Introducción al examen TOEFL


Prepárate para el Examen TOEFL

Generalidades del examen TOEFL


¿De qué trata el examen de TOEFL?


IELTS vs. TOEFL: ¿Cuál es la diferencia?


¿Qué evalúa el examen TOEFL?

Quiz: Generalidades del examen TOEFL

TOEFL Reading: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Reading del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Reading: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 1


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 2


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 3


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 4


Simulador de TOEFL Reading: Después de Practicar


TOEFL Reading: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Reading: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

TOEFL Listening: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Listening del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Listening: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Listening Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 1


TOEFL Listening Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 2


TOEFL Listening Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 3


Simulador de TOEFL Listening: Después de Practicar


TOEFL Listening: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Listening: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

TOEFL Speaking: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Speaking del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Speaking: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 1 Pregunta Independiente


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 2 Pregunta Integrada


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 3 Pregunta Integrada


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 4 Pregunta Integrada


Simulador de TOEFL Speaking - Después de Practicar


TOEFL Speaking: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Speaking: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

TOEFL Writing: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Writing del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Writing: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Writing Section: Task 1 Pregunta integrada


TOEFL Writing Section: Task 2 Discusión Académica


Simulador de TOEFL Writing: Después de Practicar


TOEFL Writing: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Writing: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

Detalles finales del examen TOEFL


¿Cómo registrarme para el examen TOEFL?


Estructura del examen TOEFL


Entiende los resultados de tu examen TOEFL

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¿Qué evalúa el examen TOEFL?


¿Cómo evalúa el TOEFL las habilidades comunicativas?

El TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language, mide readinglistening, speaking y writing.

Cada skill se califica entre 0-30 puntos, sumando un máximo de 120 puntos.

Puntajes TOEFL vs. niveles CEFR

El CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) clasifica niveles de A1 (básico) a C2 (avanzado)

Correlación TOEFL-CEFR:

  • A2: Score mínimo de 17 puntos.

  • B1: Mínimo 42 puntos.

  • B2: 72 puntos (ejemplo: reading 25 + listening 21 + speaking 16 + writing 10).

  • C1: 95 puntos.

  • C2: 114 puntos.

¿Por qué el TOEFL no evalúa el nivel A1?

El A1 corresponde a beginners sin dominio del inglés. 

El TOEFL empieza en A2 (mínimo 17 puntos).

¿Se "aprueba" o "reprueba" el TOEFL?

No existe pass o fail. 

Universidades como Harvard o empresas exigen scores específicos:

  • B1 (42+): Undergraduate programs.

  • C1 (95+): Graduate schools in the US.

¿Qué score necesitas en el TOEFL? 

Cuéntanos en comentarios.

Practica con TOEFL iBT® Test Prep. 🚀✨

Contribución creada con aportes de Jazmín Saavedra.

Aportes 63

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For most universities and companies C2 level is required, however sometimes B2 level is accepted

It’s also important to consider that even if you’re C2 you will not become a native speaker

For applying to the master’s program I’m interested, I require a minimum score of 94 in the IELTS iBT.

Very nice this course,

I need to have a C1 level to be in college and validate my degree in the USA.

88 Overall with minimum of 20 each component

I need a score of 110

I want a B2 level, since it allows you to have fluent conversations with a native speaker.

I need B1

I need a minimum score of 20 in each skill. My goal is to achieve more than that.

