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Gana tiempo y expresa dudas en una negociación en Inglés


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The situations I chose are: * The company is receiving a discount in an english course offer if al least five people join in. * We are about to reach the deadline of a project and the team has not finished it. * A manufacturer is being offered a special discount in raw materials but it needs some extra days to receive enough cash flow.
### **Techniques for gaining time and expressing doubts in negotiations** In negotiations, you may need extra time to evaluate proposals or express doubts if you’re unsure about something. Below is a guide to gaining time techniques and phrases for expressing doubts. ### **Gaining time techniques** These phrases help you "buy time" to review details, think about responses, or consult with your team. 1. "Let me take a moment to review the details." 2. "I'll need to check our current inventory before making any decision." 3. "Could you please provide more data to support this point?" 4. "I'm interested in your proposal, but I need to discuss this with my team." ### **Expressing doubts** If you have concerns or need more information, use these phrases to express doubts honestly and professionally: 1. "I am not entirely convinced about this aspect." 2. "I have some reservations about the proposed timeline." 3. "I’d like more information regarding the potential risks involved." 4. "I’m uncertain if this aligns with our long-term goals."
\- Negotiating Salary \- Negotiating tasks for a job position \- Negotiating Schedule I've chosen these 3 main topics since in my recent experience, are the ones that influence the way we perceive our job and how we feel while working with the company. Salary might or might now be negotiated depending on important aspects such as employee experience, employer requirement, willness from the company/interviewer to negotiate the salary based on the candidate or disagreement from the employee based on what the company is expecting from the potential candidate vs what is being offered to compensate the compliance of the tasks. I've mentioned tasks since some of the Jobs descriptions one can see while checking job offers and find "interesting" that some of the requirements are possible no needed things. Last, Schedule may or may not be negotiated depending on one's needs or company's flexibility based on tasks expectations, tools, workflow, whether if it's remote or not, or timelines. Feel free to reply my comment back :P
1. When they express a point that get outside from our expectations. 2. When the decision involves other areas that I am not having their responsability of taking the decision. 3. When the propose exceed my budget. I choose this three situations because, is important to get along with the other part and sometimes with my own company or project.
The company is requesting confidential or sensitive information to be released to them We need to do research before guaranteeing deliverables You have multiple offers from different companies and you have to evaluate which ones best