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Adjetivos terminados en "-ed" y "-ing"


Aportes 160

Preguntas 1

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What does Rose think of these places?

-The elephant
I felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying.

  • The temple
    The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspiried to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs

  • The mountain
    The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity the air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing

New vocabulary:

  • frightened
  • annoy

The elephant sanctuary is fascinating, rose feels amazed to see those fascinated giants in their natural habitat, she was so gratified.
The temple are fascinanting, rose feels inspired to learn more about tailand´s culture
The mountain have a breaktaking ecosistem, rose feels relaxed in this place

ED) for feelings and emotions
ING) for describe things, places and, situations

  • This was an amazing class

  • She is bored, because she has been studying for too many hours

  • She was surprised to receive my phone call

  • The email was very confusing

  • All the amazing things in my first weekend, Thailand…

  • I was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary

  • I feel amazed for the fascinating giants

  • Feed them was gratifying

  • A city full of fascinating temples, interesting architecture and design make me feel inspired to learn more

  • The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there very relaxing

  • I am thrilled to be here…

Answer the question 1. Rose was excited to visit the elephant sanctuary. 2. Rose felt inspired by the interesting achitecture and desing of the temples. 3. She was surprised by the breathtaking ecosystem of the mountains.


She is surprised and excited to visit the elephant sanctuary which was the first place she visited in Thailand. She was fascinated by the temples the interesting architecture and design that made her feel to learn about her culture and beliefs from Thailand. She was blown away by the ecosystem and biodiversity and the refreshing air and experience and that it was so relaxing to be there, she was thrilled to continue her adventure.

What does Rose think of these places?

  1. She got excited to visit the elephant santuary and was amazed to see these fascinating giants in their natural habitat and being able to ihteract with them was fascinating.
  2. went to a city of fascinating temples its interesting architecture and design made her feel inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.
  3. She couldn’t forget her visit to the mountains the ecosystem is impressive and full of biodiversity the air was refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing she was delighted to be there and couldn’t wait to continue her adventure.

What does Rose think of these places ?

  • the elephant sanctuary
    She feel amazed to SEE these fascinating Giants i’m theie natural habitad and being ablento interact with them and feed them was si gratifying
  • the temple
    The interesting architectureand desing Made me feel inspires to learn more the Thailand and his culture
  • the mountain
    The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity and her experience of being there was very relaxing

What does Rose think of these places?

  1. The elephant sanctuary.
  • She thinks it is amazing.
  1. The temple.
  • She thinks the temple is fascinating.
  1. The mountain.
  • She thinks the mountain is relaxing.

what does Rose think pf these places?
1.The elephant sanctuary: She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants
2. The temple: fascinating temples, the interesting architecture. she felt inspired to learn more
3. The mountain: The ecosystem breathtaking, The air refreshing. She was relaxed

She was surprised to receive my phone call
The email was very confusing.

What does Rose think of these places?

The elephant sanctuary
She felt amazed for seeing the fascinating elephants, she also felt gratified when she feed them.
The temple
She felt inspired by the fascinating and interesting architecture of the temples.
The mountain
She felt relaxed by the breathtaking ecosystem and the refreshing air of the mountains.

  • She was so excited to visit the elephant santuary.
  • Their interesting arquitecture and design made her feel inspired to learn more about Thailand culture.
  • The ecosystem of the Mountains is breathtaking. There was so refreshing and the experience of being was very relaxing.

What does Rose think of these places?
The elephant sanctuary:
She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habital and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying.
The temple:
The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspired to learn more about Thailand´s culture and religious beliels.
The mountain:
The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity. The air was so refreshing and experience of being there was very relaxing.

She was surprised to receive my phone call.

The email was very confusing

The elephant

She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat and being ableto interact with them and feed them was so gratifying.

The temple

The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.

The Mountain

The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.

