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Frases preposicionales con verbos


Aportes 27

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> **"*Look forward to*"** * **Significado:** Significa esperar con ansias un evento futuro. Implica anticipación y emoción positiva. * ***Ejemplos:*** * *I look forward to seeing you at the party. (Espero con ansias verte en la fiesta.)* * *She looks forward to her vacation. (Ella espera con ansias sus vacaciones.)* > **"*Believe in*"** * **Significado:** Significa tener fe o confianza en algo o alguien. Implica una creencia profunda. * ***Ejemplos:*** * *He believes in ghosts. (Él cree en fantasmas.)* * *I believe in hard work. (Creo en el trabajo duro.)* > **"*Take care of*"** * **Significado:** Significa cuidar de alguien o algo. Implica responsabilidad y atención. * ***Ejemplos:*** * *She takes care of her sick mother. (Ella cuida de su madre enferma.)* * *Can you take care of my plant while I'm away? (¿Puedes cuidar de mi planta mientras estoy fuera?)* > **"*Depend on*"** * **Significado:** *Significa confiar en alguien o algo para obtener ayuda o apoyo. Implica dependencia.* * ***Ejemplos:*** * *I depend on my friends for advice. (Dependo de mis amigos para que me aconsejen.)* * *The success of the project depends on your hard work. (El éxito del proyecto depende de tu trabajo duro.)* > **"*Listen to*"** * **Significado:** Significa prestar atención a algo o alguien. Implica escuchar activamente. * ***Ejemplos:*** * *I like to listen to music when I study. (Me gusta escuchar música cuando estudio.)* * *She listens to her teacher carefully. (Ella escucha a su profesor atentamente.)*

Prepositional verbs
It helps us to add more information or be more specific in what we say, modifying the verb or noun.

  • Look behind you (modifying the verb)

  • I like the coffee with vanilla and milk (modifying the noun)

**¿Qué son las frases preposicionales?** *Las frases preposicionales son grupos de palabras que comienzan con una preposición y modifican a un sustantivo, adjetivo o verbo. Proporcionan información adicional sobre el lugar, el tiempo, la manera o la relación entre las palabras en una oración.* **Estructura básica de una frase preposicional:** * **Preposición:** La palabra que inicia la frase (por ejemplo, in, on, at, under, over, etc.). * **Objeto de la preposición:** La palabra o frase que sigue a la preposición y sobre la cual se proporciona información adicional. * **Frases preposicionales de tiempo:*** **at night:** por la noche * **on Monday:** el lunes * **for two hours:** durante dos horas * **since morning:** desde la mañana * **Frases preposicionales de manera:*** **in a hurry:** con prisa * **with a smile:** con una sonrisa * **by bus:** en autobús * **Frases preposicionales de razón:*** **because of:** debido a * **thanks to:** gracias a * **due to:** debido a **Frases preposicionales de lugar:** * **in front of:** delante de (The car is in front of the house.) * **behind:** detrás de (The cat is hiding behind the sofa.) * **next to:** al lado de (The pen is next to the book.) * **above:** encima de (The bird is flying above the trees.) * **below:** debajo de (The fish is swimming below the surface.)
I like my coffee with sugar but without milk and also with some good arepas jejej
I like my coffee with sugar.
**How do you like to drink your coffee or tea?** I prefer to drink coffee without anything; I’m a fan of the original flavor. I want to drink tea with nuts. **Other prepositional phrases:** **During the summer** * They travel to Europe during the summer **From the beginning** He has been supportive from the beginning. **By the river** They built a house by the river. **For a few hours** The event lasted for a few hours.

I would like drink my coffe with panela and cinnamon

I like my coffee without milk and sugar. Also I like it (coffee) with cheese.
* I like coffe with milk
I like my coffee with sugar and milk.
* I like to drink my coffee without sugar.
I like to drink coffee or tea but without sweet with bread, cake, or cookie in the morning.
**Frases preposicionales con verbos.** Practice: \- How do you like to drink your coffee or tea? With or without what? I like black tea with 1 spoon of honey and a little milk; but I like my tea without much hot water. Google prepositional phrase examples. \- She drove past my house in her new car. \- The case was solved by the detective. \- This shirt is too tight in the sleeves.
I like the coffee with milk, but without sugar.
i like drink my coffee with milk i like drink my coffee without spoon
I like my coffee with some pastries.
#### **What are prepositional phrases?** * **Definition:** A prepositional phrase is a group of words that includes a preposition, its object, and any words that modify this object. * **Components:** * **Preposition** * **Object** (a noun or a gerund) * **Modifiers** (words that describe the object) #### **Examples and explanation** **Example 1: "Need to think about the evening plans"** * **Verb:** Think * **Preposition:** About * **Object:** Evening plans * **Explanation:** The preposition "about" controls the verb "think" and the object "evening plans." The phrase "think about the evening plans" is a prepositional phrase. **Example 2: "Look behind you"** * **Verb:** Look * **Preposition:** Behind * **Object:** You * **Explanation:** The preposition "behind" controls the verb "look" and the object "you." The phrase "look behind you" is a prepositional phrase. ### **Using "with" and "without"** * **With:** * **Example:** "Do you want a biscuit with your tea?" * **Explanation:** The preposition "with" controls the noun "tea." The phrase "with your tea" is a prepositional phrase. * **Without:** * **Example:** "I like my coffee without sugar." * **Explanation:** The preposition "without" controls the noun "sugar." The phrase "without sugar" is a prepositional phrase.
Here I sharing my example using prepositional phrases with verbs: • We need to still waiting for the game which starts at five o'clock. This example, for the first game Colombia played and won this afternoon at Copa America Tournament. Woho!! I can't wait to seeing Colombia playing again!
I'd like to share my example with you, my dear fellow students. • I prefer my coffee without sugar and I love to drink it with some delicious piece of bread, it is even more delicious to me if I eat it with cheese!
  1. He gave up without trying.- Adverbial phrase

  2. The boy in the white t-shirt is my cousin. – Adjectival phrase

  3. The little girl jumped with excitement when she saw the new bicycle her father bought her. – Adverbial phrase

I like my coffee in the breakfeast with some bread and eggs, every morning, off course. But I prefer coffee without milk.

I like my coffee with my break fast

Thank you


think about how are you going to spend your time and energy back home ECUADOR. I love to drink my coffee and tea with some almond milk

Look at me
I like my coffee with some cuñapes

Let’s practice

  • I like to drink my coffee without sugar.
  • I prefer to drink my tea with cookies.