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Good lecture

What makes a good language learner?

There are some things that second-language learners do and some things they don’t do. Here are some of the most useful suggestions.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things wrong, and good language learnes notice their mistakes and learn from them.

Do group activities. Language learnes shouldn’t be shy and should always look for opportunities to talk with other students.

Use a dictionary. Language learners often use dictionaries to check the meaning of words they don’t know. There are many user-friendly dictionaries online.

Think in the language you’re learning outside the classroom. When you’re shopping or walking down the street, or you’re at home. Remember useful words and phrases, and you can try to practice your pronuntiation.

Do extra practice. Practice reading and listening skills with self-study material.

Enjoy the process. Have fun with the language. Watch a TV series or film, listen to songs, play video games or read a book.

It’s never too late to become a good second-language learner.

  • If we write a formal text, we must use punctuation.
  • A two-thousand-year-old tablet is the first evidence of punctuation.
  • The Greek’s approach gave us the beginnings of the punctuation we use today.
  • Dear Robert, Your credit card will be changed in 10 days. Regards, Susan.
    -This is amazing!
* If we write a formal text, we must use punctuation. * A two-thousand-year-old tablet is the first evidence of punctuation. * The Greek's approach gave us the beginnings of the punctuation we use today. * Dear Robert, Your credit card will be changed in 10 days. Regards, Susan. * This is amazing!
Practice: Check these sentences: \- If we write a formal text, we must use punctuation. \- A two-thousand-year-old tablet is the first evidence of punctuation. \- The Greek’s approach gave us the beginnings of the punctuation we use today. \- Dear Robert, Your credit card will be changed in 10 days. Regards, Susan. This is amazing! Worksheet: Read the text and add the appropriate punctuation. What makes a good language learner? There are some things that **second-language** learners do and some things they **don’t** do. Here are some of the most useful suggestions: **Don’t** be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things wrong, and good language learners notice their mistakes and learn from them. Do group activities. Language learners **shouldn’t** be shy and should always look for opportunities to talk with other students. Use a dictionary. Language learners often use dictionaries to check the meaning of words they **don't** know. There are many **user-friendly** dictionaries online. Think in the language **you’re** learning outside the classroom. When **you’re** shopping or walking down the street, or **you’re** at home. Remember useful words and phrases, and you can try to practice your pronunciation. Do extra practice. Practice reading and listening skills with **self-study** material. Enjoy the process. Have fun with the language. Watch a TV series or film, listen to songs, play video **games, or read a book.** It's never too late to become a good second-language learner.
In August 2012, I embarked on my fisrt foreign jouerney to Germany, which turned out to be the most valuable experience of my life. The journey took 15 hours to reach the country. During the flight, I could see the most amaizing landscaped, sunsets and danws simultaneously. I was allowed to ejnoy various meals and drinks without limit, although some required payment. Upon seeing Germany's landscape for the first timer, I was astonished by its beauty and orderliness. Thanks a lot for taking your time to read me.