2. It depends of. I think that if i have all my insurances at day i would without problem but, at the momment my parents are paying insurance to me. So, if they leaves paying for it, it would be bad for me.


  1. If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in, I would tell that to the surgeon or anyone I see near me.
  2. If they were given me a choice for surgery or not, maybe I would prefer not to have surgery, but if it is the only solution, I would allow it being optimistic.

Hypothetical question:
What if you were magically healed just before surgery?

What if you were given a choice for surgery or not?

  • i will talk to my parents about the situation and if a have the posibility to talk to one doctor about that, i will listen their recommendation an then make my desition.

What if you were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in?

  • I would talk to the doctor about this before proceeding with anything else.
  • What if I was given the wrong medicine, the wrong anesthesia, and it didn’t work?
  • What if I wasn’t woken up after the anesthesia?
  • If I were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in, I would let the doctor know I’m still woken up, so the team should increase the amount of anesthesia.
  • If I were given a choice for surgery or not, I would say yes, obviously taking into consideration the success rate.

What if in the middle of the surgery, a cat came into the room and a hair fell on my wound 😱

My hypothetical scenario:

  • What if you were taken to surgery before the anesthesia kicked in?
    I would probably stay immobile, try to take a deep breath, and finally have an anxiety attack

  • What if you were given the wrong medicine?
    If I were given the wrong medicine I would suffer from one of my many allergies

What if you were given a choice for surgery or not?

  • If I were given a choice between a surgery or not, I would choose the surgery because I think that is the best option to heal my health.

What if you were diagnosed with something serious?

  • If I were diagnosed with a terminal disease I would try to live each day of my life without thinking in my pain I just would enjoy every day.

Hypothetical scenarios

  • What if you were gotten complications during the surgery?
  • What if you were allergic to anesthesia and you needed surgery?

Imagine that one day, you are walking on the street when a scary sound appears in front of you. It’s a car… it goes so fast, you can’t run.
When you wake up you are in the hospital, don’t remember anything you do not what are you, ¿who are all the people that are here with you?
You lose all your memories

  • I only can tell you: appreciate the people that are around you, your family, your friends, and your pet. You don’t know when will be the last day in her life or in your life
  1. When I had my appendectomy the anesthesia was planned to cover from the hip to the feet. During the procedure the anesthesiologist told me if I felt pain I have to let her know.
    I’ve should be awake during surgery but I felt anxious and my coward self appear and I said I had some pain, so the anesthesiologist put me to sleep.
    When a doctor says that you need an appendectomy you don’t have much of a choice.
  2. If I get the wrong medicine, the first step is to read the side effects and for what condition is prescribed, if it is something serious I needed to call an emergency number or I had to go to the hospital.