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Cómo usar "about to"


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  • Refers to Imminent Actions: “About to” is used to talk about actions that are expected to happen very soon or imminently.
    Example: “I’m about to start a class.”

  • Structure: The structure is Verb To Be + About To + Base Verb.

  • Word JUST: it adds emphasis to the idea that the action will take place shortly after the current moment.
    Example: “I’m just about to start a class, so I will talk to you later.”

  • Limited to Near Future: It’s used for actions happening in the near future, not for events far in advance.
    Example: “I’m about to start the class in five hours” (Incorrect).

  • Always use the infinitive after “about.” So, it’s “about to take off,” not “about taking off.”


  • Denotes content or topic or theme: It refers to the central theme or content of something.
    Example: “The book is about the subject of science fiction.”
**Cómo usar "about to"** Practice: \- The meeting is \_about\_ the future of the company. \- He was \_about of\_ go out when I called. \- Let’s go downstairs now! The taxi driver is \_about to\_ arrive. \- The conversation was \_about\_ the new product feature. Worksheet: Complete the following sentences with either "about" or "about to (answers below)": 1\. I was \_about to\_ leave when the phone rang. 2\. She was \_about to\_ ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance. 3\. He's always talking \_about\_ his job and how much he loves it. 4\. We're \_just about to\_ have lunch. Would you like to join us? 5\. They were \_about to\_ go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired. 6\. She's \_just about to\_ start her new job next week. 7\. He's going to talk \_about\_ the results of last quarter. 8\. They were \_about to\_ have a picnic, but it started raining. 9\. We were \_about to\_ leave when the car wouldn't start. 10\. I'm \_just about to\_ call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.
  • The movie is about the life of a singer who became famous.
  • The meeting is about the future of the company.
  • He was about to go about when I called.
  • Let’s go downstairs now! The taxi driver is about to arrive.
  • The conversation was about the new product feature we are launching.
  • I was about to leave when the phone rang.
  • She was about to ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance.
  • He’s always talking about his job and how much he loves it.
  • We’re about to have lunch. Would you like to join us?
  • They were about to go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.
  • She’s about to start her new job next week.
  • He’s going to talk about the results of last quarter.
  • They were about to have a picnic, but it started raining.
  • We were about to leave when the car wouldn’t start.
  • I’m just about to call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.
**Cómo usar "about to"** Practice: \- The meeting is **about** the future of the company. \- He was **about** of go out when I called. \- Let’s go downstairs now! The taxi driver is **about to** arrive. \- The conversation was **about** the new product feature. Worksheet: Complete the following sentences with either "about" or "about to (answers below)": 1\. I was **about to** leave when the phone rang. 2\. She was **about to** ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance. 3\. He's always talking **about** his job and how much he loves it. 4\. We're just **about to** have lunch. Would you like to join us? 5\. They were **about to** go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired. 6\. She's just **about to** start her new job next week. 7\. He's going to talk \_about\_ the results of last quarter. 8\. They were **about to** have a picnic, but it started raining. 9\. We were **about to** leave when the car wouldn't start. 10\. I'm just **about to** call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.
1. The meeting is **about** the future of the company. 2. He was **about to** go out when I called. 3. Let's go downstairs now! The taxi driver is **about to** arrive. 4. The coversation was **about** the new product feature we are launching.
verb to be + **about to** + basic verb * The train is **about to** leave! * We're *just* **about to** set off for a walk. * The ferry is **about to** take off in a few minutes.
* I **was about to start** studying when my aunt arrived. * I thought you **were about to climb** the hill; that’s why I called you. * I am learning about Software Engineering. * Kam **is about to launch** her new album. * The train **is about to leave**. Please hurry up, Mike!
  1. I was about to leave when the phone rang.
  2. She was about to ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance.
  3. He’s always talking about his job and how much he loves it.
  4. We’re about to have lunch. Would you like to join us?
  5. They were about to go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.
  6. She’s about to start her new job next week.
  7. He’s going to talk about the results of last quarter.
  8. They were about to have a picnic, but it started raining.
  9. We were about to leave when the car wouldn’t start.
  10. I’m about to call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.
  1. I was ABOUT TO leave when the phone rang.
  2. She was ABOUT TO ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance.
  3. He’s always talking ABOUT his job and how much he loves it.
  4. We’re ABOUT TO have lunch. Would you like to join us?
  5. They were ABOUT TO go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.
  6. She’s ABOUT TO start her new job next week.
  7. He’s going to talk ABOUT the results of last quarter.
  8. They were ABOUT TO have a picnic, but it started raining.
  9. We were ABOUT TO leave BUT the car wouldn’t start.
  10. I’m ABOUT TO call my mom to wish her a happy birthday.

In my opinion, ‘later’ doesn’t fit. Bearing in mind that the verb phrase BE ABOUT TO already states the immediacy of the action, time expressions/adverbs (not clauses) become redundant, obvious or contradicting

My task:

  • My conversation with Libo was about my new tesis.
  • I am about to get a new tutor for this new project.
  • I am just about to kick-out my (ex)-tutor.
  • I am just about to be very happy with the new opportunity.

thanks to read =D

  • The meeting is about the future of the company
  • He was about to go out when i called
  • Let’s go downstairs now! The taxi driver is about to arrive
  • The conversation was about the new product feature we are launching
  • The meeting is about to the future of the company. wrong
  • He was about to go out when I calles. right
  • Let’s go downstairs now! The taxi driver is about to arrive. right
  • The conversation was about the new product feature we are launching. right
  • I was ++about to ++ leave when the phone rang.

  • She was++ about to ++ ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance.

  • He’s always talking ++about ++his job and how much he loves it.

  • We’re ++ about to++ have lunch. Would you like to join us?

  • They were++ about to++ go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.

  • She’s ++about to ++start her new job next week.

  • He’s going to talk about the results of last quarter.

  • They were ++ about to++ have a picnic, but it started raining.

  • We were about to leave when the car wouldn’t start.

  • I’m about to call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.

  • I was about to leave when the phone rang.

  • She was about to ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance.

  • He’s always talking about his job and how much he loves it.

  • We’re about to have lunch. Would you like to join us?

  • They were about to go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.

  • She’s about to start her new job next week.

  • He’s going to talk about the results of last quarter.

  • They were about to have a picnic, but it started raining.

  • We were about to leave when the car wouldn’t start.

  • I’m about to call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.

I was about to leave when the phone rang.
She was about to ask a question, bu the meeting ended before she had the chance.
He´s talking about his job and how much he loves it.
We´re about to have lunch.Would you like to join us?
They were about to go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.
She’s about to star her new job next week.
He’s is going to talk about the results of last quarter.
They were about to have a picnic, but it started raining.
We were about to leave when the car wouldn´t start.
I’m about to call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.

it is the rule about to + verb/ about + noun?

I was about to____ leave when the phone rang.
She was about to____ ask a question, but the meeting ended before she had the chance.
He’s always talking about___ his job and how much he loves it.
We’re _about to have lunch. Would you like to join us?
They were _about to go on vacation when they realized their passports had expired.
She’s about to start her new job next week.
He’s going to talk about the results of last quarter.
They were about to have a picnic, but it started raining.
We were about to
leave when the car wouldn’t start.
I’m __about to call my mom later to wish her a happy birthday.