* She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants. ✅ * About the temple she think that the architecture and design is interesting.❌ * She thinks that the architecture and design of the temple are interesting.✅ * She thinks that the mountain's ecosystem is breathtaking.✅
* She was exited to visit The elephant sanctuary. * The temple were fascinating with interesting architecture. * The ecosystem in the mountains is breathtaking of full of diversity.
* She was surprised to receive my phone call. * The email was very confusing.
What does Rose think of these places? * The elephant sanctuary, she felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat. * The interesting architecture and design made her feel inspired to learn more about Tailand culture. * The visit to the mountains was amazing. The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity, the air was so refreshing and the experience to being there was very relaxing.
The difference between adjectives that end in **-ed** and **-ing** lies in the perspective they describe and the focus of the emotion or state they express: ### **Adjectives Ending in -ed** * **Description**: These adjectives describe **how someone feels**. They focus on the emotions or states experienced by a person or thing. * **Examples**: * **I am bored.** (This describes how you feel.) * **She is excited.** (This shows her emotion or feeling.) * **We are confused.** (This reflects our state of mind.) * **Usage Tip**: Think of these as **passive** emotions—something causes the feeling. ### **Adjectives Ending in -ing** * **Description**: These adjectives describe **the thing or situation that causes the feeling**. They focus on the source of the emotion. * **Examples**: * **This movie is boring.** (The movie causes boredom.) * **It’s an exciting game!** (The game is causing excitement.) * **The directions are confusing.** (The directions cause confusion.) * **Usage Tip**: Think of these as **active** descriptions—something creates the effect. ### **Quick Comparison** EndingDescribesExample Sentence**-ed**Feelings experienced by someone"I’m annoyed by the noise."**-ing**The cause of the feeling"The noise is annoying." ### **Practice Tip** * Ask yourself: * **How do I feel?** Use **-ed**. *"I feel tired."* * **What is causing the feeling?** Use **-ing**. *"This work is tiring."*
Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed" describen emociones que sienten las personas, como "cansado" o "sorprendido". Por otro lado, los adjetivos que terminan en "-ing" describen lo que causa esas emociones, como "agotador" o "sorprendente". Por ejemplo, "estoy cansado" se refiere a cómo me siento, mientras que "la película es aburrida" describe el efecto que tiene la película. Esta distinción es clave para usar adjetivos correctamente en inglés.
Los adjetivos y preposiciones son fundamentales en la construcción de frases en inglés. Mientras que los adjetivos describen características o emociones, como se explica en el módulo sobre adjetivos terminados en "-ed" e "-ing", las preposiciones ayudan a conectar estos adjetivos con otros elementos en la oración. Por ejemplo, "interesado en" o "emocionado por" son combinaciones comunes. Aprender a usarlas correctamente mejora tu habilidad para expresarte y formular oraciones más complejas.
Rose thinks that the elephant sanctuary is amazing and feels astonished by the fascinating elephants in their natural habitat. She finds Chiang Mai interesting due to its captivating temples and architecture, which inspires her to learn more about Thai culture. Finally, she describes the mountains as refreshing and relaxing, enjoying the impressive biodiversity of the ecosystem there. Each place evokes different emotions and reflects her experiences vividly.
La clase sobre adjetivos terminados en "-ed" y "-ing" se relaciona con combinaciones de adjetivos y preposiciones porque ambas temáticas abordan cómo describir emociones y situaciones. Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed" se refieren a las emociones que siente una persona, mientras que los que terminan en "-ing" describen la fuente de esas emociones. Comprender estas diferencias te ayudará a construir oraciones más ricas en inglés, utilizando adecuadamente preposiciones que acompañen a los adjetivos.
La diferencia entre los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed" y "-ing" radica en su uso. Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed" describen cómo se sienten las personas (emociones), como en "Estoy cansado". En cambio, los adjetivos que terminan en "-ing" describen la causa de esas emociones, como en "La película es aburrida". Por lo tanto, "cansado" refleja la emoción de una persona, mientras que "aburrida" describe la calidad de la película.
1. She was so excited to visited the elephant sanctuary. 2. She thinks that the temple was fascinating. 3. She thinks that the mountain was breathtaking.
What does Rose think of these places? * She was exited to visit the elephant sanctuary, she felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in ther natural habitat * She think the architecture and design temples were interesting * The mountain have a ecosystem beathtaking and full of biodiversity, the air was so refreshing and the experience was relaxing
* She was amazed and feed them was so gratifying. * she was amazed for the temple, the interesting architecture and desing. * the mountain have the ecosystem breathtaking and full of biodiversity.
What does Rose think of these places? * The elephant sanctuary. \- She was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary; it was the first place she went. She felt amazed to see those fascinanting giants in their natural habitat and being able to interact with them and feed them. * The temple. \- She thinks that the interesting architecture and desing made her feel inspired to learn more about timesland culture and religious beliefs. * The mountain. \- She thinks that the ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity. The air was so refreshing and her experience of being there was very relaxing.
