Compara actividades y lugares en Inglés


Aportes 67

Preguntas 3

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Class practice

Adjective - Comparative - Superlative

  1. interesting - iore interesting - most interesting
  2. popular - more popular - most popular
  3. modern - more modern - most modern
  4. beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
  5. cheap - cheaper - cheapest
  6. pretty - prettier - prettiest

New vocabulary. Cobblestone streets --> calles empedradas 👀

What’s a comparative adjective? 🤔

A comparative adjective compares someone or something with someone or something else.

  • more traditional sites and activities

  • the more modern side of Bogota

  • park 93 looks much more modern than La Candelaria
    and more expensive too

What’s a superlative adjective? 🤔

A superlative adjective compares someone or something to every other person or object in the group.

  • one of the most interesting places

  • Top 5 most popular tourist areas

  • The most visited library in the continent

  • Bogota’s most historical neighborhood

  • one of the most exclusive areas

Class Script:

  • Gina: I’m almost finished with this email. Okay, email sent and all my work is done. I’m officially on vacation. Well, it’s time to start planning my trip to Bogota.

  • I’m so happy to see my old university friend Andrew. It’s great to have a friend who lives in Bogota that can show me around the city. Andrew asked me to choose the places I want to visit, so let’s see… Best things to do in Bogota, Colombia.

  • Hmm… According to this website, one of the most interesting places to visit in Bogota is La Candelaria neighborhood. It’s in the top five most popular tourist areas, thanks to its cultural offer of theaters, museums and libraries, including the most visited library in the continent, the Luis Angel Arango Library. La Candelaria, is also Bogota’s most historical neighborhood, still preserving its colonial architecture and cobblestone streets.

  • Wow! It looks like an awesome place to visit. I will include La Candelaria on my list. I love history and I can see this neighborhood will have more traditional sites and activities for me to do, but I also want to see the more modern side of Bogota. So, let’s see what else I can find

  • Hmm… Park 93 looks much more modern than La Candelaria and more expensive too! Apparently, it is one of the most exclusive areas in the city and it’s known for having some of the best restaurants and bars

  • Well, it looks like Bogota is a city of contrasts with many wonderful options. I can’t wait to talk to Andrew and choose even more places

It could be great to have another workshop but now related to Mexico 😊

aqui les dejo una pagina dond epueden profundizar mas con los Comparative Adjectives y al final tiene un quiz.

Adjectives to describe Tourist Places

  • Beautiful: Attractive aesthetically.
  • Picturesque: Charming or photogenic in appearance.
  • Historic: Having significance or relevance to history.
  • Vibrant: Full of life, energetic.
  • Exotic: Different or unusual compared to what is familiar.
  • Serene: Peaceful, calm.
  • Majestic: Impressive, deserving admiration.
  • Charming: Attractive in a special way.
  • Breathtaking: Impressive, astonishing, awe-inspiring.
  • Lively: Full of activity and vitality.
  • Scenic: Having panoramic or picturesque views.
  • Cosmopolitan: Having a blend of cultural influences and diversity.
  • Quaint: Attractively old-fashioned or picturesque.
  • Fascinating: Captivating, arousing interest.
  • Thrilling: Exciting, producing a sense of excitement.

interesting - more interesting
popular - most popular
modern - most modern
beautiful - most beautiful
cheap - cheaper
pretty - prettiest

  • I’m officially on vacation.
  • It’s time to start planning my trip to Bogota.
  • Best things to do in Bogota, Colombia.
  • One of the most interesting places to visit in Bogota is …
  • It is one of the most popular tourist areas.
  • The most visited library in the continent.
  • That is Bogota’s most historical neighborhood.
  • It looks like an awesome place to visit.
  • I will include La Candelaria on my list.
  • We will have more traditional sites and activities to do.
  • I also want to see the more modern side of Bogota.
  • It looks more expensive.
  • It is one of the most exclusive areas in the city.
  • It’s known for having some of the best restaurants and bars.

interesting, more interesting, most interesting.
popular, more popular, most popular.
modern, more modern, most modern.
beautiful, more beutiful, most beutiful.
cheap, cheaper, cheapest.
pretty, prettier, prettiest.

