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Componente Navbar


Aportes 60

Preguntas 11

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Para tener un código más limpio y que luego sea mas fácil su mantenimiento y evolución yo hice lo siguiente:

// Cree un componente llamado NavItem que acepta las propiedades to, children y activeStyle
const NavItem = ({ to, children, activeStyle }) => {
  return (
    // Use la etiqueta NavLink y le pasé las propiedades to y className
      className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)}

Y luego:

          <NavItem to="/clothes" activeStyle={activeStyle}>
          <NavItem to="/electronics" activeStyle={activeStyle}>
          <NavItem to="/fornitures" activeStyle={activeStyle}>
          <NavItem to="/toys" activeStyle={activeStyle}>
          <NavItem to="/others" activeStyle={activeStyle}>

Ya vimos en el video la forma imperativa:
Les muestro una variante de forma mas declarativa:

1)Creamos 2 constantes que contengan un array con un objeto con las diferentes propiedades que gustemos

let menu1 = [
        to: '/',
        text: 'Shopi',
        className: 'font-semibold text-lg'
        to: '/',
        text: 'All',
        className: ''
        to: '/clothes',
        text: 'clothes',
        className: ''
        to: '/electronics',
        text: 'electronics',
        className: ''
        to: '/furnitures',
        text: 'furnitures',
        className: ''
        to: '/toys',
        text: 'toys',
        className: ''
        to: '/others',
        text: 'others',
        className: ''

let menu2 = [
        to: '/email',
        text: '[email protected]',
        className: 'text-black/60'
        to: '/myorders',
        text: 'My orders',
        className: ''
        to: '/myoccount',
        text: 'My occount',
        className: ''
        to: '/signin',
        text: 'Sign in',
        className: ''
        to: '/shoppcar',
        text: '🛒',
        className: ''

2)Recorremos y renderizamos con map el componente link.

const NavBar = () => {
    const textDecoration = 'underline underline-offset-4'

  return (
    <nav className="flex items-center justify-between w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm">
        <ul className='flex gap-3 items-center'>
            { => (
                        className={({isActive})=> isActive ? textDecoration : undefined }
        <ul className='flex gap-3 items-center'>
            { => (
                        className={({isActive})=> isActive ? textDecoration : undefined }

Si utilizaron arreglos para abstraer la informacion de cada NavLink para su componente. Se van a dar cuenta que el primer y segundo elemento se subrayan, ya que ambos tienen la misma direccion. Una solucion para este problema es agregar una nueva condicion al classname del componente Navlink.

Con esta solucion el elemento Shopi no se va a subrayar.
El arreglo del menu se ve de la siguiente forma:

Los emoji salen oprimiendo la tecla windows y el punto al mismo tiempo !!!

Diferencias entre componentes: De react-router-dom
1)NavLink: Nos brinda un callback/funcion con un objeto con las propiedades: isActive y Pending. util para saber cuando un elemento esta activo o pendiente. su manera de uso popular es en los menu de navegacion, sin necesidad de recargar la pagina.

2)Link: No nos brinda nada y direcciona directamente a la ruta sin necesidad de recargar la pagina.

Mi resultado

Hola comunidad les comparto unos pequeños apuntes en Notion, espero les sean de utilidad.
Link aquí:

En vez de hardcodear todos los navs cree un archivo que contenga todas las rutas (izq y der) para que sea dinámico y con un .map se recorrer todas y pegarlas

Comparto mi código. En lo posible trato de hacer mis patrones de diseño lo más escalable posibles. En este caso, en vez de crear tantos NavLink, creé dos constantes, que me almacenaran tanto el titulo del nav y su path. Con esto si a futuro tengo que remover o agregar alguno, solo modifico la constante y resulta más cómodo y a nivel visual también es más entendible. Lo único que dejé fijo y fuera de las constantes fue el correo y el carrito de compra. Que los puse textualmente ahí: ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; const componentsToNavRight = [ { name: 'Shopi', path: '/' }, { name: 'All', path: '/' }, { name: 'Clothes', path: '/clothes' }, { name: 'Electronics', path: '/electronics' }, { name: 'Furnitures', path: '/furnitures' }, { name: 'Toys', path: '/toys' }, { name: 'Others', path: '/others' }, ]; const componentsToNavLeft = [ { name: 'My Orders', path: '/my-orders' }, { name: 'My Account', path: '/my-account' }, { name: 'Sign In', path: '/sign-in' }, ] function Navbar() { const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4"; return ( <nav className='flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light'>
    {, index) => (
  • <NavLink to={component.path} className={({isActive}) => (isActive && index !==0) ? activeStyle : ''}> {} </NavLink>
  • ))}
  • [email protected]
  • {, index) => (
  • <NavLink to={component.path} key={index}> {} </NavLink>
  • ))}
  • Carrito de compra
</nav> ); } export { Navbar }; ```

Repeto el uso de TailwindCSS, creo que ayuda a muchos. Pero particularmente no me gusta como se vuleve un reguero de propiedades quitando la legibilidad de codigo de quien desarrolla!

