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23 Seg

Usando el presente simple y conectores en un detrás de cámaras


Aportes 14

Preguntas 0

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#### **1. Connectors of Sequence** Connectors of sequence are used to order events and actions logically, making the text more coherent and fluent. **Examples from the text:** * **"To start with"**: "To start with, I want to know more about your area of expertise, directing." * **"Before"**: "Before filming, the director is responsible for all the creative processes." * **"In addition"**: "In addition, they also make sure that everything looks like it belongs in the film's universe." * **"To summarize"**: "To summarize, all designers in a film need to communicate between departments." * **"Also"**: "They also guide all the technicians in order to capture the shots in the best way possible." * **"Last but not least"**: This phrase was not explicitly in the text but is commonly used to introduce the final point in a list. * **"At this point"**: This phrase was not explicitly in the text but can be used to indicate the current moment in a sequence. #### **2. Present Simple Tense** The present simple tense is used to describe habitual actions, general truths, and actions happening now. **Examples from the text:** * **"The director is responsible for all of the creative processes in a film."** * **"They work with the screenwriter to ensure the story is suitable for filming."**

I prefer to talk about one of my favorites movies

I prefered talk about my JOB and a movie about it

this is my audio <>
Even thought I like watching movies, I not the kind of person who read about directors or film makers. This module has made me think about it, as a way to have more knoweledge and enjoy even better when watching a film. Thank you! <>
📝 There's a slight error when the teacher says: "1858" at 3:05, she meant "1958".
📝 There's a slight error when the teacher says: "1858", she meant "1958".

My practice <>
My audio :) Recibo feedback <>
# Usando el presente simple y conectores en un detrás de cámaras My audio: <> *Source:* [**]( *("Produccion Aparte" Audiovisual agrency from Bogota - Colombia).*

Pure magic: Behind the Scenes