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Vocabulario para hablar de ejercicio fuera del gimnasio


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“Vocabulary to talk about exercise outside the gym”

  1. After working out for a month, I SHOULD BE have more energy.
  2. After working out for a month, I SHOULD BE help me maintain strong muscles and bones.
What outdoor activities are offered to the client? * hiking * Football * Baseball * Cycling * Tennis What activity does the client choose and why? * The client chose cycling 'cause he thinks it's fun. Additionally, the coach says is great for leg muscles After starting the process of doing exercise, people should improve their cardiovascular health. Exercise should give you more energy. Working out should help you to be more positive.
after exercing i should be happier after working out hard i should be able to sleep relax after exercicing everyday o very often i should feel more productive
After a month of working out, I should be healthier.
**Vocabulario para hablar de ejercicio fuera del gimnasio.** Brain workout: Read the article and write about the future probabilities using “should”. After working out for a month, I should be able to lift more weight. \- After hiking for 3 months, I should be able to go climb that mountain. \- After Johana used treadmills and cycling for 4 months, she should be able to lose weight and have better health. \- Henry has been practicing running for six weeks, so he should be able to participate in the next marathon.
**Question tags** are short questions added to the end of a sentence, usually to confirm information or seek agreement. #### **Using "should" for future probability** * **Examples:** * "For hiking, I should use hiking boots, shouldn’t I?" * "It’s pretty convenient, isn’t it?" **Explanation:** **"Should"** is often used to indicate that something is likely or expected to happen in the future. * **Examples:** * "He should be here soon." * "It should be a good day for outdoor exercise." #### **Task** * "If I follow my diet plan, I should lose a few pounds by next month." * "With regular practice, I should improve my running speed." * "By attending all the yoga classes, I should become more flexible." * "After taking the swimming lessons, I should be able to swim confidently."
* After a month of playing tennis, I should be a better player. * After 3 months experimenting in my own company I should have profits after the fourth month. * After 2 years studying English at my own pace in Platzi. should improve progressively.
confirming information negative tag questions: * For hiking i should use hiking boots, shouldn´t I ? * It´s pretty convenient, isn´t it ? Future probability-SHOULD: * He should be here soon. * It should be a good day for doing exercise outdoors.
**After working out for a month, I should be able to lift more weight.** I hope that after a month of consistent workouts, I’ll be able to lift heavier weights at the gym and improve my diet for better health. My goal is to increase my time at the gym, aiming for an hour every day, which will boost my energy levels for all my daily activities. Occasionally, I may take a break to rest and recharge, but I’ll continue studying at Platzi Academy, where I’m currently at B1, B2, and sometimes C1 levels. I also read a lot of books to enhance my writing skills
I should start lifting five pounds while I improve my weight, I should train in pyramid mode, fewer reps with more weight, finally I should be able to lift more weight in one month.
After working out I should be able to feel happier, I should be able to give more energy, I should be able to have strong muscles and bones. I should be able to boosts my brain health. I should be able to maintain weight.
Would you like to boost your mood anytime, wouldn't you? Well, exercising will give you more energy throughout the day and it should help you to promote your quality sleep. It even improves (with other tasks besides the physical ones) your memory and connects new brains. Do you want to live longer, don't you? Then you should start exercising and seeing the physical, emotional, and mental results.
  • After working out for a month, I shoul be able to feel happier
  • After working out for a month, I shoul be have more energy
  • After working out for a month, I shoul be have quality sleep
  • After working out for a month, I shoul be help me fight depression
  • After working out for a month, I shoul be help me maintain strong muscles and bones
there wasn´t none article in resources

After working out for a six months, I should be ready to go out running at the park.