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Cómo usar "one of", "some of" y "among"


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In my opinion these are the most important considerations when I study online. The first one is study schedule usually in the afternoon or at night are my favorites , some of the others are discipline, organization and focus on what you want to achieve.

The usage of “one of,” “some of,” and “among”. These words are quite significant as they help us talk about being part of a group without suggesting any kind of ranking.
The usage of “one of” and “among” becomes clearer when applied to singular nouns. For instance: “The One World Trade Center is one of the tallest buildings in the world” or "It is among the tallest buildings in the world."
Now, when it comes to “some of,” we use it with plural nouns to talk about more than one thing. For example: “These buildings here are some of the tallest in the world” or "They are among the tallest buildings globally."
An essential point to remember is that after using “one of,” “some of,” or “among,” the adjective takes on its superlative form, like “tallest,” “shortest,” “nicest,” or “biggest.”


  • When standing online, one of the most important considerations is being cautious about sharing personal information, as some of the online platforms might not have sufficient security measures.

  • Maintaining respectful communication is among the key principles, as some of the discussions online can become heated or sensitive.

  • Verifying the legitimacy of online transactions is one of the necessary precautions, as some of the offers and deals online might not be genuine.

Among the most important considerations when studying online is creating a dedicated and distraction-free study environment.

One of * One World Trade Center is **one of** the tallest buildings in the world. Some of * These are **some of** the tallest buildings in the world. Among * One World Trade Center is **among** the tallest buildings in the world. * These are **among** the tallest buildings in the world.
**Cómo usar "one of", "some of" y "among".** Practice: High \- \_Some of the highest\_ paying jobs are in the tech industry. Large \- Brazil is among the largest countries in the world. Demanding \- Being an air traffic controller is \_one of the most demanding\_ jobs in the world. Expensive \- These are among the most expensive cities in the world. In the comments: What are some of the most important considerations when studying online? \- In online studying, the content is among the most important for me. \- In online studying, to have continuity is one of the requirements to learn correctly. \- Some of the most important conditions in online studying is to be disciplined.
* Having an internet connection is one of the most important things to study online. * Practicing is among the best thing to do to gain experience. * Having a community is one of the best traits of studing at Platzi.

Being patient, responsible and disciplined are some of the most important considerations that you should know before deciding your modality to learn. Another thing to consider is the time because learning online has more pros than cons. If you decide to learn online you will have more time to do a recep about the topics that you’ve learned.

