EE: Bleed, Feed.
EA: Swear, eat.
IE: Achieve, brief.
OU: Bout, noun.
EI: Deceit, receipt.
AI: Again, said.
- I have to do the chores again!
- She swears it!
- People have to strive to achieve their goals!
- My mother feeds the baby.
Refuerza tu ortografía y puntuación en inglés
Ortografía irregular en inglés
Palabras con consonantes irregulares
Palabras con vocales irregulares
Palabras con doble consonante
Errores ortográficos comunes en inglés
Quiz: Ortografía irregular en inglés
Uso de mayúsculas, acrónimos y ortografía irregular
Uso de mayúsculas en inglés
Eliminación de letras en conjugaciones
Plurales irregulares en inglés
Siglas de uso frecuente en inglés
Palabras del antiguo inglés
Palabras del latín utilizadas en inglés
Practica tu ortografía en inglés
Quiz: Uso de mayúsculas, acrónimos y ortografía irregular
Puntuación en inglés
Uso del guión en inglés
Uso de comas en inglés
Uso del apóstrofe en inglés
Cuando SÍ utilizar signos de puntuación en inglés
Cuando NO utilizar signos de puntuación en inglés
Practica tu puntuación en inglés
Quiz: Puntuación en inglés
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Aportes 22
Preguntas 0
EE: Bleed, Feed.
EA: Swear, eat.
IE: Achieve, brief.
OU: Bout, noun.
EI: Deceit, receipt.
AI: Again, said.
Here are my answers por the activities and some examples of the irregulars vowels.
A. Fee
B. Bee
C. Needs
D. Meet
E. Steel.
B. Creativity
C. Break
D. Meat
E. Steak
F. Tea
G. Deadline
H. Steal
A. Relieve
B. Believe
A. Counsel
B. Mouth
C. Four
D. Pour
E. Fought
A. Receive
B. Conceive
C: Activities
A. Pain
B. Gain
C. Claim
D. Stain
E. Daily
F. Dairy
A. People
Two more words = Feel, Mountain.
My sister lives between those mountains.
I would like to have a break. I am so tired
Your niece believes in god
There is a bee on my cookie
Bee - Fee
Break - Steak
Believe - Relieve
Four - Pour
Conceive - Receive
Pain - Stain
Look - Tooth
I see that you believe fervently in God.
The roast beef we ate over the weekend was delicious.
The stain on your shirt only comes out with limpid.
I would like to do an ecological tour and look at some exotic birds.
Children perceive many colors. Archeologist seek lost civilizations. We have a meeting, even though the client is late. August is the windiest month of the year. A broken arm causes a lot of pain. Pour the coffee carefully. It is hot.
Gasoline fee is extremely expensive
Good lecture
My two examples:
Bear - Teeth - Nail - Eat - Hair - Soup -
Nothing could relieve her pain.
This month we received the fee of the light tax with an increase.
There are four steaks for lunch.
The stain that was made on his suit isn’t believable.
Children perceive many colors.
Archeologist seek lost civilizations.
We have a meeting, even though the client is late.
August is the windiest month of the year.
A broken arm causes a lot of pain.
Pour the coffee carefully. It is hot.
Children perceive many colors. Archeologist seek lost civilizations. We have a meeting, even though the client is late. August is the windiest month of the year. A broken arm causes a lot of pain. Pour the coffee carefully. It is hot.
Children perceive many colors. Archeologist seek lost civilizations. We have a meeting, even though the client is late. August is the windiest month of the year. A broken arm causes a lot of pain. Pour the coffee carefully. It is hot.
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