The feel when you know the trip starts, it's amazing.
We go on a trip

Let’s start! 😃

I would like to get to know Colombia Bogotá Arequipa Bucaramanga among other parts of Colombia

I love Gina vibes 😍
**Comparar actividades y lugares de una ciudad en inglés.** Instructions: Complete the table using the comparative and/or superlative form of the adjectives: interesting 1. \_more interesting\_ most interesting popular more popular 2. \_most popular\_\_ modern more modern 3. \_most modern\_\_ beautiful more beautiful 4. \_most beautiful\_\_ cheap cheaper 5. \_cheapest\_ pretty 6. \_prettier\_ prettiest

Some information about the superlative form of “beautiful” from ChatGPT :

“Most beautiful” is the standard and correct superlative form for adjectives with more than one syllable, like “beautiful.” For example, “She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Beautifulest” is an informal or nonstandard way of forming the superlative, and it is typically considered incorrect in formal writing. It’s better to use “most beautiful” for such cases.

Most interesting
Most popular
the most visit
Most historical
more traditional
The more modern
more modern than
more expensive
the most exclusive
The best

  • The best
  • One of the most interesting
  • Top 5 most popular
  • The most visited
  • Most historical
  • more tradicional
  • More modern
  • More expensive
  1. more interesting
  2. most popular
  3. most modern
  4. most beautiful
  5. cheapest
  6. prettie

interesting - more interesting - most interesting
popular - more popular - most popular
modern - more modern - most modern
beautiful - more beautiful - mosr beautiful
cheap - cheaper - cheapest
pretty - prettier - prettiest

Vocabulary of this video:

  1. Good:
    Superlative: The best. Example: The best things to do in Bogota.

  2. Interesting
    Superlative: most interesting. Example: the most interesting places to visit in Bogota.

  3. popular
    Superlative: most popular. Example: The most popular toruist areas.

  4. visited
    Superlative: most visited. Example: the most visited library in the continent.

  5. historical
    Superlative: most historical. Example: La candelaria is also Bogota´s most historical neighborhood.

  6. Traditional
    Comparative: more traditional. Example: Bogota will have more traditional sites and activities.

  7. modern
    Comparative: more modern. Example: You also want to see the more modern side of Bogota.

  8. Expensive
    Comparative: more expensive.

  9. Exclusive
    Superlative: most exclusive.

Example: Park 93 is a place looks more modern and more expensive than la Candelaria in the modern Bogota. It’s the most exclusive area in the city.

  1. interesting
  • Comparative: more interesting
  • superlative: most interesting
  1. popular
  • Comparative: more popular
  • Superlative: most popular
  1. modern
  • Comparative: more modern
  • Superlative: most modern
  1. beautiful
  • Comparative: more beautiful
  • Superlative: most beautiful
  1. cheap
  • Comparative: cheaper
  • Superlative: cheapest
  1. pretty
  • Comparative: prettier
  • Superlative: prettiest

Adjetive ----- Comparative ----- Superlative
Interesting - More interesting – Most interesting
Popular — More popular — Most popular
Modern – more modern — most modern
Beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful
Cheap — cheaper ---- cheapest / most cheap
Pretty — prettier ---- prettiest

My class practice
Adjetive - Comparative - Superlative
Interresting- more interesting- most interesting
Popular - more popular - most popular
Modern - more modern - most modern
Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
Cheap - cheaper - cheapest
Pretty - prettier - prettiest

Adjective: modern –
I don´t know if something is more modern than Amurdensen-Scott base. This is because, “they” don´t allow you explore it completely
The most modern place is the mentioned base.
Adjective: beautiful
I have to admit that if you are not there, the South Pole is more beautiful than almost any place in the world
The most beautiful moment is when the Glaciar Union´s employees say you that the airport at long last is available to return home
Adjective: cheap
The South Pole is cheaper than…I don´t know anyplace more expensive than the SP
The cheapest thing in the SP is, maybe, breathing…maybe
Adjective: pretty
The SP is not as prettier as Gina
The prettiest thing in the SP is the expectative that you have before arriving
My recommendation: Don´t go, unless you have a clear idea of what stay in the SP is, and you don´t have anxiety problems. Think that there is a reason because the South Pole has not 1.000.000 inhabitants, but a few hundreds that are not permanent.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

  1. interesting-more interesting-most interesting
  2. popular-more popular-most popular
  3. modern-more modern-most modern
  4. beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful
  5. cheap-cheaper-cheapest
  6. pretty-prettier-prettiest

1.-More interesting
1.-The most interesting
2.-more popular
2.-The most popular
3.-More modern
3.-The most modern
4.-More beautiful
4.-The most beautiful

Interesting - more interesting - most interesting
Popular - more popular - most popular
Modern - more modern - most modern
Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
Cheap - cheaper - cheapest
Pretty - prettier - prettiest









Hi everyone, this is my activity;

1.- more intersting.
2.- most popular.
3.- most modern.
4.- most beautiful.
5.- cheapest.
6.- prettier.

