Introducción al examen TOEFL


Prepárate para el Examen TOEFL

Generalidades del examen TOEFL


¿De qué trata el examen de TOEFL?


IELTS vs. TOEFL: ¿Cuál es la diferencia?


¿Qué evalúa el examen TOEFL?

Quiz: Generalidades del examen TOEFL

TOEFL Reading: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Reading del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Reading: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 1


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 2


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 3


TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 4


Simulador de TOEFL Reading: Después de Practicar


TOEFL Reading: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Reading: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

TOEFL Listening: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Listening del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Listening: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Listening Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 1


TOEFL Listening Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 2


TOEFL Listening Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 3


Simulador de TOEFL Listening: Después de Practicar


TOEFL Listening: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Listening: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

TOEFL Speaking: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Speaking del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Speaking: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 1 Pregunta Independiente


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 2 Pregunta Integrada


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 3 Pregunta Integrada


TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 4 Pregunta Integrada


Simulador de TOEFL Speaking - Después de Practicar


TOEFL Speaking: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Speaking: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

TOEFL Writing: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


¿Qué encontrarás en la sección de Writing del TOEFL?


Simulador de TOEFL Writing: Antes de Empezar


TOEFL Writing Section: Task 1 Pregunta integrada


TOEFL Writing Section: Task 2 Discusión Académica


Simulador de TOEFL Writing: Después de Practicar


TOEFL Writing: Recomendaciones finales

Quiz: TOEFL Writing: Estructura y tipos de preguntas

Detalles finales del examen TOEFL


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Estructura del examen TOEFL


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TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 1


Preguntas de tipo factual y negativo factual en el TOEFL

Estas preguntas evalúan tu capacidad para identificar detalles específicos en un texto y distinguir entre información verdadera y falsa.

Dominar estas preguntas te permitirá obtener mejores resultados en la sección de lectura del TOEFL.

Preguntas de tipo factual

Estas buscan una respuesta correcta basada en detalles específicos del texto.


  • Formato típico:
    • "According to paragraph X, what does the author say about Y?"
    • "Which of the following ideas is presented in paragraph X?"
  • Respuesta correcta: siempre se encuentra explícitamente en el texto.


  1. Busca en el lugar indicado: fíjate en el número del párrafo mencionado.
  2. Localiza palabras clave: usa palabras específicas de la pregunta para encontrar la sección relevante.
  3. Reconoce parafraseos: las respuestas pueden estar expresadas con sinónimos o reformulaciones.

Ejemplo de pregunta factual:
"According to paragraph 2, what caused the population decline in the 19th century?"

Preguntas de tipo negativo f_actual_

Aquí debes identificar la única opción incorrecta entre varias afirmaciones verdaderas.


  • Formato típico:
    • "Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph X?"
    • "All of the following are true EXCEPT..."
  • Tres de las opciones estarán respaldadas por el texto; una será falsa.


  1. Descarta opciones verdaderas: verifica en el texto cuáles afirmaciones son correctas.
  2. Busca la opción que falta: encuentra el detalle que no está mencionado o que contradice el texto.
  3. Lee con cuidado: palabras como "always", "never" o "only" pueden indicar una afirmación incorrecta.

Ejemplo de pregunta negativa factual:

"Which of the following was NOT a consequence of industrialization in the 19th century?"

¿Cómo practicar?

  1. Textos simulados: trabaja con textos de práctica similares a los del TOEFL.
  2. Análisis post-evaluación: identifica por qué fallaste una respuesta y mejora tu estrategia.
  3. Tiempo limitado: busca responder preguntas en el tiempo asignado, como en el examen real.

¡Tips finales para el éxito!

  • Domina el vocabulario académico para evitar confusiones.
  • Aprende a gestionar el tiempo; no releas innecesariamente todo el texto.
  • Aprovecha la práctica constante para desarrollar confianza y fluidez.

Contribución creada con aportes de Gabriel Obregón y Jazmín Saavedra.

Aportes 51

Preguntas 5

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I’m seeing you guys in the comments sharing that you felt you did better, and the thing is: NOT ACING IT DOESN’T MEAN YOU DIDN’T UNDERSTAND THE TEXT.

It’s more about understanding how to work on your test skills. Sometimes, tests like those can trick our minds. Don’t think less about your English skills because of it, keep going with the course to learn how to succeed in the test!

My tip (and what I did) is to go back to the paragraph as many times as you need to answer one single question, and instead of going directly to the right answer, start excluding the wrong alternatives.

Let me know if this helps or if it makes it worst for you guys! Each of us need to develop our own “strategies” to take these kind of tests ^^

5/10. I felt I understood more things, but no.

