Inglés para musica, cine y arte
Conversaciones sobre musica, arte y cine en Inglés
Música y eventos en vivo en inglés
Preposiciones y artículos para música e instrumentos en inglés
Preferencias y comparaciones para eventos en vivo en inglés
Cuantificadores y calificadores en inglés para la producción musical
Quiz: Música y eventos en vivo en inglés
Cómo hablar de cine en inglés
Sugerencias con "shall" y ofertas con "what/how about" en inglés
Pasado simple y expresiones de tiempo para comentar películas en inglés
Usando el presente simple y conectores en un detrás de cámaras
Quiz: Cómo hablar de cine en inglés
Creatividad y arte en inglés
Historia del arte: el uso de "used to"
Adjetivos posesivos para comentar obras de arte en inglés
¡Manos a la obra! Usando el presente continuo en inglés
Quiz: Creatividad y arte en inglés
Practica inglés frente y detrás del escenario
Presente perfecto en inglés para conocer a William Shakespeare
¡El show debe continuar! Pronombres indefinidos en inglés
Practica presente perfecto + "just" con esta clase básica de clown
Quiz: Practica inglés frente y detrás del escenario
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Aportes 51
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I suggest to all of you, one of my favorite movies of all time, is the 1986 historical mystery film: In the name of the rose directed by Jean Jacques Annaud.
Starring by Sean Connery this movie based on the novel of the same name by Humberto Eco.
One of my favorite films is Cinema Paradiso, it is an Italian film and has a very beautiful drama story, another film that is a classic of cinema that I love is Gone with the Wind, since according to what my mother tells me, it put me my name because that was the name of the protagonist in the film, and finally, Ben Hur could not be missing from my list, which seems to me to be a true work of art for many reasons. I would also add The Pianist, one of the best films that for me portrays that tragic and sad time of world war ii
Well, i’m goint to suggest watching “The Greatest Showman” movie with Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams. This movie is amazing in differents ways, the music and performances are specials, enjoying and additionally they describing the emotions and feelings of each other. The story give us reflections moments and life lessons. On the other hand, the act actors are magnificent.
I like this movie because film just could let me see my life of different way, and the songs are catchy.
I have always felt a great affinity with movies based on real-life histories. That is why my favorite movie of all time is Pearl Harbor, which detailed how was the attack of Japan to the US in Pearl Harbor Bay. It also is a beautiful love history between 2 boys and a girl. It has a duration of 3 hours and 3 minutes, the soundtrack is amazing and was directed by Michael Bay.
I recommended to every person who asked me what is the best movie: Interstellar and Cars I (The last (III) is terrible)
If you like musical movies, how about watching them on Netflix too? TIC TIC BOOM is one of my favorite movies I’ve seen this year.
How about watching the movie LEO on Netflix? It is incredible and generates a lot of emotions and learning.
I highly recommend the Argentinian horror movie “When Evil Lurks.” Despite its low budget and featuring relatively unknown actors, the film has been receiving rave reviews and winning numerous international awards.
The story revolves around two men living in a remote town who find themselves entangled in a sinister plot to rid their community of a possessed individual. To avoid falling victim to the malevolent force, they must adhere to seven strict rules. However, the gripping narrative unfolds as they inevitably break each command, leading to the emergence of the lurking evil.
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to watch THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS. It’s a great movie because it inspires you to do your best and to persevere despite the tough times we may be going through. As the character played by Will Smith said, "You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do somethin’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want somethin’, go get it.”
I love all fast and furious movies because always they show us surprising and fun situations.
Movie:"Shutter Island"
The best thing since sliced bread!
I love a romantic movie that is about a woman who needs to improve as a person and goes to take care of a man with a disability. At first the man is sarcastic and cruel to the woman but she puts up with it because she needs the money. Over time they become good friends and even fall in love with her, but she still doesn’t know that he will make the decision to perform euthanasia. I love this movie because it is very deep, it has funny parts and very moving parts. It’s called “Me Before You”
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