A partir del curso anterior de React, quizá esto pueda ser más escalable.

  1. Cree un componente NavItem:
function NavItem ({ className, to, activeStyle, navbarName }) {
  return (
    <li className={(className)}>
          ({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)

  1. En el componente index.jsx, creamos un objeto con las siguientes propiedades:
const navItems = [
  { name: 'Shopi', to: '/', className: 'font-semibold text-xl' },
  { name: 'All', to: '/' },
  { name: 'Clothes', to: '/clothes' },
  { name: 'Electronics', to: '/electronics' },
  { name: 'Furnitures', to: '/furnitures' },
  { name: 'Toys', to: '/toys' },
  { name: 'Others', to: '/others' }
  1. Recorremos:
function Navbar () {
  const activeStyle = 'underline'

  return (
    <nav className='flex items-center'>
      <ul className='flex items-center gap-3'>
{ to, className, name }) => (

Siii… funciono en Produccion!! Chau Hashhh…
Genia Estefy!! Te amo… me salvaste !! si no tenia que emigrar a NExT 😃

Si tenes problemas con vite y tailwindcss muestra como instalarlo.

Optimizando: *import* { NavLink } *from* 'react-router-dom'; const categories = \['All', 'Clothes', 'Electronics', 'Furniture', 'Toys', 'Others'];const userLinks = \['My Orders', 'My Account', 'Sign In']; const navLinks = (*items*) => {  const activeStyle = ({ *isActive* }) => (*isActive* ? 'underline underline-offset-4' : '');  *return* *items*.map((*item*, *index*) => {    const path = *item* === 'All' ? '/' : `/${*item*.toLowerCase().replace(/*\s*/*g*, '-')}`;    const label = *item*;    *return* (      \
  •         \<NavLink *to*={path} *className*={activeStyle}>          {label}        \</NavLink>      \
  •     );  });}; const NavbarX = () => {  *return* (    \<nav *className*="fixed z-10 flex justify-between items-center gap w-full py-5 px-8 font-light text-sm border">      \
              \<NavLink *to*="/" *className*="mr-8 font-bold text-base">          Shopi        \</NavLink>        {navLinks(categories)}      \
    • [email protected]\
    •         {navLinks(userLinks)}        \
    • 🛒2\
    •       \
        \</nav>  );}; *export* *default* NavbarX; ```jsx import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; const categories = ['All', 'Clothes', 'Electronics', 'Furniture', 'Toys', 'Others']; const userLinks = ['My Orders', 'My Account', 'Sign In']; const navLinks = (items) => { const activeStyle = ({ isActive }) => (isActive ? 'underline underline-offset-4' : ''); return, index) => { const path = item === 'All' ? '/' : `/${item.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-')}`; const label = item; return (
  • <NavLink to={path} className={activeStyle}> {label} </NavLink>
  • ); }); }; const NavbarX = () => { return ( <nav className="fixed z-10 flex justify-between items-center gap w-full py-5 px-8 font-light text-sm border">
      <NavLink to="/" className="mr-8 font-bold text-base"> Shopi </NavLink> {navLinks(categories)}
    </nav> ); }; export default Navbar; ```
    **Un hack** por si no lo sabían, en VScode le das a crear archivo y escribes ejem:` Navbar/index.jsx` Automáticamente, te crea la carpeta y dentro el archivo y así no tienes que presionar: crear carpeta y luego crear archivo

    Los filtros (ej: all, clothes), al ser menos complejos, los refactorice con un array para hacer más corto el NavBar:

    const filtersRoutes = [
    return (
    	{ => (
         	<li key={route}>
                  className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)}>
                  {route.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + route.slice(1)}

    Como aporte adicional al comentario de Alba Cecilia, acá tengo un ejemplo del mismo código pero hecho con Typescript.

    const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4";
    const NavLinkStyled: FC<{
      to: string;
      children: ReactNode;
      isLogo?: boolean;
    }> = ({ children, to, isLogo }) => (
        className={({ isActive }) =>
          isActive && !isLogo ? activeStyle : undefined

    La única diferencia es que mandé el estilo de activeStyle fuera de los componentes para no andarlo pasando como prop y adicional mandé una validación para no mostrar el underline en el logo.

    asi quedaria con next 13 en un componente cliente, yo itero recorriendo un objeto rutas, pero tambien se puede cambiar para que las reciba como props.

