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36 Seg

Eliminación de letras en conjugaciones


Aportes 13

Preguntas 1

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • We are moving to a new city.
  • I’m so tired, the baby cried all night.
  • The team is taking a flight at 8 p.m.
  • Companies are inviting all its employees to the conference.
  • They ried to contact you yesterday
1. We are moving to a new city. 2. I'm so tired, the baby cried all night. 3. The team is taking a flight at 8PM. 4. Companies are inviting all its employees to the conference. 5. They tried to contact you yesterday.
  1. We tried to find a supermarket that was open last night, but it was impossible at 2 a.m.
  2. The company is inviting us to a conference in Aruba next month.
  3. The restaurant supplied the buffet for our last Christmas party.
  4. They are living in Rome right now.
  5. Our supplier is moving their operation to Central America.


We tried to find a supermarket that was open last night, but it was impossible at 2 a.m
The company is inviting us to a conference in Aruba next month.
The restaurant supplied the buffet for our last Christmas party.
They are living in Rome right now.
Our supplier is moving their operation to central America.

We are **moving** to a new city. I'm so tired, the baby **cried** all night. The team is **taking** a flight at 8 p.m. Companies are **inviting** all its employees to the conference. They **tried** to contact you yesterday.
**Eliminación de letras en conjugaciones.** Practice: Choose the correct verb. \- We are **moving** / moveing to a new city. \- I’m so tired, the baby cryed / **cried** all night. \- The team is takeing / **taking** a flight at 8 pm. \- Companies are **inviting** / inviteing all its employees to the conference. \- They **tried** / tryed to contact you yesterday. Worksheet. 1\. We \_\_tried\_\_ to find a supermarket that was open last night, but it was impossible at 2 a.m. 2\. The company is \_\_inviting\_\_ us to a conference in Aruba next month. 3\. The restaurant \_\_supplied\_\_ the buffet for our last Christmas party. 4\. They are \_\_living\_\_ in Rome right now. 5\. Our supplier is \_moving\_\_ their operation to Central America.
***1.** We TRIED to find a supermarket that was open last night, but it was impossible at 2 a.m.* ***2.** The company is INVITING us to a conference in Aruba next month.* ***3.**  The restaurant SUPPLIED the buffet for our last Christmas party.* ***4.** They are LIVING in Rome right now.*  ***5.** Our supplier is MOVING their operation to Central America.*

They are moving to a new house next month.
The baby cried all night.
He replies his emails in the morning.
The company is inviting us to a conference

We tried to find a supermarket that was open last night, but it was impossible at 2 a.m.
The company is inviting us to a conference in Aruba next month.
The restaurant supplied the buffet for our last Christmas party.
They are living in Rome right now.
Our supplier is moving their operation to Central America

We are moving to a new city
Im so tired, the baby cried all night
The team is taking a flight at 8 pm
Companies are inviting all its employees to the conference
They tried to contact you yesterday

  • We’re moving to a new city.
  • I’m so tired, the baby cried all night.
  • The team is taking a flight at 8 p.m.
  • Companies are inviting all their employees to the conference.
  • They tried to contact you yesterday.
  • He’s trying to put in contact with the manager from the other company.
  • We tried to find the supermarket that was open last night, but it was impossible at 2 a.m.
  • The company is inviting us to a conference in Aruba next month.
  • The restaurant supplied the buffet for our last Christmas party.
  • They are living in Rome right now.
  • Our supplier is moving their operation to Central America.

Good lecture