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Antes: $249


Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

11 Días
15 Hrs
23 Min
46 Seg

¡Pon a prueba tus conocimientos de Inglés para Marketing!


Course Name: Curso de Ingles para Marketing
Teacher: Isabella Arévalo
School Owner: Jhon Carvajal
Course Director: Ravee Lakhmani
Production OPS: Lizeth Cáceres & Rocío Martínez
Audiovisual Creator: Jesus Espinosa
Video Editor: Jesus Espinosa, Karol Hincapie and Daniel Cadena
Audio Post Production: Jorge Andrés Torres
Graphic Design: Amelia Amórtegui & Carol Baquero
Coordination: Andrés Arizmendy, Daniel Gutiérrez, Carol Baquero & Sura Cedeño
Associates: Keisy Larez & Adriana Bastidas
Subtitulación: Isabel Morales

Aportes 10

Preguntas 0

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### **What you learned in this course** 1. **Marketing vocabulary and expressions** * Key terms related to **segmentation, branding, and marketing roles**. 2. **Writing in marketing** * Principles of writing **gender-neutral language**. * Creating effective **calls to action (CTAs)**. 3. **Social media knowledge** * Common **social media vocabulary** and useful presentation phrases. * How to read **social media analytics** and basic **SEO** concepts. 4. **Negotiation skills** * Useful phrases for negotiations. * Techniques for **gaining time**, expressing doubts, and agreeing or disagreeing during negotiations. ### **Final project details** **Objective**: Reinforce what you've learned by creating a marketing campaign. #### **Steps:** 1. **Choose a product or service**. 2. **Select a market segmentation**: * Define your target audience and explain why you chose them. 3. **Create a promotion strategy**: * Detail how and where you will promote your product/service. 4. **Write a persuasive email**: * Use the principles learned to write an effective email that sells your product or service. 5. **Prepare a presentation**: * Include all the previous information in slides. * **Record yourself** (audio or video) presenting your slides and share it in the comments.
thank you!
Interesting class and the profile of the teacher, Korean ambassador for scholarships and many other nominations
Excellent course! Thank you, Isabella.

Great Course

Thank you!

Great course!
Thank you!

Thank you so so much!
This course has been amazing!

Thank you!!!

I really liked the course, a lot of terminology that I didn’t know, thanks teacher