    Para tenerlo a la mano

    const activeStyle = 'underline underline-offset-4'
    // estilos para Nav Link
    	to = '/'
    	className = {({  isActive  })  =>
    		isActive  ?  activeStyle :  undefined

    Genial que React-Router tenga de por si una propiedad
    styles para el elemento NavLink
    no lo tenia presente, sin duda uno aprende cosas nuevas,

    yo tome la idea desde la perspectiva de un comentario aqui, pero quize abtraer mas el codigo y asi me quedo 1 - cree un componente llamado handleLink = () => {}; 1. `
          ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/'>  Onlineshop        ` `</HandleLink>            ` `
                ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/' currentClass={currentClass}>              All           ` `</HandleLink>      ` `      ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/clothes' currentClass={currentClass}>        Clothes           ` `</HandleLink>  ` `0          ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/electronics' currentClass={currentClass}>       Electronics            ` `</HandleLink>      ` `      ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/fornitures' currentClass={currentClass}>       Fornitures            ` `</HandleLink>     ` `    ` `<HandleLink navRoute='/toys' currentClass={currentClass}>              Toys           ` ` </HandleLink>   ` `         ` `<HandleLink navRoute='/others' currentClass={currentClass}>              Others            ` `</HandleLink>    ` `      ` `           ` `
                 ` `
          <HandleLink navRoute='#'>            `` `` `[`[email protected]`](mailto:[email protected]) ` </HandleLink>           ` `
                  ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/my- total-orders' currentClass={currentClass}>              My Total Orders            </HandleLink>            ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/my- account' currentClass={currentClass}>              My Account          ` ` </HandleLink>  ` ` <HandleLink navRoute='/sign-in' currentClass={currentClass}>              Sign In            ` `</HandleLink>            ` ` <HandleLink>             ` ` 🛒 0            ` ` </HandleLink>         ` `
           ` ` </nav>    ` `</header>  ` ` )` `};` `export default NavBar;` \- no se sie sea la mejor implementacion pero para ser sincero no use IA y me costo casi 1 hora de razonarnamiento...espreso sus comentarios.. Saludos!
    Hola! Creo que el codigo podría abstraerse bastante si usamos bucles. Este es un ejemplo muy rapido e incompleto, pero creo que podría ser una buena iniciativa para simplificarlo un poco. ```js const navItemList = [{ category: 'Toys' }, { category: 'Shopi' }];
      { => (
    • <NavLink to={`/${item.category}`} activeStyle={activeStyle}> {item.category} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    así quedo lo que hice en esta clase profe 😊😊 ![](
    No seria mejor declarar un json y que itere los nav link ?
    Ojo: cuando Teff dice que entre parentesis del return del navbar va a ir nuestro html, quizas fue una imprecision, realmente se refiere al codigo JSX, que se parece a HTML pero no lo es. Para mas info: <>
    Seguramente todo el contenido de categorías se consuma por una API y para emular esa situación creé dos arrays para reducir la cantidad de código (aún sin estilos) 1\) Creé una interface para tipar las rutas ```js export interface NavRoute{ path: string; label: string; } ```2) Creé dos arrays con los path y labels de cada ruta: ```js import React from "react" import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom" import { NavRoute } from "../../Interfaces" const navRoutes:NavRoute[]=[ {path:"/",label:"Home"}, {path:"/all",label:"All"}, {path:"/clothes",label:"Clothes"}, {path:"/electronics",label:"Electronics"}, {path:"/furnitures",label:"Furnitures"}, {path:"/others",label:"Others"} ] const userRoutes:NavRoute[]=[ {path:"/orders",label:"Orders"}, {path:"/account",label:"Account"}, {path:"/signin",label:"Sign in"}, {path:"/cart",label:"Cart"} ] ```3) Hice dos maps para recorrer ambos listados ```js export const NavBar:React.FC= () => { const activeStyle = "underline" return ( <nav>
    • <NavLink to={route.path} className={({isActive})=> isActive ? activeStyle : "" }>{route.label}</NavLink>
    • )}
    • [email protected]
    • {>
    • <NavLink to={route.path} className={({isActive})=> isActive ? activeStyle : "" }>{route.label}</NavLink>
    • )}
    </nav> ) } ```
    Decidi serarar la lógica y agregarlo a un arreglo en otro componente, esto para no tener código repetido y se vea más limpio. **Nota:** Si las rutas se obtienen de una base de datos, se puede utilizar la mísma lógica **Routes:** ```js export const routes = [ //Section A { to: "/", title: "Shopi", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/all", title: "All", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/clothes", title: "Clothes", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/electronics", title: "Electronics", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/fornitures", title: "Fornitures", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/toys", title: "Toys", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/others", title: "Others", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, //Section B { to: "/my-orders", title: "My Orders", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/my-account", title: "My Account", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/sign-in", title: "Sign In", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, ] ``` **Navbar:** ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; import { routes } from "../Routes"; export const Navbar = () => { const routesA = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 1); const routesB = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 2); const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4"; return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
