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Diferencia entre "get", "have" y "make"


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  • Get: convince someone to do something
  • Have: give the responsability to someone to do something
  • Make: force someone to do something.
I got my mom to pay for my subscription platzi last year.

Using “get,” “have,” and “make” as causative verbs, for example:
“I got Andres to help me on my project.” (Convincing someone to do something)
“My manager had me prepare a presentation for the meeting.” (Giving responsibility to someone)
“He made me tell him the truth.” (Forcing someone to do something)
In conclusion:
“Get” is for convincing someone to do something.
“Have” is when someone delegates their responsibility to another person.
“Make” is for forcing someone to do something they may not want to do.

  • I got one of my friends to reconsider going on that summer vacation with other friends.

  • When I was child, my mother made me order my room, even though I didn’t want to.

  • My supervisor had me lead a project, even though I wasn’t sure about it at first.

**Diferencia entre "get", "have" y "make".** Practice: Thomas \_made\_ me take off my shoes before I went into his house. He said he wanted to keep the carpet clean. My girlfriend didn’t want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk, she \_got\_ me to do it. Our teacher \_had\_ us write an essay describing our future goals in life. In the comments: Have you ever convinced someone to change their mind or do something they didn’t want to do? \- One time, I had my cousin do my physics homework because of a bet. \- I got my girlfriend to accompany me to a soccer game. \- I made a coworker start to like neoclassical metal.

Causative verbs

  • They are getting him to sign a new billionaire contract
  • I made my brother watch a horror movie.
  • My team leader had me write a new manual to explain the new features.

Have you ever convinced someone to change their mind or do something that they didn’t want to do ?

  • In my previous job I got my partner to study Spanish with me because he thought that Spanish wasn’t important in his professional career therefore we had been practicing for several months but I can say that my partner is a bilingual person now.

Story time:

I’ve once got my host kid to let me disinfect her wound by reminding her of the nasty consequences.

(I did it gently, of course)

1. I made Cata do the presentation for the Vicepresident 2. I always get my husband cook for us because I really don´t know to cook 3. my son has to look at the plants
Difference between: GET-HAVE-MAKE. Get: Convince someone to do something. Have: Give the responsibility to someone to do something. Make: Force someone to do something. Examples: Get * Even though i don´t like opera much, She got me to go see the play, and i ended up enjoying it. * I always have the courier deliver the packages. i don´t have time to take them myself. * Sam didn´t want to go to the birthday party, but his dad made him go.
Once, I got my team to work extra hours to achieve our goals
Have You ever convinced someone to chenge thier mind or do sometthing they didn't want to do? Yes I have. For instance. I got my team members to use the new feature in the app. Due to that they were able to save time to complete the activity, and the team was able to send the report before the deadline.
1. Thomas **made** me take off my shoes before I went into his house. He said he wanted to keep the carpet clean. 2. My girlfriend didn't want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk, she **got** me to do it. 3. Our teacher **had** us write an essay describing our future goals in life.
* I **got** Andres to help me on my project. (convince) * My manager **had** me prepare a presentation for the meeting. (give the responsability) * He **made** me tell him the truth. (force)
Umm, something that comes to mind is a project made some years ago in the design apartment. Due to the lack of time to deliver it , I got my boss to re-assign another partner to the equation in order to deliver it on time.
I got my partner to save up more money than the previous year for investing.
I got my brother to help me with the bills of the house. I had my brother always close the house in the evenings. I made my brother clean up the house on the weekend.
In my last semester i got my partners to do my hw and in a reward of that i bought a starbucks for them
Platzi got me to keep learning ad never stop!
* When I was a kid, my father didn’t want to buy me a dog. I cried for a long time until I **made him buy** me one. * Last month, I **got a bunch of users to test** my new software system by offering them a discount. * Maria **had me take** care of her cat while she was on vacation. * I always **have Maria wash** the car.
I got my daughter read more books. My boss had me the work to design all electrical connections. My actual situation make me change my thoughts.
**++CAUSATIVE VERBS++** * **Get**: convince someone to do something * **Have**: give the responsability to someone to do something * **Make**: force someone to do something.
I got my friend to go a new place for vacation. She got me to go for a walk. I knew I had to do it, so I planned everything last night. My internet provider has send me the internet bill to pay every month. My bosses made me stay overwork after I finished my daily work. She made me not talk to her again.
I got my children to do their homework because they didn´t want to do it.
  1. My boss had me write the letter to send it to the court.
  2. I got my sister to help me with the chores.
  3. I made my dog eat her food; she really needs to eat well.
* MY friend got me to do her homework so that's why we can go out * my Coworker had me taken care of his child * this interviewer made me tell her the truth about being famous *
I got my best friend to travel together to celebrate New year's eve in Colombia. My boss had me lead the project with the new client.
* My sister always gets me to do her groceries. * My mother always makes me clean her cat's litter box. * My boss had me organize the branch anniversary.
I got my brother to pay for his own Platzi membership.
\- I made my friends participate in a google club, actually we are part of the core team of university

