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Análisis de datos de redes sociales en Inglés


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### **What is data analysis?** **Data analysis** is the process of examining metrics and statistics from social media posts (like those on Instagram and TikTok) to assess the performance and impact of marketing strategies. ### **Example of key metrics in social media** Here’s an example of data from a personal social media post. These terms are helpful for describing post performance in social media marketing. 1. **Likes and comments** * **Example**: A post with 410 likes and 27 comments shows a high level of interaction. 2. **Reach** * **Definition**: The total number of unique accounts that have seen a post. * **Example**: A reach of 10,320 accounts means 10,320 users have viewed the content. 3. **Unique reach** * **Definition**: The number of unique users (distinct accounts) that viewed the post. * **Example**: Out of 10,320 views, 9,938 were unique accounts, indicating the video reached a broad audience. 4. **Shares and saves** * **Shares**: The number of times content is shared with others. * *Example*: "This video was shared 123 times." * **Saves**: When users save content to view later. * *Example*: "The video was saved 105 times." ### **Engagement rate** The **engagement rate** is a metric used to measure the level of interaction and connection between an account and its followers. It’s calculated by adding up total engagements (likes, comments, shares, saves), dividing by the number of followers, and then multiplying by 100. #### **Example of calculating engagement rate** * **Post data**: 2,380 likes, 41 comments, 820 shares, and 2,830 saves. **Total engagement rate**: Approximately 2.85%, considered a positive engagement rate.*(A rate between 1% and 5% is typically seen as a good level of engagement for most companies.)*
I do not have much examples to use to analyze tbh since I only have one post in my IG's personal profile. I have 140 followers in my account and that post reached 69 likes and 1 comment. If it was related to any professional topic, I'd suggest to start implementing strategies that increase the engagement since I've heard once that likes are not enough to confirm the status of anything, besides that in this case is the only metric available.
We have 852 likes and 89 comments, which indicates a high level of interaction with the content. The reach of 15,889 shows the number of users who have seen the video. This video reached 8,865 accounts and was played 10,355 times. It reached mostly followers which means it didnt drive new followers to the account. We also have 359 shares of this video with other accounts and 521 saves. This means that 521 accounts saved this video for later.
Hello Teacher. For this example I used a post from my account @tubarportatil. It received 212 likes and no comments, the account has 18.100 followers so the number I got was a 1,1 engagement rate which i think is not bad according to your explanation.