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Cuando NO utilizar signos de puntuación en inglés


Aportes 18

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Dear Chris

We are changing the training schedule to Thursdays in order to have Fridays free.


Hey lmk if u come to the party.
Hey, let me know if you come to the party.

Hi don’t forget the keys LMK when you are close

Don't forget to bring the project and the laptop for the presentation to the office. Today will be a great day
Hi. Do u still have the backpack? (I sometimes write this kind of messages in an app where we can buy 2nd hand things)

Hi Maria can I call you ASAP.
This message will be sent to a friend.

Good lecture

**EXERCISE:** Dear John Today we had a big delay in the meeting with clients, the platform took more than 20 minutes to generate the skilled report from hiring room. Please send to Developers ASAP.  Let me know if you have some questions. Regards
"Hey there! Just had to say, last night was absolutely incredible! We really need to plan something like that again soon—it was such an unforgettable experience!" Let me know if you need any adjustments!
Practice: \- Write a message omitting some of the punctuation. \- Who would you write it to? \- Share your answer with the community. Message for my Friend Luis before our meeting in the mall. Hey just wanted to let you know im running a bit late will be there in about 20 minutes sorry for the delay see you soon.
Hey mom brings the drinks beacuse I can´t see you later
Dear Maxi I write you because I need you help to improve my fisical state to my football match GoodBye Pablo

You may ask for a holiday break, but I have bad news for you. The director of our company forgot about you last year because your salary is so small. He thought it was the commission for making copies. So, congratulations, you’re a customer now!!!

Hi Brian

I want to remember you about tomorrow’s meeting with our client Florida Power & light
See ya tomorrow

Hey Ana tomorrow is Pedros birthday dont forget c u there Gaby.

It is correct to say that in INFORMAL communication situations the writer is inclined to avoid punctuation signs. On the contrary, when you try to be really informal at the cell phone, for instance, the automatic orthographic correction makes its job. As a result, even when you are tempted to send the message "as it is" there will be the intervention of automatic correction.

Hi Leonidas please bring the beers and other beverages for the party this night.

I hope you soon.

Hi Leo please don’t forget the money to the grocery store c u

I wrote to León Andrés