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At Home Scenarios


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Extra Vocabulary

  • First aid kit: Botiquín de primeros auxilios
  • Bandage: Vendaje
  • Adhesive bandage (Band-Aid): Apósito adhesivo
  • Sterile gauze: Gasa estéril
  • Antiseptic wipes: Toallitas antisépticas
  • Alcohol swabs: Algodón con alcohol
  • Tweezers: Pinzas
  • Disposable gloves: Guantes desechables
  • CPR mask: Máscara de RCP
  • Elastic bandage (Ace bandage): Vendaje elástico
  • Splint: Férula
  • Antihistamine cream: Crema antihistamínica
  • Burn ointment: Pomada para quemaduras
  • Pain relievers: Analgésicos
  • Emergency blanket: Manta de emergencia
  • Medical tape: Cinta adhesiva médica
  • Eye wash solution: Solución para lavado de ojos
  • Emergency contact information: Información de contacto de emergencia
  • Arm swelling: Ice pack.

  • Mild burn: Neosporin.

  • Knee scrape: Hydrogen peroxide.

  • Stomachache: Tylenol
  • Sore shoulder:Lozenges
  • Earache: Neosporin

-headache: ice pack and rest
-back pain: ice pack, ibuprofen, and rest
-shoulder pain: ice pack, ibuprofen, and rest

Common Medicines: Tylenol: Treats minor aches and pains; reduces fever. Ibuprofen: Is short-actiong; helps symptoms of inflammation , aches and pain. Aleve: Is long - acting; Used for treating chronic condiotions. Neosporin: Antibiotic ointment: used to reduce the risk of infections. Hydrogen peroxide: Used to disinfect. Ice pack: Relieves pain, swelling , and inflammation form injuries. Lozenges: Relieves sore throat symptoms
**I have a headache, and maybe I should take an aspirin or ibuprofen.** **I have a small cut on my leg; maybe I should apply some antibiotic cream.**
Headache **Medications: Ibuprofen** Sore throat **Lozenge** Fever **Tylenol** Scrape **Hydrogen peroxide** Sprained ankle **Ice pack**
If you get stomachache you could take peptobismol If you get a cold you should take virogrip If you get fever you should take acethaminophen
* **swelling in the skin:** neosporin * **muscule pain:** alive * **joint inflammation:** ibuprofen
# At Home Scenarios. Practice. Post 3 symptoms and corresponding medications you would recommend. Symptom: Torn arm. Medications: Neosporin. Symptom: pain in the neck. Treatment: Ice pack. Symptom: muscular pain in the leg. Medications: Ibuprofen.
a lot of cought=aleve i cut my finger and i touched earth=neosporin i fell down and i sprained my hand= ice pack
* Headache: acetaminophen * Strained ankle: ointment * Toothache: aspirin
* Headache: Ibuprofen * Sore throat: Lozenge * Fever: Tylenol * Scrape: Hydrogen peroxide * Sprained ankle: Ice pack
* Stomachache: Antacids. * The Flu: acetaminophen (Tylenol). * Cough: Dextromethorphan.
Earache: Tylenol Sore neck: Aleve Sore eye: moisturizing drops
1. Headache: Ibuprofen. 2. Sore throat: Lozenge. 3. Fever: Tylenol. 4. Scrape: Hydrogen peroxide. 5. Sprained ankle: Ice pack.
Post 3 symptoms and corresponding medications at home you would recommend. * Burn - Burns Cream * Cut - Band aid * Sprained ankle - Elastic Ankle Wrap
  • When I have mild headaches, I take a Tylenol.

  • Last year, when I sprained my ankle I did a treatment with medicines, ice pack twice or three time a day, and I had to use a cast to immobilize.

  • If I have a sore throat, I take lozenge.

Headache: ibuprophen.
Sore throat: lozenge.
Fever: tylenol.
Scrape: hydrogen peroxide.
Sprained Ankle: ice pack.

"At home scenarios Disclaimer"
It’s your turn! Post 3 symptoms and corresponding medications you would recommend.

  1. Headhache : You should take Ibuprofen.
  2. For allergies: Loratadine or cetirizine.
  3. Minor finger cut: Hydrogen peroxide and bandaids.

headhache : You should take Ibuprofen
Hit: Hydrogen peroxide
Flu: Tylenol

cough:hot drink with lemon and honey

I was cooking when oil burn my finger, I put neosporin and it help a lot

scrape: raspar

disclaimer: descargo de responsabilidad
oinment: unguento
relieves: alivia
swelling: hinchazón

  • If I get a heartburn and acid reflux, I’ll get antacids containing calcium carbonate.

  • If I get a mild constipation, I’ll get bulk-forming laxatives like psyllium husk.

  • If I get allergies, I’ll take antihistamines such as cetirizine.

If you hve red eyes you should get natural drops.
For an indigestion, you can take water Alka-Seltzer.
If you suffered a burn when you’re cooking, it is the best to put the skin tomatoes.

  • If i get a sore throat at home, i’ll take Lozenges.
  • If i get a cut in my leg, i’ll aplicate me some Hydrogen Peroxide.
  • If my head hurts, I’ll take some Ibuprofen.

Symptoms and medications:
For dry eyes: artificial tears, such as everclear.
For allergies: loratadine or cetirizine.
For cough: Yonal syrup.

is it just me? o I think it would be a good time to see the dr house televiosn series again, of course in English

two days ago i had a surgery on my rigth keen. given to me the follow rcomendatiosns:
1.Use scrutches.
2. take some medications like omeprazol,paracetamol,enantyum and clexane.
3. take a lot of rest,
4.make some soft exercises to the rigth leg

  • If you have headache, you shouldn´t watch TV or cellphone, use a wet towel on your forehead.
  • If you have stomachache, you should have some tea with celery.
    *If you have a backache, you need a massage.
  • If I have a headache, I’ll take ibuprofen.
  • If I have a sore throat, I’ll take lozenge.
  • If I have a fever, I’ll take Tylenol.
  • If I get a scrape, I’ll use Hydrogen peroxide
  • If I get a sprained ankle I’ll put an Ice pack on.
  • If I get a cold, I’ll use Tylenol.
  • If I get a sore shoulder, I’ll take Ibuprofen.

If you nose itches, I recommended doing nasal washes
For an indigestion, you can take water with baking soda and lemon
If you suffered a burn when you’re cooking, it is the best to put the skin in cold water

  • Toothache: Ibupofen
  • Flue: Tylenol
  • Minor finger cut: hydrogen peroxide and bandaids

This is a “strange” recipe, but will be useful:
If you have a headache, and you don’t have ibuprofen, you can do it the next:

  • Cut a potato in slides and found something to put in your forehead
    Use a rope or an old t-shirt to put the slides of potato around of your forehead and rest for 15 minutes. The ache despairs quickly

Hydrogen peroxide = H2O2

  1. We need to have a first aid kit to cover this minor treatments.
    If you have flu: keep hydrated, chamomile tea, maybe Tylenol, and try to rest.
  2. If you cut yourself while your were chopping food, clean the area with antibacterial soap and water, and a band aid if it is needed.