Me gusta aprender inglés, en platzi es genial!!


I got 2/2 from this class

3/10 :(
8/10, we need correct answers please
Soy solo yo o no hay nada en la sección de recursos

4/10: A lot to improve…

3/10, I need to practice more... my thoughts about the example question types are simple but when I am doing the test is complex.
### **TOEFL reading question types** This guide will help you master two key question types in the TOEFL reading section: factual and negative factual questions, and vocabulary questions. Let's dive into the details. #### **1. How did your practice test go?** * Evaluate your experience: Was it **easy**, **difficult**, or **so-so**? * Use your test results as a **baseline** to identify areas for improvement. ### **FACTUAL AND NEGATIVE FACTUAL QUESTIONS** #### **What are they about?** * **Factual questions**: Identify specific details such as times, places, people, definitions, and main ideas. There is only **one correct answer**. * **Negative factual questions**: Most options are true, but your task is to find the **one false answer**. #### **How do these questions look?** Common formats include: * "According to paragraph X..." * "In paragraph X, what does the author say about..." * "Which of the following ideas are presented in paragraph X?" #### **Strategies for answering** * Locate the specific details in the passage that are **included** or **not included**. * Focus only on the **content relevant to the question**. * Look for **paraphrased language**—the question may reword details from the text. * Avoid rereading the entire passage; rely on cues such as: * "According to paragraph 1..." * "According to paragraph 3..." #### **Practice question** **Question**: "According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the Late Cretaceous climate?"**Options**: * a. Summers were very warm, and winters were very cold. * b. Shallow seas on the continents caused frequent temperature changes. * c. The climate was very similar to today’s climate. * d. The climate did not change dramatically from season to season. **Answer**: **D** ("The climate did not change dramatically from season to season"). ### **VOCABULARY QUESTIONS** #### **What are they about?** * Focus on specific words or phrases used by the author. * Understand their **definitions**, **meanings**, and **contexts**. #### **How do these questions look?** Common formats include: * "The word X in paragraph Y is closest in meaning to..." * "What does the author mean by X?" #### **Strategies for answering** * Identify **roots**, **prefixes**, and **suffixes** of words. * Use **synonyms** and **antonyms** to narrow down options. * Eliminate responses that change the **main idea** of the passage, as they are likely incorrect. #### **Practice question** **Question**: "The word 'fluctuations' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:"**Options**: * a. extremes * b. retreats * c. periods * d. variations **Answer**: **D** ("variations").
5/10 thanks for all the tips c=
For the example about vocabulary I pick option D
After reading the paragraph 1 I would say that the answer is D
Reading question types (Part 1) * Factual & negative factual questions: * Vocabulary questions
soy la única a la que no le apareció el test de reading? solo queda cargando
I passed the two questions but I had mediocre results in the previous test.
Realmente el vocabulario es super importante... En la primera pregunta estaba entre la opción C y D, por desconocer el significado de "milder" en "*the Late Cretaceous climate was **milder** than today’s",* sabía que era un *comparative* que venía de "mild", pero si se conocía el significado en automático descartaba la opción C.
donde es la seccion de recursos
I think these two questions were a little bit difficult, because you must very sure about in order to respose correctly.
I got 1/10, just random answering since I am about to bake bread for the weekend.
I got 4/10 :( I felt that it was easy. but ñaaaaaam
7/10. But my problem is that i take a lot of time to understand. How could we do it in a short time getting nice results?
It was easy
I have a correct answer
I chose the right answe, but in a first sight i was so anxious to answer as fast as possible that i almost choose the option b.
I can´t see the sample text in the resource tab?How to make it appear?Thanks
7/10,harder than i thought.

6/10. I need to practice my patience and my frustration tolerance because when i felt little frustrated i wanted to get up and go. ):

In the second one, without reading the passage number three, I just knew that variations is a synonymous of fluctuations

3/10, OMG

6/10 first try

i got 2/10. I want to cry! hahhahahahah

Yes! I answered correctly.

I got 7/10. I know I can improve a lot by the end of the course.

I got only 3/10. Its necesary to study a lot

5/10. I need to practice more

I got 4/10, I thought that I was in a good shape. But apparently not

I got only 3/10 😦 (in the previous test).
About the questions in this class:

  1. (I was wrong)
  2. (I was correct)

4 out of 10 …

7-10 =] first time doing this! I took the Duolingo test before, but it is pretty different! on the assessment methods, however, the purpose is the same.

5/10 😕



8/10 I have to admit that it surprised me

3 / 10 -_-

4/10 a long and very boring text haha

4/10 ):

The first question was tricky, because answer C could be the good one.

For me is difucult this practis