      { => (
    • <NavLink to={} className={({ isActive }) => isActive && activeStyle} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • [email protected]
    • { => (
    • <NavLink to={} className={({ isActive }) => isActive && activeStyle} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • 🛒 0
    </nav> ); }; ``` Funciona y funciona muy bien :)
    Decidi serarar la lógica y agregarlo a un arreglo en otro componente, esto para no tener código repetido y se vea más limpio. **Nota:** Si las rutas se obtienen de una base de datos, se puede utilizar la mísma lógica **Rutas:** ```js export const routes = [ { to: "/", title: "Shopi", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/all", title: "All", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/clothes", title: "Clothes", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/electronics", title: "Electronics", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/fornitures", title: "Fornitures", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/toys", title: "Toys", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/others", title: "Others", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/my-orders", title: "My Orders", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/my-account", title: "My Account", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/sign-in", title: "Sign In", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, ] ``` **Navbar:** ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; import { routes } from "../Routes"; const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = { textDecoration: "underline", }; const routeA = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 1); const routeB = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 2); return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
      { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • [email protected]
    • { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • 🛒 0
    </nav> ); }; export { Navbar }; ``` Funciona y funciona muy bien :)
    Dedici tener el código más limpio y ordenado separándo las rutas en otro componente y después importarlo e iternarlo en el componente Navbar, asi evitamos código repetido **Routes:** ```js export const routes = [ { to: "/", title: "Shopi", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/all", title: "All", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/clothes", title: "Clothes", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/electronics", title: "Electronics", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/fornitures", title: "Fornitures", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/toys", title: "Toys", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/others", title: "Others", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/my-orders", title: "My Orders", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/my-account", title: "My Account", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/sign-in", title: "Sign In", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, ] ``` **El Navbar:** ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; import { routes } from "../Routes"; const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = { textDecoration: "underline", }; const routeA = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 1); const routeB = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 2); return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
      { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • [email protected]
    • { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • 🛒 0
    </nav> ); }; export { Navbar }; ```Funciona y funciona muy bien :)
    Dedici tener el código más limpio y ordenado separándo las rutas en otro componente y después importarlo e iternarlo en el componente Navbar, asi evitamos código repetido **Routes:** ```js export const routes = [ { to: "/", title: "Shopi", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/all", title: "All", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/clothes", title: "Clothes", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/electronics", title: "Electronics", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/fornitures", title: "Fornitures", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/toys", title: "Toys", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/others", title: "Others", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/my-orders", title: "My Orders", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/my-account", title: "My Account", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/sign-in", title: "Sign In", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, ] ```**Navbar:** ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; import { routes } from "../Routes"; const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = { textDecoration: "underline", }; const routesA = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 1); const routesB = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 2); return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
      { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • [email protected]
    • { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • 🛒 0
    </nav> ); }; export { Navbar }; ```
