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Antes: $249


Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

14 Días
21 Hrs
52 Min
24 Seg

Mejoraste tu ortografía y puntuación en inglés



Curso de Ortografía y Puntuación en Inglés
Dean: Jess Harris
English School Owner: Jhon Carvajal
Teacher: Caterina Barbosa
Course Direction: Andrés Blanco
Production OPS: Lizeth Cáceres & Rocío Martínez
Audiovisual Creator: León Felipe Jiménez
Video Editor: Pablo Valès
Audio Post Production: Santiago Guarín Suárez
Graphic Design: Amelia Amórtegui
Coordination: Andrés Arizmendy, Daniel Gutiérrez, Carol Baquero, Carlos Céspedes & Sura Cedeño
Revision: João Guilherme Vieira Jófili, Adriana Bastidas & Reinaldo Espinoza

Aportes 5

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

I liked most about this course all of the knowledge to be a better writer in English.
I am going to continue practicing by writing a lot.
I like learn more about conversations at work.

I can’t believe I could write my profile. I’m so hapy! Thanks a lot

Extraordinary, Excellent, and IMPORTANT Course to study, understand and LEARN

Thanks a lot !!!

Excellent course!

Good course! Thank you so much