- I was watching a class when my mother called me.
- I was playing a game when my niece asked for help with the homework.
Bienvenida al curso
Lo que aprenderás en el Curso de Primer Condicional y Pasado Continuo
Un trabajo ideal
"Have" y "Had" para hablar de obligaciones
"That" para referirse al pasado
Infinitivos y adjetivos comunes
Expresar preferencias
"Mustn’t" para expresar prohibición
Quiz: Un trabajo ideal
Proyectos y tareas
Primer condicional para hacer una oferta
Cuantificadores "a lot" y "much"
Presente simple para hablar del futuro
Especulando con "may", "might" y "could"
Quiz: Proyectos y tareas
Trabajando en equipo
Fechas limites usando "till" y "until"
Ofertas y sugerencias
"Phrasal verbs" separables
Sustantivos derivados de adjetivos y verbos
Quiz: Trabajando en equipo
Visita del cliente
Posibles resultados con el primer condicional
Presente perfecto simple y continuo
Cuantificadores y cantidades
Verbos transitivos en voz pasiva
Quiz: Visita del cliente
Clientes nuevos
Pronombres indefinidos como "everything" y "anyone"
Conectando ideas con "when" + pasado continuo
La diferencia entre "(the) other" y "another"
Quiz: Clientes nuevos
Proyecto final: Presenta tu propia página web
Autoevaluación del curso
Fin del curso
No tienes acceso a esta clase
¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Aportes 216
Preguntas 0
1.- I was having breakfast when the mailman arrived.
2.-We were cleaning the house when the guests arrived.
3.- Mary was helping her kid with the homework when she receveid a call.
4.- Peter was working at the office when the lights went off
I was watching a class when suddenly my computer off
I was playing a game when my sister took the control
I was preparing dinner when my guets arrived
I was watching a class when the lights went off
I was playing a game when I fell
I was preparing dinner when the gas run out
I was watching a class when my cat arrived.
I was playing a game when the internet is down
I was preparing dinner when my mom called
I was having breakfast when the mailman arrived
We were cleaning the house when the guests arrived
Mary was helping her kid with the homework when she received a call
Peter was working at the office when the lights went off.
I was watching a class when my computer shut down
I was playing a game when I ran out of internet
I was preparing dinner when my brother arrived
I was watching a class when she interrupted me.
I was playing a game when my best friend called me.
I was preparing dinner when I received her message.
I was watching a class, when my cat began to scream.
I was playing a game, when the lights went off.
I was preparing dinner, when the gas was shut off.
I was having breakfast when the mailman arrived.
We were cleaning the house when the guests arrived.
Mary was helping her kid with homework when she received a call.
Peter was working at the office when the lights went off.
I was watching a class when my mom called me.
I was playing a game when you arrived.
I was preparing dinner when the neighbor knocked on the door.
I was watching a class, when my dog start to barking
I was playing a game when the power went out.
I was preparing dinner, when my wife suggested ordering pizza
I was studying English, when someone knocked the door
She was working, when I called her
I was waiting for my delivery food, when it occurred to me to make a pasta
● I was watching a class , when someone knock the door
● I was playing a game , when i remembered i haven’t paid the electric bill
● I was preparing dinner , when my dog enter in a kitchen and ate all.
¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?