    En mi caso cuando me doy cuenta que el código es repetído, se puede algun tipo de lógica para evitar tener código de más, para ello decidí separar la lógica de las rutas en un arreglo en otro componente y lo importe e iteré a mi Navbar **Rutas** `export const routes = [ { to: "/", title: "Shopi", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/all", title: "All", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/clothes", title: "Clothes", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/electronics", title: "Electronics", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/fornitures", title: "Fornitures", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/toys", title: "Toys", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/others", title: "Others", isPrivate: false, section: 1 }, { to: "/my-orders", title: "My Orders", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/my-account", title: "My Account", isPrivate: false, section: 2 }, { to: "/sign-in", title: "Sign In", isPrivate: false, section: 2 },]` **Iteración:** `import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";import { routes } from "../Routes";` `const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = { textDecoration: "underline", };` ` const routeA = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 1); const routeB = routes.filter((filter) => filter.section === 2);` ` return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
      { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    ` `
    • [email protected]
    • { => (
    • <NavLink to={} style={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {route.title} </NavLink>
    • ))}
    • 🛒 0
    </nav> );};` `export { Navbar };`
    Una solucion para los que no les dejo el underline: `let activeStyle = { ` `borderBottom: "1px solid black",` `paddingBottom: "2px", };`
    Cree el componente *NavLinkStyled* para no repetir los estilos y además la función *renderNavLinks* para iterar el array con la información. Separé los arrays en una carpeta data, también se podría separar el componente *NavLinkStyled* en otro archivo dentro de la carpeta componentes. ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; import { NAVLINKS_HOME, NAVLINKS_PLATFORM } from "../../data/navigations"; const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4"; const NavLinkStyled = ({ to, text }: { to: string; text: string }) => ( <NavLink to={to} className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {text} </NavLink> ); const renderNavLinks = (linkArr: { to: string; text: string }[]) => { return ( <> {{ to, text }) => (
  • <NavLinkStyled to={to} text={text} />
  • ))} ); }; return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-end fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
    • <NavLink to={"/"}>Shopi</NavLink>
    • {renderNavLinks(NAVLINKS_HOME)}
    </nav> ); }; export default Navbar; ``` ```js export const NAVLINKS_HOME = [ { to: "/", text: "All", }, { to: "/clothes", text: "Clothes", }, { to: "/electronics", text: "Electronics", }, { to: "/furnitures", text: "Furnitures", }, { to: "/toys", text: "Toys", }, { to: "/others", text: "Others", }, ]; export const NAVLINKS_PLATFORM = [ { to: "/my-account", text: "My account", }, { to: "/my-order", text: "My order", }, { to: "/my-orders", text: "My orders", }, { to: "/sign-in", text: "Sign in", }, ]; ```
    Cree el componente *NavLinkStyled* para no repetir los estilos y además la función *renderNavLinks* para iterar el array con la información. Separé los arrays en una carpeta data, también se podría separar el componente *NavLinkStyled* en otro archivo dentro de la carpeta componentes. ```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"; import { NAVLINKS_HOME, NAVLINKS_PLATFORM } from "../../data/navigations"; const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4"; const NavLinkStyled = ({ to, text }: { to: string; text: string }) => ( <NavLink to={to} className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)} > {text} </NavLink> ); const renderNavLinks = (linkArr: { to: string; text: string }[]) => { return ( <> {{ to, text }) => (
  • <NavLinkStyled to={to} text={text} />
  • ))} ); }; return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-end fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
    • <NavLink to={"/"}>Shopi</NavLink>
    • {renderNavLinks(NAVLINKS_HOME)}
    </nav> ); }; export default Navbar; ``` export const NAVLINKS\_HOME = \[    {      to: "/",      text: "All",    },    {      to: "/clothes",      text: "Clothes",    },    {      to: "/electronics",      text: "Electronics",    },    {      to: "/furnitures",      text: "Furnitures",    },    {      to: "/toys",      text: "Toys",    },    {      to: "/others",      text: "Others",    },  ];   export const NAVLINKS\_PLATFORM = \[    {      to: "/my-account",      text: "My account",    },    {      to: "/my-order",      text: "My order",    },    {      to: "/my-orders",      text: "My orders",    },    {      to: "/sign-in",      text: "Sign in",    },  ]; ```ts export const NAVLINKS_HOME = [ { to: "/", text: "All", }, { to: "/clothes", text: "Clothes", }, { to: "/electronics", text: "Electronics", }, { to: "/furnitures", text: "Furnitures", }, { to: "/toys", text: "Toys", }, { to: "/others", text: "Others", }, ]; export const NAVLINKS_PLATFORM = [ { to: "/my-account", text: "My account", }, { to: "/my-order", text: "My order", }, { to: "/my-orders", text: "My orders", }, { to: "/sign-in", text: "Sign in", }, ]; ``` import { NavLink } *from* "react-router-dom";import { NAVLINKS\_HOME, NAVLINKS\_PLATFORM } *from* "../../data/navigations"; const Navbar = () => {  const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4";   const NavLinkStyled = ({ to, text }: { to: string; text: string }) => (    \<NavLink      *to*={to}      *className*={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)}    >      {text}    \</NavLink>  );   const renderNavLinks = (linkArr: { to: string; text: string }\[]) => {    return (      <>        {{ to, text }) => (          \
  •             \<NavLinkStyled *to*={to} *text*={text} />          \
  •         ))}      \    );  };   return (    \<nav *className*="flex justify-between items-end fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">      \
