Good lecture
Refuerza tu ortografía y puntuación en inglés
Ortografía irregular en inglés
Palabras con consonantes irregulares
Palabras con vocales irregulares
Palabras con doble consonante
Errores ortográficos comunes en inglés
Quiz: Ortografía irregular en inglés
Uso de mayúsculas, acrónimos y ortografía irregular
Uso de mayúsculas en inglés
Eliminación de letras en conjugaciones
Plurales irregulares en inglés
Siglas de uso frecuente en inglés
Palabras del antiguo inglés
Palabras del latín utilizadas en inglés
Practica tu ortografía en inglés
Quiz: Uso de mayúsculas, acrónimos y ortografía irregular
Puntuación en inglés
Uso del guión en inglés
Uso de comas en inglés
Uso del apóstrofe en inglés
Cuando SÍ utilizar signos de puntuación en inglés
Cuando NO utilizar signos de puntuación en inglés
Practica tu puntuación en inglés
Quiz: Puntuación en inglés
Escribe tu perfil personal o profesional en inglés
Autoevaluación del curso
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Aportes 20
Preguntas 0
Good lecture
I challenge you to read everything in 1 minute 👇
I am an environmental engineer with over five years of experience in Sustainable Development Project Design and Solid Waste Management.
I am growth-oriented, autonomous, and passionate about everything I do. I am someone who takes ownership of the project, easily adapts to any situation, has leadership skills to drive solutions and ideas, and works effectively in multidisciplinary environments.
I develop technical documents such as Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Environmental Management Plans (EMP), Occupational Health and Safety Plans, licenses, and environmental registrations.
Currently, I am developing expertise as an environmental leader in climate change negotiations and data science to contribute to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conferences of the Parties (COP). Learn more about the Climate Reality Project:
I am a member of IAAS: the world’s largest network of students in agriculture and related sciences with +10,000 members, where we promote the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and ideas to enhance mutual understanding among students worldwide. Find out how to join here:
I have an advanced level of English, allowing me to easily adapt to different work environments.
I’m Isabel Cristina Henao Pino. I studied business administration at Universidad de Antioquia, I did an human-resources’ specialization and I had a master’s degree in organizational development on 2022. Since 2018, I have been working in Stop Jeans company as a Training-Welfare Coordinator. I have twenty-two-years-working experience and seven years as teams’ leadership. I like read, dance, walk and share with my family and friends. I want to continue improving in personal and profesional way. I work very hard to meet my goals, and I don’t like dishonesty. I’m a responsable-honest person.
Santiago is an Electrical engineer, with one year of experience in protection and control applied to electrical substations, he has developed several projects such as breaker replacement, battery replacement, installation of new relay systems, among others. He is a committed, outstanding, and leader.
Santiago is looking to apply his knowledge and experience in the electronic field, contributing to different projects, and is willing to learn about new cutting-edge technologies.
My profile.
I am writing this profile so I can remember the things I’ve done in my life.
Hello, I am Obdaly Garay, I am a seventeen-year-old marketer, who is studying hard so I can accomplish amazing things.
I am an athlete in Bogota, I am an inline skater. Skating is one of the sports I’ve done throughout my life, but for me, it is the most important. Skating changed my life in 2020, I never thought that just one class would lead me to dream and live for this fabulous sport.
My favorite hobby is watching films, and that’s why I started to study languages like English and French.
It’s actually an experience that makes you feel like you rule the world like a ceasar and at the same time being naive and learning new cultures, habits, words, and people.
My profile
I hope we can know better throughout this profile. I am 21-year-old, I’m from Colombia and I live near to the capital, Bogotá. My dad is teacher of music, that’s why I am connected with music since I was a child. Actually I work with him, we’ve a small school of music, work in that I can mantain my cost of life, but also enjoy learning more and more music. I have to admit that it isn’t an eassy work, like others, but I really try my best and put my effort in getting better.
First instrument that I have learned was piano, with the time I’ve started with violin and cello. I consider myself as a person that has to strive a lot, because is difficult for me, but learned to don’t give up, has been helping me in many things.
My goal is get outside from my home and live by myself, I think my parents need to live their lives.
In conclusion I’m living my life, I hope you’re doing well.
Thanks for reading me!
My name is Omar Fraile, I’m a thirty-two Venezuelan buyer, who had been working as a procurement analyst since 2013. I graduated with a degree in Customs and Foreign Trade.
Currently I live in Bogota, it is a beautiful but cold city. I don’t know many attractions in this city, but I really like many restaurants I have visited in the last few months. I remember an Argentinian restaurant in Usaquen and another one located in La Candelaria, where I ate Ajiaco, both of them very good restaurants.
Some of my hobbies include reading, watching tv series and playing videogames. In this moment my most important goal is to learn English; I want to improve my English level in order to get a better job.
So, the most exciting event in my life was when I traveled as a backpacker across Venezuela, I visited a few states, and I met a lot of people in the process. I would like to go to Europe in a couple of years.
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