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Escucha activa en negociación de Marketing en Inglés


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Do you think this was a successful negotiation? Why or hy not?

I consider the negotiation to have been successful, as the features of the marketing services were clearly outlined. Additionally, tailored recommendations were provided to meet the specific needs of the company, which proved to be a complete success.

Why is the customer not convinced about this proposal? * She is not convinced about the budget. Do you think this was a successful negotation? Why or why not? Although the saleswoman doesn't give to a specific budget to the customer, later she approched the opportunity of gave clear examples of each package and she presented case studies. At the end, the customer feel reassuring. In my opinion this negotiation has a great chance of closing.
**SUMMARY OF CONVERSATION:** 1. **Introduction to the negotiation**: Initial greetings and setting the stage for the discussion. 2. **Marketing goals**: Understanding the customer's primary goal of increasing brand awareness and social media reach. 3. **Proposal of services**: Presentation of the company's customized marketing campaign offerings. 4. **Budget concerns**: Customer's hesitation due to uncertainty about the budget. 5. **Data and support**: Request for supporting data to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed services. 6. **Package details**: Explanation of different package options and deliverables. 7. **Case studies and success stories**: Mention of case studies to reassure the customer. 8. **Decision-making process**: The importance of consulting with respective teams before making a final decision. 9. **Agreement to regroup**: Both parties agree to reconvene after team discussions.
Why is the customer not convinced about the proposal? She's not convinced about the budget. Do you think this was a succesful negotiation? Why or why not? It was a good negotation, however the client as you said, she wasn't ready
Based on my customer service experience, I think it is a successful negotiation. Even though the client was not ready (and seemed not to be very experienced on what she was looking to obtain by hiring the Marketing service she was getting proposed to), the person in charge of the sale understood her point, made her feel comfortable with the situation she had and allowed her to continue keeping the service in mind by discussing with her team whether if the proposal worth it or not, as well as the sales individual.
The customer is concerned about the budget and she wants more details. I think the saleswoman could have given more details in regards to price, or at least tell her that they need to discuss in more detail what her package is going to include so she can send her a realistic budget accompanied by the case studies