    •           \<NavLink *to*={"/"}>Shopi\</NavLink>        \
    •         {renderNavLinks(NAVLINKS\_HOME)}      \
    • [email protected]\
    •         {renderNavLinks(NAVLINKS\_PLATFORM)}        \
    • 🛒 0\
    •       \
        \</nav>  );}; export default Navbar;
    ![](```js import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom" const Navbar = () => { return ( <nav className="flex justify-between p-6 border-b border-green-300">
    • <NavLink to='/All'> All </NavLink>
    • <NavLink to='/Machos'> Machos </NavLink>
    • <NavLink to='/Hembras'> Hembras </NavLink>
    </nav> ) } export default Navbar ```El mio lo hice pensando en una pagina de adopciones
    Hola, yo puse los links aparte para tenerlo más ordenado: ```js const linksNavBar = [ { label: 'Shopi', route: '/', symbol: '' }, { label: 'All', route: '/', symbol: '' }, { label: 'Clothes', route: '/clothes', condition: '/clothes', symbol: '' }, { label: 'Electronics', route: '/electronics', symbol: '' }, { label: 'Furnitures', route: '/furnitures', symbol: '' }, { label: 'Toys', route: '/toys', symbol: '' }, { label: 'Others', route: '/others', symbol: '' } ] ``````js
      { => <NavLinkIcons data={data} key={data.label} />)}
    Tomando como ejemplo la forma declarativa que postearon antes hice mi propia versión, le puse renderizado condicional porque no todos los li son de navegación, y también separé la funcion del className del NavLink ya que se me hace muy repetitiva ```js const Navbar = () => { const activeStyle = 'underline underline-offset-4' const leftnav = [ { to: '/', text: 'Shope', className: 'font-semibold text-lg' }, { to: '/', text: 'All', className: '' }, { to: '/clothes', text: 'Clothes', className: '' }, { to: '/electronics', text: 'Electronics', className: '' }, { to: '/furniture', text: 'Furniture', className: '' }, { to: '/toys', text: 'Toys', className: '' }, { to: '/others', text: 'Others', className: '' }, ] const rightnav = [ { to: undefined, text: '[email protected]', className: 'text-black/60' }, { to: '/my-orders', text: 'my-orders', className: '' }, { to: '/my-account', text: 'my-account', className: '' }, { to: '/sign-in', text: 'sign-in', className: '' }, { to: undefined, text: '🛒 0', className: '' }, ] const NavLinkClass = (isActive) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined) return ( <nav className='flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light'>
      {{ to, text, className }) => { return (
    • <NavLink to={to} className={text === 'Shope' ? '' : ({ isActive }) => NavLinkClass(isActive)}> {text} </NavLink>
    • ) })}
      {{ to, text, className }) => { return (
    • {to ? ( <NavLink to={to} className={({ isActive }) => NavLinkClass(isActive)}> {text} </NavLink> ) : ( <>{text} )}
    • ) })}
    </nav> ) } export default Navbar ```const Navbar = () => {  const activeStyle = 'underline underline-offset-4'   const leftnav = \[    { to: '/', text: 'Shope', className: 'font-semibold text-lg' },    { to: '/', text: 'All', className: '' },    { to: '/clothes', text: 'Clothes', className: '' },    { to: '/electronics', text: 'Electronics', className: '' },    { to: '/furniture', text: 'Furniture', className: '' },    { to: '/toys', text: 'Toys', className: '' },    { to: '/others', text: 'Others', className: '' },  ]   const rightnav = \[    { to: undefined, text: '[email protected]', className: 'text-black/60' },    { to: '/my-orders', text: 'my-orders', className: '' },    { to: '/my-account', text: 'my-account', className: '' },    { to: '/sign-in', text: 'sign-in', className: '' },    { to: undefined, text: '🛒 0', className: '' },  ]   const NavLinkClass = (*isActive*) => (*isActive* ? activeStyle : undefined)   return (    \<nav className='flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light'>      \
              {{ *to*, *text*, *className* }) => {          return (            \
    •               \<NavLink to={*to*} className={*text* === 'Shope' ? '' : ({ *isActive* }) => NavLinkClass(*isActive*)}>                {*text*}              \</NavLink>            \
    •           )        })}      \
              {{ *to*, *text*, *className* }) => {          return (            \
    •               {*to* ? (                \<NavLink to={*to*} className={({ *isActive* }) => NavLinkClass(*isActive*)}>                  {*text*}                \</NavLink>              ) : (                <>{*text*}\              )}            \
    •           )        })}      \
        \</nav>  )}export default Navbar
    TS: ![](
    ```ts //archivo de rutas export const navRoutes = [ { path: '/', name: 'Shopi', }, { path: '/', name: 'All', }, { path: '/clothes', name: 'Clothes', }, { path: '/electronics', name: 'Electronics', }, { path: '/furnitures', name: 'Furnitures', }, { path: '/toys', name: 'Toys', }, { path: '/others', name: 'Others', }, { path: '/my-orders', name: 'My Orders', }, { path: '/my-account', name: 'My Account', }, { path: '/sign-in', name: 'Sign In', }, ]; ``` ```js // componente navbar import { IoCartOutline } from 'react-icons/io5'; import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; import { navRoutes } from '../routes/nav.routes'; export const NavBar = () => { return ( <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed w-full px-8 py-5 text-sm font-light">
    • {navRoutes .map(({ name, path }, index) => ( <NavLink key={name} to={path} className={({ isActive }) => isActive && index !== 0 ? 'underline underline-offset-4 transition-all' : `${index === 0 ? 'font-semibold text-lg' : ''}` } > {name} </NavLink> )) .slice(0, 7)}
    • [email protected]
    • {navRoutes .map(({ name, path }) => ( <NavLink key={name} to={path}> {name} </NavLink> )) .slice(7, 10)}
    • <IoCartOutline />
    </nav> ); }; ```fue lo que se me ocurrió para no tener 2 arreglos de rutas por separado. ✌️

