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Diferencia entre "in time" y "on time"


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La expresión in time, al igual que la otra expresión de la que hablaremos en este artículo, se usa para hablar de llegar a tiempo.
Para empezar, in time se usa para decir que no llegamos tarde, que nos da tiempo a hacer lo que tengamos que hacer:

IN TIME: The bus was late, but we got there in time. — El autobús llegó tarde, pero llegamos a tiempo.
También se puede combinar con la preposición for o con to para indicar qué actividad tendremos tiempo de hacer:

They arrived in time for the concert. — Llegaron a tiempo para el concierto.
She arrived in time to see him leave. — Llegó a tiempo para verle irse.
También se usa la expresión just in time para indicar que se llega con el tiempo justo para algo:

They arrived just in time for lunch. — Llegaron con el tiempo justo para la comida.
Y puede que hayas visto in time en un contexto más, aunque en este caso el significado es muy distinto. También puede usarse como traducción de «con el paso del tiempo»:

You’ll forget about it in time. — Se te olvidará con el tiempo.
Vamos ahora con la otra expresión.

ON TIME: Seguramente hayas visto on time en los paneles de aeropuertos o estaciones para indicar que un vuelo, autobús o tren no lleva retraso. Y es que esta expresión quiere decir que algo ocurre a la hora a la que se supone que tiene que ocurrir. A diferencia de in time, on time sí que indica una hora exacta. A veces pueden ser intercambiables, pero la mayor parte de las veces no, y conviene saber cuándo usar cada una
One of the most important things in a job interview is to get there on time. — Una de las cosas más importantes de una entrevista de trabajo es llegar puntual.
Don’t worry if you’re late, we never start on time. — No te preocupes si llegas tarde, nunca empezamos a la hora.
Se puede combinar con otras palabras como right o dead para enfatizar:

They thought they’d miss the bus, but they were dead on time. — Pensaban que iban a perder el bus, pero llegaron a la hora exacta.
Here he comes, right on time. — Aquí viene, justo a su hora.

Antes de que se haga tarde / con tiempo suficiente
Puntual / a tiempo

  • I bought a Platzi subscription in time, this Saturday I’ll go.
  • I hope that my boss doesn’t be mad, I’m on time for the meeting
#### **What are prepositional phrases?** * **Definition:** A prepositional phrase is a group of words that includes a preposition, its object, and any words that modify this object. * **Components:** * **Preposition** * **Object** (a noun or a gerund) * **Modifiers** (words that describe the object) #### **Example and explanation** * **Example:** "I have arrived in time for the annual wine festival." * **Prepositional Phrase:** "in time" * **Preposition:** "in" * **Object:** "time" * **Explanation:** The preposition "in" controls the noun "time." The phrase makes sense because the preposition has an object to govern. **Incorrect Usage:** "You have arrived in for the annual wine festival." * This is incorrect because the preposition "in" does not have an object to control. **Correct Usage:** "You have arrived in time for the festival." * This is correct because the preposition "in" controls the noun "time." ### **Differences between "in time" and "on time"** **"In Time"** * **Meaning:** Before it is too late. * **Example:** "I arrived in time for the festival." (I arrived before the festival ended.) **"On Time"** * **Meaning:** At a specific, agreed-upon time. * **Example:** "I hope the new teacher arrives on time." (I hope they arrive at the scheduled time.)
weekend plans : I got pay in time my holidays started I always receive the paycheck on time
**Diferencia entre "in time" y "on time".** Practice: \- The concert started on time, and the band played many songs, and they sang together with the audience. \- She submitted her project in time for the deadline, even though she had been struggling with it.
**On time** and **in time** can seem similar, but they're not the same. The easiest way to understand these two types of prepositional phrases is with examples: * When you use the microwave, you set it for a certain time, and it finishes the job **on time**. You know exactly when it will be done. * On the other hand, when you're cooking something on the stove and you turn it off just before it burns, you turned it off **in time**.
The project will be completed **in time** for the end of the year. He managed to fix the car **in time** for the trip. We arrived at the airport **in time** to catch our flight. I prepared the entire birthday surprise **on time**, and it ended successfully. This event is so important for the company; it will be organized **on time.** He appeared **on time** to help me. You bought your airplane ticket **on time**; yesterday, all the prices were higher. The plane departs **on time**, so remember to arrive early.
IN TIME: * I'm going to arrive in time before the end of the show. ON TIME: * I have a metting at 2 p.m. I need to prepare all things on time.
In time? or On time?, ok what's the diferent? **In time:** Having enough time **On time:** A event happens at a certain time I have to take a flight **on time** to I arrive **in time** the work meeting
My english exam is gonna be the next month, so I could be there on time My clock doesn't sounds but I arrive in tome to my job
I have had my baby in time, I'm don´t very old oh! you arrive on time the class, the teacher is almost starting

I have to go with mi child to his school on time every day I will be in time for the movie this weekend

I have to go with mi child to his school on time every day
I will be in time for the movie this weekend

This morning I bought the concert tickets in time considering the offering ends next Saturday. I always take my lunch on time.
I arrive to study in time, I can do another thing before that's start with my classes. I need call him on time, because he will to leave for another country at night and then we can't speak anything.
I didn't know about the difference between in time and on time

thank you

I arrived in time to Yungas to attend the festival in that community
I couldn’t be on time to meet with my best friend yesterday

Let’s practice!

  • The flight arrived on time
  • The firefighters arrived in time to save the building from burning down.

The concert starts on time.
We going to pay the bill in time.