It was a bit hard, but it was really useful to use the vocabulary we saw and also used the different expressions.My visit to the doctor
Welcome to the course!
Visiting the Doctor
First Doctor's Visit
Appointments and Forms
Describing Symptoms - Part 1
Describing Symptoms - Part 2
Questions and Diagnoses
Quiz: Visiting the Doctor
Essential Medical Terms
Treatments: Kinds and Terms
Medical Terminology
Specialists Within Fields
Dentists and Orthodontists
Vision Care
Quiz: Essential Medical Terms
Common situations
You Need a Surgery!
Common Procedures
At Home Scenarios
Follow up Procedures and Recommendations
Quiz: Common situations
Communicate Naturally
Medical Idiomatic Expressions
Medical Phrasal Verbs
Quiz: Communicate Naturally
Going to the Doctor's
Doctor's Office is Closed
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It was a bit hard, but it was really useful to use the vocabulary we saw and also used the different expressions.My visit to the doctor
"Going to the doctor’s "
it was hurt to do it, but i could
Hi doctor, I’m hear because I flared up with the backache.
For example when I finished the day all of a sudden I felt a little pain in my back and nape, then start me a headache and this becomes in migraine.
Since I was teeneger.
It is in 9
Yes doctor, how long I have to take de medication?
Thanks doctor, please help me!
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