    Teilwind me parece de lo más horrible que existe el código se ve súper sucio y desordenado, pero bueno, me lo tendré que aprender. 😞

    Pueden ahorrarse un poco de codigo poniendo el className del NavLink dentro de una const de la siguiente manera:

    Creamos la constante encima del return

     const handleActive = ({ isActive }) => isActive ? activeStyle : undefined

    A cada <NavLink> le agregan la funcion


    Asi se veria el codigo completo

    import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom"
    const Navbar = () => {
        const activeStyle = 'underline underline-offset-4'
        const handleActive = ({ isActive }) => isActive ? activeStyle : undefined
        return (
            <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 font-light">
                <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
                    <li className="font-semibold text-lg">
                <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
                    <li className="text-black/60">
                        [email protected]
                            My Orders
                            My Account
                            Sign in
                            🛒 0
    export default Navbar

    Tef, mucha calidad, me encanta

    Mi solución

    import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
    function Navbar() {
      const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4";
      return (
        <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 top-0 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="font-semibold text-lg">
              <NavLink to="/">Shopi</NavLink>
            { => (
              <li key={}>
                  className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)}
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="text-black/60">[email protected]</li>
            { => (
              <li key={}>
                  className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined)}
            <li>🛒 0</li>
    const routesLeft = [];
    routesLeft.push({ to: "/", label: "All" });
    routesLeft.push({ to: "/clothes", label: "Clothes" });
    routesLeft.push({ to: "/electronics", label: "Electronics" });
    routesLeft.push({ to: "/furnitures", label: "Furnitures" });
    routesLeft.push({ to: "/toys", label: "Toys" });
    routesLeft.push({ to: "/others", label: "Others" });
    const routesRight = [];
    routesRight.push({ to: "/my-orders", label: "My Orders" });
    routesRight.push({ to: "/my-account", label: "My Account" });
    routesRight.push({ to: "/sing-in", label: "Sign In" });
    export { Navbar };

    Para que nos salga la ayuda de las clases de Tailwind CSS en VSCode solo debemos instalar la extension oficial de Tailwind CSS.

    para hacer nuestro Navbar mobile-first simplemente podemos agregar estas lineas de código

    flex flex-col sm:flex-row text-sm sm:text-lg

    Otra forma de separar el estilo del los elementos visualmente:

    const activeStyle = ({ isActive }) => isActive && "underline underline-offset-4";
    <NavLink className={activeStyle} to={"/"}>

    mi componente <Navbar/> tratando de no repetir mucho el codigo y creando un componente aparte para los items de Navbar

    En vista de que la fakeAPI de Platzi tiene errores, use la Fake Store por lo que tuve que traer sus categorias de la siguiente manera

    const API = "";
    const menus = ["my-orders", "my-account", "sign-in" ];
    const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4";
    const isActive = ({ isActive }) => (isActive ? activeStyle : undefined);
    const Item = (object) => {
        return (
          <li key={object}>
            <NavLink to={`/${object}`} className={isActive}>

    Luego use esos metodos para renderizar las categorias

    // **************************COMPONENT**************************
    const NavBar = () => {
      const [categories, setCategories] = useState();
      useEffect(() => {
          .then(res => res.json())
          .then(data => setCategories(data))
      return (
        <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 top-0 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="font-semibold text-lg">
              <NavLink to="/">Shopi</NavLink>
            {categories?.map(category => Item(category))}
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="text-black/60">[email protected]</li>
            { => Item(menu))};

    Primero cree objetos con las categorias y menus

    const categories = [
      { name: "All", link: "/" },
      { name: "Clothes", link: "/clothes" },
      { name: "Electronics", link: "/electronics" },
      { name: "Furnitures", link: "/furnitures" },
      { name: "Toys", link: "/toys" },
      { name: "Others", link: "/others" },
    const menus = [
      {name: "My Orders", link: "/my-orders"},
      {name: "My Account", link: "/my-account"},
      {name: "Sign In", link: "/sign-in"}

    Luego cree dos funciones, una para el isActive y otra para crear los items del navbar

    const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4";
    const isActive = ({ isActive }) => isActive ? activeStyle : undefined; 
    const Item = (object) => {
      return (
        <li key={}>

    Luego renderizo el navbar haciendo map a los objetos y agregandolos al DOM con la funcion Item

    const NavBar = () => {
      return (
        <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="font-semibold text-lg">
              <NavLink to="/">Shopi</NavLink>
            { => (
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="text-black/60">[email protected]</li>
            { => (

