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Neutralidad de Género y Etiqueta en Inglés


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Do you believe mastering etiquette, both face-to-face and online, can contribute to your success in the competitive world of marketing and beyond? I believe it is a great advantages mastering etiquette, because it urge me to think on the other person and the way I can make them feel better.
**Gender neutrality** is an important topic in marketing today. Below is a simplified version of the text, broken down for easier comprehension. ### **What is gender neutrality?** **Gender neutrality** involves using language that does not assume or imply a person's gender. This is especially important in marketing to create inclusive and respectful communication. * **Some languages** (like Chinese or Persian) naturally use gender-neutral forms. * **Other languages**, such as English, require intentional effort to avoid gender-specific terms. ### **How to use gender-neutral language** 1. **Use neutral terms** like "person" or "individual" instead of gendered words like "he" or "she." 2. **Examples of gender-neutral language**: * **Original**: "Our team would like to thank him for his hard work."**Gender neutral**: "Our team would like to thank them for their hard work." * **Original**: "Dear Sir/Madam."**Gender neutral**: "Dear valued customer" or "Dear \[Company Name] customer." 3. **For professional communication**: * **Example**: "Join our team of talented professionals and become part of a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone's contributions are valued."This sentence is inclusive and doesn't assume gender. ### **What is etiquette?** **Etiquette** refers to the appropriate standards of behavior when communicating, especially with customers. In marketing, we must consider the preferences of our audience and communicate respectfully.
I do believe that through gender neutrality and etiquette we're setting an envoriment free of prejudge and allowing all the participants involved to filter and pitch themselve by showing their skills, their experiences, storytelling or just sharing in order to add value to the interactions/conversations.
Yes, I do believe mastering etiquette can contribute to my success, networking is a crucial part of getting opportunities and without proper etiquette we wouldn't be able to do that at all
Very interesting to refer to gender