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TOEFL Reading: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


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TOEFL Reading Section: Tipos de Pregunta Parte 4


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TOEFL Reading: Recomendaciones finales

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TOEFL Listening: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


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TOEFL Speaking: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


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TOEFL Speaking Section: Task 4 Pregunta Integrada


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TOEFL Writing: Estructura y tipos de preguntas


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In the United States, eco-certification in the current context is not viable, there are many reasons, some of them rely on competitiveness in the market, and others depend on cultural problems. At first, the main idea about ecological certification in the timber industry was that companies adopt this label to be more competitive, but this only happens if there is trade abroad, in addition, American timber companies sell almost all of their products to customers. local. . The cultural problems are: 1. the scandalous ads, an extra label on purchases does not offer significant extra value,the people are tired of seeing and hearing about many “celestial products” and 2. customers prefer the lowest price, and will only prefer the eco-certification if the products cost the same. In conclusion, the issue of eco-certification in US wood companies is a reflection of the needs and desires of the market. Perhaps this methodology could  be effective if the customer culture is changed first.
The idea of certifying eco-friendly to wood companies is quite hard but not impossible to get. This goal can be achieved using good campaign of marketing, giving the customers some examples of how life in the forest changes by applying these laws and regulations in order to have the certification. Probably they can feel empathy if they see nature being protected and how the animals and the people who live around are safer now. Also its an economic problem because the cost to apply these regulations rises the cost of the product, thus, the market will change and will set up at a new point of equilibrium, in that point, we need to re-analyze the value proposal of the company, maybe change the markets where we sell the products, or find new markets or commercial alliances. To summarize the importance of having a wide perspective of this change in the wood regulations its mandatory because a failed decision could be the end of this proposal of value.
Eco certification in the wood market, would it take importance in the U.S.? There is world wide tendency in the wood industry, more and more companies are taking care and looking forward to obtain certifications about their practices and the eco friendly impact the have. For this, companies are contracting external eco evaluators that can certify this. This tendency is allowing the consumers know how is impacting what they are consuming. Nonetheless, currently this tendency does not seem to have reached the American companies yet. There are some reasons for this, and furthermore, there are plenty of opinions claiming if these ecological practices will or not reach American land in the future. Up next, some arguments in favor and against will be explain in detail One of the main reasons some people argues this practices are not conquering the U.S. is because the lack of attention American consumer pay to the advisories and certifications to the products their purchase. Nonetheless, some experts argues that American do pay attention to the advisories that comes form independents organization rather than the ones coming from the company itself. This way consumers might pay attention to eco certifications. Another arguemnt against eco certification is that this kind of service raises the price of the products and American valuates prices the msot over other factors. Once again, an argument in favor states that when prices increases are not significant in products, other factor take place in the consumer decision. Finally, as American wood companies main market is concentrated mainly in the U.S. territory, they are not interested in the world tendencies and developments as it is not affecting their main market. Nonetheless, something to point out in regards of this is that the world wide tendencies and developments should be of interest to U.S. companies as competence might take place with other companies for the American market so being up to date might maintain their advantage in the American ground. Something important to mention in regards of this discussion is that the effective application of the eco certification in the American market will strongly depend on the interest of the Americans in consuming in sustainable way, as more people take interest in this topic, changes for the products creation are inevitable. Environmental preservation or education, a personal choice: I believe education is the most important topic on these two issues. This is mainly because it is through education people can understand what is surrounding them and take decisions on what do they think is the best for commonwealth. An example of this is that it is thanks to education we are aware of the importance of environmental protection and global warming mitigation. It was thanks to the studies from some scientists we were able to notice that some product were making a huge hole on the ozone layer. It is thanks to the contributions from some studies and new technologies developments, we are able to take action on sustainable practices, alternatives energy sources and global warming prevention. All these achievements would be impossible to obtain without education

I agree that advertising should not be allowed or directed to children at an early age, since it is easier to exploit their mental vulnerabilities and thus affect their development, in addition to creating possible early addictions, thus limiting the future ability of children to make personal decisions.

if advertising has significant effects on already developed subjects, in a child who does not have sufficient competences, these stimuli can easily manipulate and suggest future decision making, thus affecting the development of the person.

American timber companies are not interested in obtaining environmentally friendly certificates, because they do not represent a significant competitive advantage, therefore they refrain from obtaining these certificates, in addition to this their competition relies on price, therefore an increase in price by incurring the costs of the certificates could end up generating a loss in profits and competitiveness in the market.