Once, I got my schoolmates to do this project in this way to finish earlier.


  • Thomas made me take off my shoes before I went into his house. He said he wanted to keep the carpet clean
  • My girlfriend didn’t want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk, she got me to do it
  • Our teacher had us write an essay describing our future goals in life


  • Have you ever convinced someone to change their mind or do something they didn’t want to do?
    Sure, on one occasion at work, in the project I was involved in, as a dev team we had to convince our client to change the payment gateway because the gateway they wanted, for the future was going to be a problem, it wasn’t going to meet the requirements, so instead of use that we want to use another one, one which we have experienced on, at the end we could convince our client.

I got Manuel to give us more time to the deadline

I didn’t want to go to the meeting, but my boss made me go.

My task :

  • the reality made me take decitions like a strong mature man, I will not lose my senses

thanks to read ❤️

☆ My father made me ask for forgiveness unjustly
☆ I got my sister to stay longer by giving her conveniences like cookies and my phone.
  • Thomas made me take off my shoes before I went into his house. He said he wanted to keep the carpet clean.
  • My girlfriend didn’t want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk, she got me to do it.
  • Our teacher had us write an essay describing our future goals in life.
  • I got my coworker to implement the changes that I thought were needed for the project.

I got Ofir to go to the cinema
My bos had me prepeer the presentatio for meeting
She made me to clean the floor

  • Thomas made me take off my shoes before I went into his house. He said he wanted to keep the carpet clean.
  • My girlfriend didn’t want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk, she got me to do it.
  • Our teacher had us write an essay describing our future goals in life.


Yes I did. When I worked as a teachee of music I has convinced the kids many things to don't give up. And sometimes I had to help their to choose the right path. Education is one of the most incredible but hardest work.

Once, I had to make my little sister try a new type of food that she didn’t want to eat. At first, she refused to even taste it, but I knew she might like it if she gave it a chance. So, I had our mom prepare a small portion of the dish. Then, I made her sit at the table and gave her a gentle nudge to try it. She was hesitant, but with some encouragement, I managed to get her to take a bite. To my surprise, she actually enjoyed it! I felt relieved that I could convince her to change her mind about the food she initially didn’t want to try.

  • A friend of mine ++got ++me to help him with move his stuff

  • My english teacher had me write some sentences about my current life

  • The policeman made me to gate down from the bike and give hem my papers

When I’m really sure which the best options, I make the people’s mind to do it in that way.
César had me to write an answer to his question.
A friend got me to save their bags while she’s traveling

  • I got my brother to practice any deport for his physical state.

  • she made me to do his homework.

  • I have to take care of my brothers.

My practice:

  • My partner made me go on vacations because I needed to rest.
  • I got my best friend to clean my house.
  • My boss had me prepare a slide deck to present to investors.

I got once someone to vote for another candidate and, indeed, I managed to change their opinion and in the end they voted for my candidate.

I got my friend to study English because she did not like study languages.