Usa tu inglés en una entrevista de trabajo


Es hora de tener tu pitch profesional

¿Qué necesitas para tu entrevista de trabajo en inglés?


Tu perfil de LinkedIn en Inglés


Prepara tu perfil profesional en Inglés


¿Cómo prepararte para la entrevista?


Vocabulario esencial para la entrevista

Tipos de entrevistas


Cosas que debes considerar según el tipo de entrevista


La entrevista online


¿Tienes una entrevista técnica?


Expresiones clave para entrevistas en inglés


Tips para una entrevista técnica online

Quiz: Tipos de entrevistas

Respondiendo preguntas comunes en entrevistas en inglés


Habla de tu experiencia profesional en inglés


Hablemos de tus habilidades y competencias


¿Cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades?


"Phrasal Verbs" útiles para entrevistas en inglés


Practica para tu entrevista en inglés - Parte 1


Habla de ti y tus experiencias laborales pasadas


¿Por qué quieres trabajar para esta empresa y por qué deberíamos contratarte?

Quiz: Respondiendo preguntas comunes en entrevistas en inglés

Cómo contestar preguntas desafiantes en inglés


Respondiendo preguntas situacionales en inglés


¿Cuál es tu expectativa salarial?


Responde preguntas desafiantes en inglés


¿Dónde te ves en 5 años?


Evita decir esto en entrevistas en inglés


Practica para tu entrevista en inglés - Parte 2

Quiz: Cómo contestar preguntas desafiantes en inglés

Mejores prácticas y conclusiones


Practica para tu entrevista en inglés - Parte 3


Errores comunes en las entrevistas en inglés


Cómo cerrar la entrevista de manera efectiva


Expresiones para hacer seguimiento a entrevistas en inglés

Quiz: Mejores prácticas y conclusiones

Estás listo o lista para la entrevista


Haz completado el Curso de Inglés para Entrevistas de Trabajo


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Haz completado el Curso de Inglés para Entrevistas de Trabajo


Aportes 11

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Public Accountant, Specialist in Management and Tax Administration. Comprehensive knowledge and experience in tax legal management, accounting, labor, commercial and administrative; broad foundation and knowledge
in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Experience in the implementation and monitoring of joint work plans, presentation of administrative management reports and degree of progress of tax management projects, tax planning, accompaniment and guidance in processes before the corresponding national and/or territorial tax administration in all related to locations, requirements and interposition of resources in the
processing of administrative processes in government channels. Projection and execution of budget and cash flow analysis. Excellent communication skills and teamwork, skills in managing interpersonal and work relationships, extensive commercial foundation, direct interaction with the client and outstanding ability to negotiate and close deals and sales, characterized by being a committed person, with adaptability to change and leadership skills, responsible and with a habit of permanent professional updating.

Your efforts with English will pay off. Keep practicing with the same enthusiasm and you will see results. 💪

One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
Arthur Ashe

I hate my professional watchtower: I work for the local government, my salary is really good, the best. My "commoditates in loco laboris" (my job amenities) are fabulous, like 2 months paid vacations, bonuses, my own office, part time work. Despite all this the policies of the local government do not allow the professional to be creative on behalf of the institution, because the innovation has to descend from the Minister and his team. So decades have passed, Ministers have passed and, here I am, over qualified, old, and too old to be hired in a private institution. Furthermore, private institutions here pay between one third to one half of what I earn at my present job. To be over qualified in LATAM is hell.

I’m an Backend Developer professional.
I have experience in application implementations and also in application maintenance. I studied Telematic Engineer. I recently worked as an Backend Developer in a Panama Company. I left the company because our projects were cancelled due to financial problems, and I felt unchallenged. Now, I’m looking for a new job with a lot of projects, and I’m very excited about that. I believe that the new job will be a great challenge for my career.

I am a dedicated IT professional with a strong educational background and a diverse set of technical skills.
Some of my strengths are my ability to troubleshoot complex technical issues, my proficiency in programming languages such as Python, PHP, and Java, and my experience in managing IT projects effectively.
I studied systems engineering and hold a technical degree in computer science and networks. I am currently in my 8th semester of systems engineering, and I also have a B2 level of English proficiency.
I recently worked as an IT Specialist, where I managed and maintained the organization’s IT infrastructure, provided technical support to end-users, and collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement IT solutions.
Where I excelled in this role was in ensuring the reliability and security of our IT systems, resolving technical issues promptly, and contributing to the efficiency of IT processes within the organization.

Excellent courses.
thanks for the strategies.
I like the culture of platzi.

I take all the knowledge for my growth.

I feel like I’m getting closer to having my dream job.

In this course, you learned: * How to **prepare for a job interview** in English. * The **different types of job interviews** you may encounter. * How to answer both **common and challenging interview questions**. * The **best practices for job interviews**, including what to do and what to avoid. ### **Continue your learning journey** * **Explore "English for work" courses**: * These courses will support your career growth. * **Practice regularly**: * Join **English Academy events** to keep improving your skills. * **Apply for your dream job**: * Remember, one key to success is **self-confidence**, and the key to self-confidence is **preparation**. ### **Final encouragement** Keep practicing and applying what you’ve learned. Your hard work and dedication will lead to success!
I loved this course. Thanks so much for the knowleadge shared.
Thank You Very Much
My dearest Carolina 😍, thanks for this great course, content, methodology and resources, you are a great teacher and I know it help a lot to much students 🤓🤓