Practica tu inglés con una entrevista de trabajo


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Vocabulary 🎤

  • beverage: bebida

  • honed: Perfeccionado | afilado

  • appealing: atractivo

  • newest : más reciente | más nuevo

  • Overall: En general

  • ended up: Acabé

  • workload : carga de trabajo | volumen de trabajo

  • polished: Pulido

  • hesitant: indeciso | vacilante

If I had known then what I know now
Si hubiera sabido entonces lo que sé ahora

we’ve all had that feeling

this is a good class

Hi! Here my contribution of words that I did not have in my lexicon

  • **Aligned: **Alineado.

  • **Overall: **En general.

  • **Had done: **Hubiera.

  • **Due to: **debido

  • **Hesitand: **Dudaban

**Practica tu inglés con una entrevista de trabajo.** Worksheet: Complete the missing information. Ravee: Hi, thanks for coming in today. How are you? Cesar: I’m doing great, thanks for asking. Ravee: Fantastic. I was \_**taking**\_ a look at your LinkedIn profile and I would like to ask you a few questions to get this interview \_**started**\_. Cesar: Absolutely! Ravee: Can you tell me about your previous work experience? Cesar: Sure! In my last job as a Social Media Content Creator in CodeCrush, I \_**gained**\_ extensive experience in creating engaging and high-quality content for various social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. \_By\_ the time I left the company, I \_have\_ \_**grown**\_ the company's social media following by 50% and had significantly increased engagement on all platforms. Before I joined CodeCrush, I \_**had**\_ \_**worked**\_ as a freelancer, developing Social Media campaigns for a wide variety of industries like fashion, travel, food and beverage. Before I joined Platzi, I \_**have**\_ already \_honed\_ my skills in creating visually appealing graphics and writing copy that resonated with different target audiences. Ravee: Great! Now… Can you walk me through a project you recently worked on and your role in that project? Cesar: Yes… Recently, I was \_given\_ the opportunity to work on one of the biggest social media campaigns to promote \_**some**\_ of the \_**new**\_\_ courses in CodeCrush. My role in the project was to create engaging and visually appealing content that would promote the courses and drive traffic to the site. I was responsible for creating a social media content calendar, developing creative briefs for the graphic designers and photographers, and producing content for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. As part of the project, I worked closely with the marketing team to ensure that the campaign's messaging was consistent and aligned with the brand's values. Overall, I am proud to say that the campaign was a huge success, generating over 1 million organic impressions and increasing the brand's social media following by 20%. Ravee: Amazing! Could you tell me about something you would \_**have**\_ \_**done**\_\_\_ differently in your previous job? Cesar: Yes… If I \_**have**\_ \_**known**\_\_ then what I know now, I would \_**have**\_ \_**approached**\_ my work differently in certain situations. For example, there was one project where I was supposed to collaborate with a team of graphic designers, but I \_**ended**\_ \_up\_ taking on too much of the workload myself. The project took longer than it was \_supposed\_ to and the end result wasn't as polished as it could have been. Looking back on that experience, I realize that I \_**should**\_ \_**have**\_ \_communicated\_ more clearly with the designers and established more defined roles and responsibilities at the beginning of the project. If I \_**had**\_ \_**done**\_ that, we would have worked more efficiently and produced better quality work in a shorter amount of time. \_**Due**\_ to this experience and moving forward, I've learned the importance of delegation and clear communication, and I know that I can apply those lessons to future projects to ensure their success Ravee: Thank you. Let’s move on! Have you ever \_**convinced**\_ someone to change their mind or do something they didn't want to do? Cesar: Yes, I have. For example, I \_**got**\_ my team members \_**to**\_ use a new social media platform that they were initially hesitant about. I let them know how important it was for the growth of our company, and I convinced them to try it out. As a result, we were able to reach a new audience and increase our social media following. Ravee: Thank you, Cesar. That's all the questions we have for you today. Do you have any questions for me? Cesar: Yes, I \_**wonder**\_ if you could tell me what the next steps are. Are any other interviews or assessments I should complete? Ravee: Thank you for your question. We plan to make a decision within the next two weeks, and we will notify all candidates via email. There may be a final interview or assessment stage for the top candidates, but we will inform you if you progress to that stage. Cesar: Perfect. Thank you for your time today!
***Vocabulary*** 🎤 * **beverage**: bebida * **honed**: Perfeccionado | afilado * **appealing**: atractivo * **newest** : más reciente | más nuevo * **Overall**: En general * **ended up**: Acabé * **workload** : carga de trabajo | volumen de trabajo * **polished**: Pulido * **hesitant**: indeciso | vacilante > ***If I had known then what I know now*** Si hubiera sabido entonces lo que sé ahora ☝️ we've all had that feeling
I had three wrong questions.
I felt so motivated with this interview, because I really want to achieve that level of fluency and comprehension of the language, so it is really nice to think about all the things I'll learn throughout this course.

I was taking a look…
to get this interview started…
I gained extensive experience…
By the time I left the company…
I had grown the company …
I had worked as a freelancer…
I had already my skills
I was giving the opportunity
Could you tell me about something you would have done differently…
if I had known then what I know now
I would have approached my work …
I ended up taking too much of the workload…
It was supposed to and the end result wasn’t as polished…

Really useful lesson TBH



I got most of the gaps filled.
The only gap I didn’t fill was “honed” because I had never heard that word. LOL.
I like this class and the interview!

I like this class. It is very important to have these examples of how this is done, it helps me prepare for the not too distant future.
this lesson challenged me. i confused the word HONED with the word HOLD.
Sorry, but I can't find the worksheet, I don't understand this platform very well, If somebody can help me it would be awesome!

Before to start this course. I thought that I have a good level but is not enough to use in a degree. I understood everything on the interview and I could complete the exercise but I relized that I need to improve myself .

Where is the resource?

The new word for me was honed which means: having been refined or perfected over a period of time.
Great Interview, hard to answer so perfect hehe

Some examples found in the dialogue about the topic of the course.

  • Third Conditional:
    “If I had known then what I know now, I would have approached my work differently in certain situations.”

  • Polite Requests with “Think” and “Wonder”:
    “I wonder if you could tell me what the next steps are”.

  • Alternate Usage of “Get,” “Have,” and “Make”:
    I got my team members to use a new social media platform”.
    “I made them try it out”.
    “I had significantly increased engagement”.

  • Transitive Verbs:
    “I was given the opportunity to work on one of the biggest social media campaigns ”.

  • Cause and Consequence with “Due To” and “Owing To”:
    “Due to this experience and moving forward, I’ve learned the importance of delegation and clear communication”.


  1. Hone (verb) = to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose
  • Before I joined Platzi, I had already honed my skills…


  1. take something on = to accept a particular job or responsibility:
  • I ended up taking on too much work…


I felt a little frustrated because I fighted with bad internet conexion.
But I was happy because I can understand almost all the interview.

workload - carga de trabajo
polished - pulido
due to - gracias a
assessments - evaluaciones

taking start gave, by, had grown, had worked, had hold, given, some of the newest, have done, had kwon, have aproached, ended up , suposed, shuld have comunicated, had done, Due, convince, got, to, wonder

He would be such a perfect candidate

I want my English Polished like yours ,

P.S: Hi Ravee! just came here after your writing course, Glad to hear you guys talking.

  • 5:48 how else could I use this word in an answer?
    : de qué otra forma podría usar esta palabra en una respuesta

  • 6:04 at work in other contexts
    en el trabajo en otros contextos

just phrases that I couldn’t catch at first. but from now on I’ll be able to recognize them .