When studying online, one of the most important advantages is having the possibility to learn from some of the greatest teachers among the best in the world.
I think about quality, price and ux platform to decide for study on line.
1. Some of the highest paying jobs are in the tech industry. 2. Brazil is one of the largest counties in the world. (1) 3. Being an air traffic controller is among the most demanding jobs in the world. (2) 4. These are some of the most expensive cities in the world. (3)
One of my biggest challenges when studying online is maintaining self-motivation to learn. When I study, I need to be 100% inspired by the topic I want to learn. Part of my study routine includes watching videos with motivational quotes and writing at the same time as I study to improve my English
Some of the most important considerations when it comes to studying online are the flollowing: * Planning the specific days and time wich you will study english * Scheduling days when you will recheck the subjects already watched, trying to understand and practice them * Being flexible, I mean it's okey to skip one day of studying but it has to be every once in a while
Some of the most important things to consider when studying online are discipline, and organization. Maybe when you don't have study partners it can be easy to find yourself unmotivated, that is one of the most frequent causes of desertion, so you have to enhance you discipline so as to be among those who get an advantage of studying online.
I got 4 points!
Studying online is one of the best ways to learn when you don't have time to go to school Studying online or being self-taught are some of the most important options for improving day by day. Studying online is among the best options for growing in the professional world.
1. Having a good connection of internet 2. Having enough time to practice by your own 3. Having a schedule about when are you going to study
**Some Considerations About Studying Online** Studying online has become a widespread way to learn because it allows you to choose whatever you want to know. However, there are some personal and general considerations that you must keep in mind if you want to be successful. Let's examine them in detail. **Individual Considerations** * You need to be able to set up your routine and establish a clear study schedule. * It's crucial to understand your learning method and combine it with available online resources. * Being an autodidact is an important trait that might be necessary for this learning method. * Resilience is one of the most crucial characteristics if you choose this option. **General Considerations** * A reliable internet connection is essential. * You may need some essentials for online courses, such as a decent computer and a quiet, distraction-free study area. * The perception that studying online is not effective still exists among the public, but it is gradually changing. * You might need more time to learn using online courses than you would in traditional settings.
Some fo the most important considerations when im studyin g online are that I jave to be in a paceful plase, i have to have good internet conection and also my favorite notebook to write my notes.
One of the most important things to studying online is to be perseverant. I think to have and schedule is among the most important keys to study online.
Brazil is among the largest countries in the world  Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world  Being an air traffic controller is one of the most demanding jobs in the world Being an air traffic controller is among the most demanding jobs in the world  These are some of the most expensive cities in the world
Some of the considerations you need to have when studying online include how you organize your time, whether it's in the morning or evening. Among my years studying online, I faced issues like starting many courses but not finishing any. You need to create a schedule.
Activity: For me, one of the keys to studying online is maintaining the pace and discipline to study every day. Some of other keys include create projects for yourself to practice what you learn and connecting other students to exchange knowledge.
Some of the most important considerations while studying, in general, are our own research about the subject, asking questions when something is not clear, and our study methodology. This applies for online study too; however, finding a specialized mentor (in subjects like politics, economics, medicine, etc.) online can be harder than in an institution like a university.
Being discipline and have a good managing time are some of the most important consideration when studying online.
When you studying online some of the most important things are that you can study at the time and place you prefer. However you must create a method to avoid distractions.
To have a good internet connection is one of most important when I study online. Some of the most important thing to study online is taking notes and practicing.
among the thin most important things for studyng is pay the suscripcion other year

There are many aspects to take into consideration when we study online mode. One of the most important aspects is discipline, it takes a lot to stay focused, build a study schedule, and follow it up. To get excellent results while studying online you need to guarantee some physical conditions, for instance, a laptop with good capacity, excellent wi-fi connection, and a quiet space where you can concentrate.

Some of the most important considerations when you studying online is the quality of your wi-fi

One of the most important consideration to study online is keep away your phone to be focused in your course
\- Some of the most important considerations are: remove distraccions, participate in the comments and keep practicing.

Time Management: Online courses often require self-discipline and effective time management. Set a schedule that includes dedicated study time, and stick to it. Avoid procrastination by breaking your work into manageable tasks and setting deadlines for each.

Technology and Internet Access: Ensure you have access to a reliable computer and a stable internet connection. Familiarize yourself with the software and platforms used for your courses to avoid technical difficulties during lectures, assignments, and exams.

Workspace: Create a comfortable and organized workspace that is free from distractions. This can help you stay focused and productive during your study sessions.

Course Materials: Carefully review the course syllabus, reading materials, and assignments. Make sure you understand the expectations for each course and plan accordingly.

Communication: Stay in regular contact with your instructors and classmates. Online courses often rely on email, discussion forums, and virtual meetings. Effective communication can help you clarify doubts and stay engaged with the course material.

Self-Motivation: Online learning requires a high degree of self-motivation. Set clear goals for what you want to achieve in each course and stay motivated to reach them.

Participation: Actively participate in online discussions, forums, and group activities. Engaging with your peers can enhance your understanding of the material and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

Assessment and Evaluation: Understand how you will be assessed in each course, whether it’s through quizzes, exams, essays, or projects. Seek clarification from your instructors if you have any doubts about grading criteria.

Technical Skills: Develop basic technical skills related to online learning, such as navigating learning management systems (LMS), using video conferencing tools, and troubleshooting common technical issues.

Accessibility: Ensure that online course materials are accessible to you. If you have specific needs, contact your instructors or the institution’s disability services for accommodations.