What does Rose think of these places? 1.- The elephant sanctuary * She think it is amazing 2.- The temple * She think the temple is fascinating 3.- The mountain * She think the mountain is relaxing
She was so excited about the elephant sanctuary, She felt amazed to see the giants in the natural habitat.
Hello ! What does Rose think of these places? * She’s excited to visit the elephant sanctuary * She thinks that the temples in Thailand are very interesting * She says that the experience in the mountains of Thailand was relaxing
the excited the elephant santuary fascinating the temple breathtaking the mountain
| What does Rose think of these places? * **The elephant sanctuary:** She's so excited to visit the sanctuary. * **The temple:** She think that the temples in Thailand are very interisting * **The mountain:** She feels that visiting the mountains is a refreshing and relaxing experience.
What does Rose think of these places?  Elephant sanctuary: She felts amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat. She was gratified.  The temple: The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture.  The mountains: The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.
Rose is so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary that it was the first place Rose thinks the temple in Thailand is interesting, its architecture and design inspired her to learn more about the culture and religious beliefs of Thailand. Rose can't forget the visit to the mountains. The ecosystem isImpressive and full of biodiversity! The air was very refreshing and the experienceBeing there was very relaxing.
* She’s so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary * She thinks that the temples in Thailand are very interesting * She says that the experience in the mountains of Thailand was refreshing and relaxing
A lot of adjectives are made from verbs by adding -ing or -ed.
let"s practice 1 she was -surprised-to receive my phone call 2 the email was very -confusing-
* The elephant sanctuary was fascinating because the elephants was in its natural habitat and she can interact with they. * The temple has interesting architecture and desing, so she learn more about the old architecture. * The mountain was interesting because it was a lot of biodiversity and the air was so refreshing, there was very relaxing.
What does Rose think of these places? -The elephant: I was amazed to see these amazing pachyderms in their natural environment and being able to interact with them and feed them was very rewarding. The temple: Its fascinating architecture and design inspired me to delve deeper into Thailand's culture and religious beliefs. The mountain: The ecosystem is impressive and full of biodiversity, the air was very refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing. Translated with (free version)
**What does Rose think of these places?** * The elephant sanctuary. * She was so **excited** to visit The elephant Sanctuary, it was the first place that she wants to. She felts **amazed** to see those **fasciniting** giants in their habitat. * The temple. * She saw the interesting architectures and design makes her feels **inspired** to learn more about Tailand cultures and religious beliefs. * The mountain. * She can't foget her visit to the mountains, the ecosystem is full of biodiversity the air was so **refrishing** and the experience of be there was very **relaxing**.
Me when I see the academic management system of my university. ![]( (It's very confusing and I feel disappointed).
* She think is exciting to visit the elephant santuary * She think is Interesting the architecture and desing the temples * She think is breathtaking the montain and diversity
● The elephant sanctuary: She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat. ● The temple: The interesting architecture and design made she feels inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs. ● The mountain. She was very relaxing for the air was so refreshing.
*She was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary* *her visit to Chiang Mai, a city full of fascinating temples, the interesting and design* *The mountains its ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity*
* The elephant sactuary: She was so exiting for visit the elephant sactuary, She felt good about the fascinating gigant in their natural place. * The temple: She felt inspired to learn more about the fascinating temples. * The mountain: She can't forget, her visit to the mountains, the ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity
She was sou exited to visit the Elephant sanctuary that is was the first place she went to, she felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat She was visit to Chiang Mai The temple, the interesting architecture and design made she feel inspired to learn more about Thailand's culture and religious beliefs She was visit The mountain the ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity, the air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing
What does Rose think of these places? * The elephant sanctuary - excited / fascinating * The temple - inspired / interesting * The mountain - thrilled / refreshing
What does Rose think of these places ? 1. The elephant sanctuary. I felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying. 2. The temple. The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspiried to learn more about Thailand's culture and religious beliefs 3. The mountain. The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity the air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing
In the Elephants Sanctuary, Rose felt amazed for the beauty of this animals. The temple was so interesting, was so relaxing and peacefull.
1. She was surprised to receive my phone call. 2. The email was very confusing. 3. Rose was amazed by the elephant sanctuary. 4. Rose was inspired by temples and she wants to learn more about Thailand’s culture. 5. She said that the mountain was breathtaking and very relaxing.
Rose thinks about the elephant sanctuary, that was an exciting experience. The temple was an inspiring place, she felt chill and happy. She felt amazed about the mountain, climb the mountain is a tiring experience.