    Este en mi archivo de NavBar

    import React from 'react'
    import {NavLink} from 'react-router-dom'
    const navLinksLeft = [
        { to: '/', text: 'All' },
        { to: '/clothes', text: 'Clothes' },
        { to: '/electronics', text: 'Electronics' },
        { to: '/furniture', text: 'Furniture' },
        { to: '/toys', text: 'Toys' },
        { to: '/others', text: 'Others' },
    const navLinksRight = [
        { to: '/my-orders', text: 'My orders' },
        { to: '/my-account', text: 'My account' },
        { to: '/sign-in', text: 'Sign in' },
    function NavBar() {
        const activeStyle = 'underline underline-offset-4'
        return (
            <nav className='flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light'>
                <ul className='flex items-center gap-3'>
                    <li className='font-semibold text-lg'>
                        <NavLink to='/'>
                    { => (
                        <li key={}>
                                className={({ isActive }) => isActive ? activeStyle : 'undefined'}
                <ul className='flex items-center gap-3'>
                    <li className='text-black/60'>
                        [email protected]
                    { => (
                        <li key={}>
                                className={({ isActive }) => isActive ? activeStyle : 'undefined'}
    export { NavBar }

    Me parece que de esta forma es menos codigo y espcialmente es más facil mantenerlo porque puedes modificar en un solo lugar (al hacer el .map) y cambiar a todos los elementos

    Lo único loco que se me ocurrió para no repetir tanto code fué:
    crear esta constante

    const classlink = ({isActive}) => isActive ? activeStyle : undefined;

    y ponerla en sus respectivas classes:

    	<NavLink to='/'
                  className = {classlink}>

    Hoy estoy de poca inspiración xD!

    Yo utilize map y clsx que es una pequeña utilidad (228B) para construir cadenas className condicionalmente.
    También sirve como un reemplazo directo más rápido y más pequeño para el módulo de nombres de clase.

    import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
    import { menu1, menu2 } from "../data/menu";
    import clsx from "clsx";
    export const Navbar = () => {
      return (
        <nav className="flex items-center justify-between sticky z-10 w-full py-4 px-8 text-sm">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="font-semibold text-lg">
              <NavLink to="/">Shopi</NavLink>
            { => (
              <li key={}>
                  className={({ isActive }) =>
                      "px-3 border",
                        ? "transition duration-500 rounded-xl border-green-400"
                        : "border-transparent"
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="text-black/60">
              <NavLink to="/">[email protected]</NavLink>
            { => (
              <li key={}>
                  className={({ isActive }) =>
                      "px-3 border",
                        ? "transition duration-500 rounded-xl border-green-400"
                        : "border-transparent"

    En una carpeta aparte llamada data cree el array del menu para poder iterar:

    export const menu1 = [
        id: 1,
        link: "All",
        to: "/",
        id: 2,
        link: "Clothes",
        to: "/clothes",
        id: 3,
        link: "Electronics",
        to: "/electronics",
        id: 4,
        link: "Furniture",
        to: "/furniture",
        id: 5,
        link: "Toys",
        to: "/toys",
        id: 6,
        link: "Others",
        to: "/others",
    export const menu2 = [
        id: 1,
        link: "My orders",
        to: "/my-orders",
        id: 2,
        link: "My Account",
        to: "/my-account",
        id: 3,
        link: "Sign in",
        to: "/sign-in",
        id: 4,
        link: "🛒0",
        to: "/shopp-car",

    Para usar Navlink, se debe importar previamente desde react router dom

    ⭐ Dos estudiantes hiceron aportes interesantisimos sobre como podemos mostrar los elementos del [navbar] y darles el estilo de “underline”

    Combine ambos aportes y este fue el resultado:

    Me encanto, gracias!

    hasta aquí, ya voy aprendiendo algunas cosas nuevas. Gracias Teff

    Excelente video estoy aprendiendo una parte importante que no sabia Gracias Estefany 😃 😁😎

    Mi código hasta ahora, utilizando el método map y first child en tailwind:

    import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
    const Navbar = () => {
      const activeStyle = "underline underline-offset-4";
      const categories = [
        { to: "/", text: "Home" },
        { to: "/all", text: "All" },
        { to: "/clothes", text: "Clothes" },
        { to: "/furniture", text: "Furniture" },
        { to: "/toys", text: "Toys" },
      const routes = [
        { to: "/my-orders", text: "My Orders" },
        { to: "/my-account", text: "My Account" },
        { to: "/sign-in", text: "Sign In" },
      return (
        <nav className="flex justify-between items-center fixed z-10 w-full py-5 px-8 text-sm font-light">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            {, index) => (
              <li key={index} className="first:font-semibold first:text-lg">
                  className={({ isActive }) => ` ${isActive ? activeStyle : ""}`}
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-3">
            <li className="text-black/60">[email protected]</li>
            {, index) => (
              <li key={index}>
                  className={({ isActive }) => ` ${isActive ? activeStyle : ""}`}
    export default Navbar;

    Descarguen la extensión para tailwind que sugiere la profa.
