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Uso del apóstrofe en inglés


Aportes 12

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* We went to Sarah's house. * He didn't visit Roma on his trip to Europe. * We're changing all the computers next year. * It's currently located in Asia. * My parents' information was incomplete.
  1. The doctor didn’t prescribe me any medication for my knee.
  2. Andrew’s computer is not running as fast as it should
  3. Airlines should be more flexible and shouldn’t charge such high penalties.
  4. Jhon’s sister’s husband recently traveled to London for work.
  5. We couldn’t find the file our client needed.

Good lecture

We went to Sarah´s house. He didn´t visit Rome on his trip to Europe. We´re changing all the computer next year. It´s currently located in Asia. My parent´s information was incomplete.
### Singular Possession * **Parent's**: Used when showing possession by one parent. * "I need to pick up my **parent's** prescription." (The prescription belonging to one parent) * "We visited my **parent's** office yesterday." (The office belonging to one parent) ### Plural Possession * **Parents'**: Used when showing possession by multiple parents. * "The children are staying at their **parents'** house for the weekend." (The house belonging to both parents) * "We reviewed the **parents'** feedback on the school program." (The feedback from multiple parents)
En inglés, el uso del apóstrofe con "parents'" (o "parents") indica posesión. 1. **Parents'**: Se usa cuando el poseedor es plural. En este caso, "parents'" se utiliza para mostrar que algo pertenece a los padres en general. Por ejemplo: * "I met my friends at my parents' house." (Me encontré con mis amigos en la casa de mis padres.) 2. **Parent's**: Se usa cuando el poseedor es singular. En este caso, "parent's" indica posesión de un solo padre. Por ejemplo: * "I spoke to my parent's teacher." (Hablé con el profesor de mi padre o madre.)
# Uso del apóstrofe en inglés. Practice: Correct or incorrect? \- We went to Sarahs’ house. Incorrect. \- He didn’t visit Rome on his trip to Europe. Correct. \- We’are changing all the computers next year. Incorrect. \- It’s currently located in Asia. Correct. \- My parent’s information was incomplete. Incorrect. Worksheet. Select the correct option for each sentence. 1\. The doctor \_\_\_ prescribe me any medication for my knee. a. did’nt b. **didn’t** c. didn’t’ 2\. \_\_\_ computer is not running as fast as it should a. Andrews’ b. Andrews’s c. **Andrew’s** 3\. Airlines should be more flexible and \_\_\_ charge such high penalties. a. **Shouldn’t** b. Shoul’dnt c. Should’nt 4\. \_\_\_ husband recently travelled to London for work. a. Jhon’s sisters’ b. **John’s sister’s** c. Johns’ sister’s 5\. We \_\_\_ find the file our client needed. a. **couldn’t** b. could’nt c. couldn’t’
We went to Sarah's house He didn't visit Rome on his trip to Europe We're changing all the computers next year It's currently located in Asia My parents' information was incomplete
1.- The doctor didn't prescribe me any medication for my knee 2.- Andrew's computer is not running as it should 3.- Airline should be more flexible and shouldn't charge such high penalties 4.- John's sister's husband recently travelled to London for work 5.- We couldn't find the file our client needed

In this class, we’ll learn about two main uses of apostrophes:

  • Possession: Use an apostrophe to show ownership.
    Example 1: “Manuel’s car” means the car belongs to Manuel.
    Example 2: “Students’ supplies” indicates supplies for multiple students, so the apostrophe comes after the “S” to show plural possession.
  • Contractions: Use an apostrophe to combine two words.
    Example 1: “You shouldn’t” combines “should not” with the apostrophe replacing the "O."
    Example 2: “They’re” combines “they” and “are” with the apostrophe replacing the “A.”

The doctor didn’t prescribe me any medication for my knee.
Andrew’s computer is not running as fast as it should.
Airlines should be more flexible and shouldn’t charge such high penalties.
Jhon’s sister´s husband recently travelled to London for work.
We couldn’t find the file our client needed.

  1. b
  2. c
  3. a
  4. b
  5. a