Para recordar lo requerido

I need at least B2 but I want to get the highest level

I need a C1, not because I require it for something specific right now, but because I feel taking this is the right thing to do after all these years of study. It will be very beneficial in the long term if I wanna get a USA based job
In my case, I need the test for two different reasons. One of them, for be able to apply to the argentinian foreing service. And the other reason is to apply to a Master scholarship. For both cases, the minimum accepted is B2 - C1.
In my last exam I have level B2
I have to get 94/120 and a minimum of 20 in each discipline. I got 62/120 a few months ago...
The TOEFL exam assesses four main language skills to measure your English proficiency. Here’s an organized breakdown of the scoring system and how it relates to language levels. #### **1. TOEFL Scoring System** * **Skills Assessed**: The TOEFL evaluates **Reading**, **Listening**, **Speaking**, and **Writing** skills. * **Score Range**: Each skill is scored from **0 to 30**, for a total possible score of **120**. * **Skill Levels**: Scores reflect levels of proficiency: * **Basic** * **Independent** * **Competent** ##### **Example:** If your scores were as follows: * **Reading**: 25 * **Listening**: 21 * **Speaking**: 16 * **Writing**: 10**Total Score**: 72 #### **2. Understanding CEFR Levels** * **What is CEFR?**CEFR stands for the **Common European Framework of Reference**. It classifies language proficiency into six levels: * **A1 and A2**: Basic * **B1 and B2**: Intermediate * **C1 and C2**: Advanced * **Score Requirements for CEFR Levels**: * **A2**: 17 points * **B1**: 42 points * **B2**: 72 points * **C1**: 95 points * **C2**: 114 points *Note*: A1 is the most basic level and doesn’t require a TOEFL score; it represents very low or no English proficiency. #### **3. Is There a Pass or Fail in TOEFL?** * **No Pass/Fail**: The TOEFL does not have a pass/fail outcome. Instead, your score places you within a CEFR level. **Institutional Requirements**: Each institution sets its own score requirement, so the necessary level can vary from **B1** to **C1**, depending on the program or school.
I have B2 already, but I want to achieve C1 for my next objective.
I need B2 at least for the MBA.
c1 or c2
I need get a B2 level.
If I want to get the schoolarship that I want I need to get C1 level that means a score of 95.
I think tha maybe obtaining a C1 I will be satisfied.
For the master's program that I'm applying to, I need a general score above 93 and a minimum of 18 in every category.
At work, the acepted level is B2 I'm preparing for that level of proficiency.
I need at least B2 (72 points).
Right now, I am level b1, but I need level C1 or C2. And I hope to only share my ideas in English as I do in Spanish.
I needt at level of C1
Probably a 100 points
I would like to have 95 points in the TOEFL exam
I need to have to a level between B1 and C1 to apply a any jobs in the EEUU or UK
I hope to one day reach level B1 or B2.
C1 I't ok but the higher the better. I was going to start teaching English to people in my community but out of nowhere, someone with a B1 Certificate and steals my spot! Imagine how bad I feel at the moment. In anycase, it's going to be a great tool for my goals.
I need C1 with a least 100
I need a score of 110
My objective is to achieve a C1 level in the TOEFL exam, as I read in the comments that this is a good score for university studies.
I'm looking forward to get a C1 level
They ask for at least a B2 level but I think C1 will be ideal for me
I really want to get a C1 level!!!
I need at least a C1 level to be able to work in the job for which I will apply.
I need a C2 level over 100.
I need B2
My goal is to get a C1 level
I want to get at least a 95 score in the TOEFL.

I need 100 points so it is like a C1 level.

Only need a B2 proficiency level to be eligible to apply for a scholarship for a diploma program abroad.

A minimum of 100! a minimum of 25 on each sub-section!
For TOEFL Essential, I think the scoring systema is different, because I need 480. I already did the exam and my score was 460 but I presented the exam two years ago, and I haven't practicing my English recently


I need at least 80 score for the exchange so that means that I have to be B2 level.
i need a score above 100

I need to get at least B2.

I need to get 100!!!

I’m looking to score c1, I’ve been evaluated by different tests and scored B2, now I’m currently looking for a good job and I’d like to have this requirement approved already.

I need a level B1, i think is the minimal to comunicate me with others inglish speakers

I need C1 or C2 if I’m so good as I think hehe

I need to accomplish the C2 level since it is required to study abroad.

I need at least a B2 level.

I need B2 at least

I want a 125 score but firstly I'll achieve 110 score like a short term goal


I need a B2 level