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Antes: $249


Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

13 Días
15 Hrs
38 Min
34 Seg

Redaccion de emails persuasivos en Inglés


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Subject line: Last chance to be part of our team. Introduction: Dear valued customer, I hope this email finds you well. Body: I am pleased to introduce you to our new exclusive offer that will enhance your...
Subject: We´re about to blow your mind. Dear X, We’re realized you’ve put so much effort by interacting and loyally following our brand since the first time we met when you visited our store in 2018, and we want to be thankful to you for that reason. We invite you to take advantage of the special offers we’ll have during this weekend on the classified product section “Z” just for you! \*If you happen to receive this kind of offer often, join our special program “Y” and let us get it delivered to you!
Service: English classes Subject Line: Meet Anna: Your Language Coach 👩🏻‍🏫Engaging Conversations 🌍 Real-Life Learning 💪 Boost your Confidence! Introduction: Hi, dear student! My name's Anna, and I teach Spanish and English. Whether you're a kid or an adult, my classes focus on conversations and real life skills Body: I'm offering a 25% discount on my course to the people that join my program before Easter ends. Quick! You're running out of time!