Adjectives ending -ed

  • He is worried about the project.
  • She es excited about the project.

Adjectives ending -ing

  • The Platzi class is interesting.
  • The zoom old live class is boring.

Let’s practice:

  • She was surprised to receive my phone cal.
  • The email was very confusing.

Te most exciting places

**What does Rose thing of these places?
**- The elephant sanctuary: Rose things that the elephant sanctuary is fasicnating.

  • The temple: She felt inspired to learn more about thailand’s culture and religion believes.

  • The mountains: She things that the mountains are very refreshing and relaxing.

What does Rose think of these places? The elephant sanctuary: She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat, and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying. The temple: She was interested in the architecture and design, which made her feel inspired to learn more about Thailand's culture and religious beliefs. The mountain: She thought that the ecosystem was breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing, and the experience of being there was very relaxing.
* the elephant was the first place that she visit, she was amazed of that amazing gigantsz feed them was so gratifed * the temple was intersting for the architecture and de desing make her feel inspired to learn more about thailand´s culture and religions beliefs * the mountain, The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity the air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing
Ed - para hablar de personas feel ing - para hablar de cosas
* She was <u>surprised </u>to receive my phone call * The email was very <u>confusing</u> \----- What does Rose think of these places? Rose felt amazed to see those fascinating elephants in their natural habitat, because it seemed giants to her. As to the template, Rose was fascinated to see the architecture, was inspiring to her. The mountain ecosystem was breathtaking for Rose, She felt the air refreshing and her experience was very relaxing
A. Surprised
What does she think about of these places? She’s exited to visited the elephant sanctuary, she wants meet the fascinated giants en them natural habitat. The temple, is a fascinating for his architecture and designs and inspired to know more about Thailand culture Visited the the montain is an experience refreshing and relaxing.

What does Rose think of these places?

  • The elephant sanctuary.
    She was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary.

  • The temple.
    She thought the temple was fascinating

  • The mountain.
    She thought about the mountains too, refreshing them and relaxing.

She thinks the elephant sanctuary is amazing
She thinks temples are fascinating
She thinks mountains are relaxing


* she things that the elephan centuary was exiting and amazing * the tempest fpr her was interesting * the mountains for her were refreshing and relaxing

Adjectives ending in -ed: These adjectives generally describe emotions and tell us how people feel. Adjectives ending in -ing: The adjectives generally describe the thing that causes the emotion.

What does Rose think of these places?

  • The elephant santuary: She was so excited to visit it.

  • The temple: The interesting architecture and design made she feels inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.

  • The mountains: The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.

she was so excited to viset The elephant sanctuary, and she was amazed to see thhose fascinating gigant. she was inspired to learn more about thailand culture and religious beliefs. the mountain was very relaxing.
What does Rose think of these places? -Rose thinks that the elephant sanctuary was an fascinating and amazing place, interact with the elefants was gratifying for she. -The temple had an interesting architecture, she was inspired to learn about Thailand's culture. **-**The mountain had an breathtacking ecosystem, the air was refreshing, the experience was relaxing.
  • The elephant sanctuary is exciting
  • The temple is fascinating and relaxing
  • The mountain is breathtaking
She was surprised to receive my phone call. The emaill was very confusing.

What does Rose think of these places?

  • The elephant sanctuary.
    She was so excited to visit this place. She was amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat.
    She fed the elephants and it was so gratifying.
  • The temple.
    The architecture was very interesting; It made her feel inspired to learn more about their culture and religion.
  • The mountain.
    The ecosystem was breathtaking and full of diversity; the air was refreshing and the experience was very relaxing.

Rose feel excited and amazed in the elephants sanctuary
the themple is a city ful of fascinating temples
the mountain is an ecosystem is breathtaking

She was excited to visit Elephant's sanctuary The temple has an interesting architecture design. She was inspired to learn more about Thailand's culture and religious beliefs
* She felt amazed to see those fascinating giant elephants. * She feels inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs. * She thinks that the whole experience of being there was very relaxing. She said the ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing.
* she felt amazed when she saw those fascinating giants in their natural habitat ( elephants off course) and she had a gratifying moment when she feed them. * She felt fascinated and inspired when she visited the city of the temples Chiang Mai about design and architecture of them * In the mountains the ecosystem is breathtaking, air was refreshing and her experience was very relaxing, she felt thrilled to be there.
* She was so exited to visit the elephant sanctuary  * She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants * She was fascinating with the temples * The mountain air is so refreshing and the experience was very relaxing
* What does Rose think of The elephant sanctuary? * She felt amazed to see those fasinating giants in their natural habitat and been able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying. * What does Rose think of The temple? * She felt to inspired to learn more about Thailand's culture and religious beliefs. * What does Rose think of The mountain? * The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of diversity, the air is so refreshing and the experience of been there was very relaxing.

What does Rose think of these places?

*The elephant
She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat.
She being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying for she.

*The temple
The interesting architecture and design made she feel inspiried to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.

*The mountain
The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity the air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing for Rose.

