Utiliza "will" con verbos en infinitivo


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New expressions for me:

  • stay tuned
  • also known as the…
  • tropical setting
  • bug repellent
  • mosquitoes
  • alligator
  • the first two
  • climb
  • It’s good to be back
  • My life is not as exciting than yours
  • acclimatize
  • to go on an adventure

What will you do this weekend?

  • I`ll travel to Bogotá

This weekend I’ll clean my house and maybe goes to the movie with my wife, we want to see the Mario Bros Movie!

I will play soccer this weekend.

This weekend I will go with my grandmother to have lunch at the restaurant and then we will walk through the mall

The decision of rose taken was that she’ll go to an adventure to Asia

I will rest this weekend, because i am very tired

I will do clean up and rest a bit

I´ll travel this weekend. I want to visit a nearby town.

this weekend I will go with my friends in somewhere park in London and after we will drink some beers
I'll play with my tablet.
This weekend, I’ll go to my son’s favorite square. In that place, my son plays with his friends and enjoys an ice cream.
This weekend my grandmother and mother is her birthday and will we going to celebrate
This weekend I will go with my family to the beach.
this weekend i will go to movie theater to watch a new movie
I will visit my best friend in the park and give her a gift.

Will + infinitive

We can use the simple future to express a spontaneous decision.
Example: I’m hungry. I will make some pasta.
Example: I’m tired. I will go to bed early.
Example: It’s getting late. I will take a taxi home.
Example: This movie is boring. I will leave and do something else.
Example: The weather is nice. I will go for a walk in the park.

What will you do this weekend?
I ’ll go to ride in my bicycle with me wife around to Bravo river.

i don’t know, i guess i will play in my pc

what will you do this weekend ?
i will cooking every time , study in platzi , practice englis , and clean my house , shere with my boyfriend and my parrot

This weekend I will go to shopping with my family and possibly we’ll go to swim in the river near. I am excited about that!!

This weekend I will travel to Manizales for a little adventure, because this class has inspired me to travel but I don’t have enought money to travel abroad jajaja

I think this weekend I´ll work with kids for earn some money and have fun
I will pass the exam of fundamentals of python. I will finish this course. I will start with a new course of python. I will practice chalistenics. I will exam of digital systems at the university
* This weekwnd I will visit my family in a town near my city. * We will do homework with my daughter.
This weekend I will finish my programming course and my first programming career path.
I fall in love in this class
This weekend I will try to learn a new programming language, I will also try to clean up my room, specially my desk where I spend most of my time.
I will be learning for 4 hours a day.
I will rest.
what will you do this weekend? I`ll go to Monterrey with my family and we`ll eat roast meet with my friend
This weekend i'll go to meet with my friends, maybe drink something and play cards like truco or poker. Saturday and sunday i dont study but this weekend i will try to study a few hours.
i´ll work at new city
I will clean my room because i help me have a clear mind
I'll study music theory this weekend because I have free time to do it
the Next week (Today is saturday), I am going to fix my car, I have the date for tursday. And I will eat to restaurant with my mom.
| What will you do this weekend? * I will go to a museum with my husband and maybe we'll watch a horror movie at evening.
I will be to rest in my home. I will cook. I will ride bicycle with my son.
I will buy a new motorcicle Italika FT 150 GTS because I went to Banco Azteka to deposit money and a seller convenced me to buy, this motorcicle is so beatiful and I have the money to pay, but I can take it with me with no down payment, I will ride to other city with my new toy
Hey hi, this weekend I'll be working, and then I rest on monday.
This weekend I'll stay home all day. I'll play video games, and I'll cook something delicious for myself.
what will you do this weekend? i'll go to park
What will you do this weekend? * I'll drive my mountain bike in the hills * I won´t forget my bicycle helmet
Simple future: will + infinitive. Example: I will watch my favorite TV show tonight. With contraction: I'll watch my favorite TV show tonight. Negations: I will not forget you. I won't forget you.
This weekend I'll go to the movie, with some friends.
I'll rest in this weekend.
Next weekend, I will go to Caracas with my girlfriend because she has class.
I'll go to cafe with my friend!
I'll go to play soccer with some friends and after that maybe we will go for a beer.
This weekend I'll go visit to my girlfriend, we'll go to the cinema and watch a new movie. It's gonna be a pleasure share thime with her. Actually always is.
What will you do this weekend? I will go to visit my mom in my hometown this weekend. We will paint some rooms of her house and I will come back on sunday
I will go with my girlfriend this weekend
I will study English for 20 minutes and I will spend time with my family cleaning the house
Well, this weekend i'll going out whit my friends in different places to eat and watch movies
I will travel to see an (I+D) conference :)
I will go to the cinema
this weekend i'll studied the english course in platzi
this weekend i'll go to drink some beers!
* I will go to the capital of my province.
I will travel to Armenia because I have a soccer match and my team will also go.
Teacher, why is there no contraction with (You will)
I will learn basic english A2
I'll definitely go for a bike ride
I will go to the Santa Marta this weekend, after I'll go to run on the beach
I will go to swim in the new public pool, later I'll ride on my bike climbing a mountain.

I’ll go to the shopping

I'll study this weekend. It's my spontaneous decision. jejejjejejej
I'll work in my house and study English in Platzi

I remember some English lectures because I’m working at a call center. I’ll use future simple in my work.

i will create my new company, my company will be cryptocurrency
i will swimming in the beach
i'll study english and prepared my book cover
I will eat sushi with my boyfriend and a friend, and the other day I wil to visit my grandparents of my dad, and maybe I will go out with my mom to eat something.
This weekend i´ll make a song with a good friend.
I will go to eat pizza, because it´s new year
I will walk in my city
This weeking I will clean my bedroom and wash my clothes.
This weekend I will visit my family for Christmas and we'll have dinner together
i will have a dinner with my best friends
* I will apply sunscreen * I will not swim in the river because there is a crocodile. * I'll play soccer. * I won't forget the ball. * She'll go on an adventure. * I will watch movies on Netflix.

Q: Rose will save money to go on an adventure?
R: false

Q: What will you do this weekend?
R: I will go to eat out with my girlfriend and we’ll buy some house things.

ion this weekend i´ll work and study at the same time :) but i like it
I will make some desserts for my family.
The next weekend, I'll go to my in-laws' house, I'll read a book, and I'll study data science on Platzi. I am thinking of going to the beach with my wife."
I will be in La Paz Bolivia
What will you do this weekend? I will make some pupusas for my family and take a nice Sunday.
I'l this weekend work at the university
What will you do this weekend? -I'll visit my parents.
This weekend I'll go to the national zoo. There is a beautiful puma there. It's a white puma, an albino puma. A few months ago borned this puma in the zoo

I will go to a nice restaurant!

This weekend I will put the christmas tree, then I will decorate my house too. Maybe we will visit my mother in law and we will go to a restaurant.

i will go to a friend`s house this weekend i will eat candies watch movies and play board games

What will you do this weekend?

  • I will go to the laundry on Saturday and on Sunday
    I’ll go to the church with my girlfriend.
Tomorrow I'll go to a party
I'll buy a gift for my mom, because it's her birthday on Sunday.
I will play video games all the weekend.
I'll watch my favourite series.
I'll go to the center of Bogota. I am looking for a camping tent, so I think that in this place I can find a lot of options.