Instructions: Complete the table using the comparative and / or Superlative form of the adjectives.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
interesting more interesting most interesting
popular more popular most popular
modern more modern most modern
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
cheap cheaper cheapest
pretty prettier prettiest

Places Visist

Expensive too


Complete the table using the comparative and/or superlative form of the adjectives:

  1. More interesting
    Most interesting

  2. More popular
    Most popular

  3. More modern
    Most modern

  4. More beautiful
    Most beautiful

  5. Cheaper

  6. Prettier

More interesting
Most popular
Most modern
Most beautiful

more intersting
most popular
most modern
most beautiful

Interesting| Comparative form is more interesting because it has more than 3 syllables.
popular| superlative form is most popular or the most popular because it has 3 syllables.
modern| superlative form can be most modern or modernest, I have a confusion here but I believe that I am not wrong.
beautiful| superlative form is most beautiful because have more than 3 syllables
cheap| superlative form is cheapest because the pronunciation is of one syllable.
pretty| comparative form is prettier because it has 2 syllables.

For my list:

  • it’s known for having ɪts noʊn fər ˈhævɪŋ Es conocido por tener.

Extra practice

  • Interesting - more interesting - most interesting
  • popular - more popular - most popular
  • modern - more modern - most modern
  • beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
  • cheap - cheaper - cheapest
  • pretty - prettier - prettiest

One of the most interesting places.
Top 5 most popular tourist areas.
The most visited library in the continent.
Bogota’s most historical neighborhood.
More traditional sites and activities.
More modern side of Bogota.
Park 93 looks much more modern than La Candelaria and more expensive, too.
One of the most exclusive areas.

interesting - More Interesting - most interesting
popular - more popular - most popular
modern - more modern - most modern
beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
cheap - cheaper - cheapest
pretty - prettier - prettiest

There is a town called La Candelaria in Mexico too. It’s exactly where I live from.
You must visited in your next trip.

I love this format like a sitcom.

“C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Class 2 Comparar actividades y lugares de una ciudad en inglés.jpg”


My practice:

  1. Interesting - more interesting - most interesting
  2. Popular - more popular - most popular
  3. Modern - more modern - most modern
  4. Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
  5. Cheap - cheaper- cheapest
  6. Pretty - prettier - prettiest
Interesting - more interesting - most interesting Popular more popular most popular Modern more modern most modern Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful Cheap cheaper cheapest Pretty prettier prettiest

Adjective - Comparative - Superlative

interesting - iore interesting - most interesting
popular - more popular - most popular
modern - more modern - most modern
beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
cheap - cheaper - cheapest
pretty - prettier - prettiest


  1. more interesting
    more popular
    more modern
    more beautiful
  2. prettier
    most interesting
  3. most popular
  4. most modern
  5. most beautiful
  6. cheapest
good lecture


La Candelaria suits best for me, I love old sites with cobblestone streets.

Outstanding phrases to compare places:

  • … One of the most interesting places …
  • … Top 5 most popular tourist areas …
  • … The most visited library in the continent …
  • … Bogota’s most historical neighborhood …
  • … More traditional sites and activities …
  • … more modern side of Bogota …
  • … And more expensive too! …
  • … One of the most exclusive areas …

I want to trip to Bogota in the next Platzi Conf 2023.

“So Many Interesting Options”

Class practice

Adjective - Comparative - Superlative

interesting - iore interesting - most interesting
popular - more popular - most popular
modern - more modern - most modern
beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
cheap - cheaper - cheapest
pretty - prettier - prettiest

Daniel Castillo ty 😃

The best things to do in…
one of the most interesting places to visit
Top 5 most popular tourist areas
The most visited library in the continent Luis Angel Arango Library
cobblestone: adoquín
candelaria is the most historical neighborhood

Park 93 looks much modern
and more expensive too
it is one of the most exclusive areas in the city

  • Interesting, More interesting
  • Popular, most popular
  • Modern, Most modern
  • Beautiful, most beautiful
  • Cheap, cheapest
  • Pretty, Prettier.

The performance of the class was worse than last year’s.

The city center is less crowded today.