The elephant sactuary she is excited to visit that place
The temple she feel insprired to learn more thailand culture
The mountains are breathtaking

rose think the elephant santuary is faciinating, she feels amazed to see those giant animals in their natural habitat, she was so grarifired

rose feels very facinating about the temples of chiang mai city, and the desing make rose feel inspired to learn more about thainland´s culture

rose thinks the ecosystem of the mountain is breathtaking and full of diversity and she think the air wass so refresing and the experiense of being there was very relaxing

Adjetivos terminados en -ed vs -ing.

What does Rose think of these places?

  • The elephant sanctuary. She was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary.
  • The temple. She thinks the temple is fascinating, She feels inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.
  • The mountain. In the mountains, the ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity. The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.
  1. She was surprised to recive my phone call
  2. The e mail was very confusing
  3. What does Rose think of these place?
  • The elephant sanctuary.
  • Thailand have amazing things to see
  • She was excited and amazed to visit the elephan sanctuary, It was a fascinating and gratifying place.
  • The Chian Mai´s temples was fascinating and interesting. She feel inspired to lear more about Thailand´s culture anda religious belifs.
  • The mountains was breathtaking, refreshing and relaxing ecosystem. Rose feel thrille to be there.

1.- She felt amazed upon seeing elephants

2.- The temple was fascinating and interesting

  1. The mountain’s ecosystem was breathtaking and refreshing

Let’s Practice:

  1. She was surprised to receive my phone call.
  2. The email was very confusing.
  3. I can’t believe all the amazing things I have seen in my first week in Thailand.
  4. I was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary.
  5. I felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat.
  6. a city full of fascinating temples, interesting architecture, and design made me feel inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.
  7. She can’t forget about her visit to the mountains the ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity. The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.
  • My family is excited about our trip to Australia.
  • What a cool place.
  • You have two people feeling differently.
  • He is worried about the project.
  • He seems worried.
  • She is interested in the blog article.
  • I mentioned my family was excited about our trip to Australia.
  • Australia is an exciting place.
  • I’m not talking about my feelings anymore.
  • I am saying that this place is exciting.
  • Keep that in mind.
  • I want to give you a list of …
  • She’s doing something maybe watching a movie.
  • The movie is interesting.
  • The TV series is boring
  • She was surprised to receive my phone call.
  • The email was very confusing.
  • The most exciting places.
  • What does Rose think of these places?
  • I can’t believe all the amazing things I have seen in my first week in Thailand.
  • I was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary.
  • I felt amazed to see those fascinating giants.
  • That’s a city full of fascinating temples.
  • I can’t forget about my visit to the mountains.
  • The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity.
  • The experience of being there was very relaxing.
  • I am thrilled to be here.

What does Rose think of these places?

-The elephant
I felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying.

The temple
The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspiried to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs

The mountain
The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity the air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing

What does Rose think of these places?

  1. The elephant sanctuary.
    Ans: She thinks it is amazing.
  2. The temple.
    Ans: She thinks the temple is fascinating.
  3. The mountain.
    Ans. She thinks the mountain is relaxing.

Let’s Practice: Platzi - Practice

The elephant sanctuary:

She felt amazed.
It was so gratifying.

The temple:

The city with many Temples.
It has an interesting architecture.
She felt inspired to learn more about Thailand culture.

The mountain:

The ecosystem is breathtaking and very bioversity.
The air was so refreshing.
She was very relaxed.

She was so excited to visit the elephant sanctuary
Your visit to Chiang Mai, a city full of fascinating
temples! The interesting architecture and design made me feel inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.
Your visit to the mountains. The ecosystem is
breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.

What does Rose think of these places?

  1. The elephant sanctuary: She was so excited and felt amazed to saw those fascinating creatures in their natural habitat and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying.
  2. The temple: The interesting architecture and design made her feel inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.
  3. The mountain: The ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodivesity! The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.

What does Rose think of these places?

Rose was so excited visiting The elephant sanctuary, She felt amazed to see those fascinating giants in their natural habitat, and being able to interact with them and feed them was so gratifying.

Rose was fascinated with The temple architecture and design, She felt inspired to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.

She thinks the mountain’s ecosystem is breathtaking and full of biodiversity, the air was so refreshing, and her experience of being there was very relaxing.
She was thrilled to be in Chiang Mai.

Pdt. I always wanted to visit Chiang-Mai. 😃

  • She thinks that The elephant sanctuary is a place gratifying with fascinating giants animals in their natural habitat.
  • The Thailand’s temple has an interesting architecture and design. She wants to learn more about Thailand’s culture and religious beliefs.
  • She thinks that the ecosystem in the mountain is breathtaking and full of biodiversity! The air was so refreshing and the experience of being there was very relaxing.
  • She was surprised to receive my phone call.
  • The email was very confusing

1: this game is very interesting
2: i’m worried about the exam