Health and Well-being: Don’t neglect your physical and mental health. Take breaks, stay active, eat well, and manage stress effectively. Online learning can sometimes blur the boundaries between work and personal life, so it’s important to maintain a healthy balance.

Security: Be cautious about sharing personal information online and follow best practices for online security, such as using strong passwords and keeping your devices and accounts secure.

Support Resources: Familiarize yourself with the support resources available to online students, including technical support, tutoring services, and academic advising. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance when needed.

Adaptability: Online courses may vary in format and structure. Be adaptable and open to trying new tools and approaches to learning.

Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to your instructors and the institution about your online learning experience. Your input can help improve the quality of online courses for future students.

Remember that successful online learning requires a proactive approach and effective organization. By considering these factors and staying committed to your studies, you can make the most of your online education.

One of the most important skills is to learn English Some of the best things to learn English is studying Among the best courses I found this one

Some of the most important considerations when studying online are self-discipline, time management, internet connection, motivation and adaptability

Some of the most important factors to consider when studying online are creating a schedule and establishing a routine. Additionally, avoid pushing yourself through classes until you become burnt out, as it’s crucial to find enjoyment and passion in the learning process.

Discipline and perseverance are some of the most considerations when stuying online.

When it comes to online studying, consistency, focus, assertive communication (e.g. in sync classes, forums, etc.) and practicing are amongst the most recommended aspects to bear in mind.
There’s not an only, universal path to follow, like some of the most modern theories suggest or sell.
However, what I do consider essential as regards the topic is self-commitment, which together with patience, sets solid and sustainable bases for long/short-term, process-oriented efforts.

Some of the most important considerations apart of the technical requirements are your discipline and commitment to do something without supervision.

Having an organized schedule and a place to stay away from distractions are some of the most important considerations when studying online

  • One of the highest paying jobs are in the tech industry.

  • Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world.

  • Being an air traffic controller is among the most demanding jobs in the world.

  • These are some of the most expensive cities in the world.

some of the most important considerations are: I can program my schedule and I can review topics.

  • These are some of the tallest buildings in the world
  • Some of the highest-paying jobs are in the tech industry
  • Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world
  • Being an air traffic controller is among the most demanding jobs in the world.
  • These are some of the most expensive cities in the world
  • One of the most important things, when you study online, is to maintain consistency and an open mind to learn about new topics.
  • Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world.

  • Being an air traffic controller is one of the most demanding jobs in the world.

  • These are some of the most expensive cities in the world.

  • Studying online is one of he best way to learn something.

Online study today is the most important means for education and knowledge to be available to everyone, thanks to these means of training

⭐ among the most important considerations when studying online is choosing the right people, the right platform and the right tools.but is more about spotting what doesn’t work because nobody is going to tell you.

One of the most important thing is put yourself and schedule, it helps you to figh the big problem: discipline

  1. These are some of the highest paying jobs are in the tech industry. wrong
  2. Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world. Right
  3. Being an air traffic controller is among the most demanding jobs in the world. right
  4. These are some of the most expensive cities in the world. right

She is one of the top performers in her class
Among the applicants, she was the most qualified candidate for the job.

One of the most important considerations when studying online is having a reliable internet connection.

I think that study online is not for every one, first of all you need a computer and internet, second you need an environment where you can focus on your study and third is have the discipline to go throught all the course and do the exercises proposed, 'cause most of us learn more practicing. You can watch the videos and have the certificate, but and the end you didn’t learn.

Definitely, to achieve the best learning results in terms of a foreign language, it is essential to properly organize time, dedication, discipline and perseverance to acquire the required skills in the shortest possible time.

Some of the most important considerations when studying online are:

  • Organize your space.
  • Schedule a time every day to study and practice.
  • Always take notes.

4/4 😋

  • Some of the highest paying jobs are in the tech industry.
  • Brazil is **one of the largest **countries in the world.
  • Being an air traffic controller is among of the most demanding jobs in the world.
  • These are some of the most expensive cities in the world.

A= Some things to consider for studying online is having your own space to focus and having a notebook to write whatever.