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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

17 Días
20 Hrs
10 Min
17 Seg

¡Ahora sabes inglés para música, cine y arte!


Aportes 17

Preguntas 1

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**SUMMARY OF COURSE:** **1. Conversations about music, art, and cinema in English** * You practiced discussing various aspects of music, art, and cinema, including preferences, favorite genres, and key artists. You also learned how to talk about specific films, artworks, and their impact on culture. These conversations helped you build vocabulary and confidence in discussing creative topics in English. **2. Prepositions and articles for music and instruments in English** * You learned how to correctly use prepositions and articles with musical terms. For example, you discussed how to use "the," "a/an" with instruments like "the violin," "a piano," and prepositions like "on the guitar," "at the concert." These rules are essential for describing music and instruments clearly. **3. Preferences and comparisons for live events in English** * In this section, you practiced expressing preferences and making comparisons, such as "I like listening to pop music more than rock," and "Wouldn’t that make you feel better than listening to 'Someone Like You' over and over again?" This helped you learn how to express opinions and compare different music genres or events. **4. Quantifiers and qualifiers for music production** * You explored the use of quantifiers like "a few," "a little," and qualifiers like "too loud," "interesting enough" in the context of music production. For example, "I'm adding a little more paint," and "This melody is strong enough for the hook." These concepts are useful for describing amounts and degrees in creative projects. **5. Suggestions with "shall" and offers with "what/how about" in English** * You practiced making suggestions and offers in English using phrases like "Shall we go to the concert?" and "How about watching a movie?" This skill is important for proposing activities or ideas in a polite and effective manner. **6. Simple past and time expressions to comment on movies in English** * You worked on using the simple past tense and time expressions to comment on movies. For example, "The Academy presented these awards for the first time in 1929," and "Between 1939 and 1966, this category was divided into black and white, and color." This helped you describe past events in a structured and clear way. **7. Using the present simple and connectors behind the scenes** * You learned how to use the present simple tense and connectors like "first," "then," "finally" to describe the roles and processes behind the scenes in theater and film production. For example, "The director is responsible for all creative processes," and "First, they work with the screenwriter." This is useful for describing routines and sequences of actions. **8. Art history: The use of "used to"** * You practiced using "used to" to talk about past habits or routines in art history, such as "Renaissance artists used to employ techniques such as sfumato and chiaroscuro." This structure helps you describe things that were regularly done in the past but are no longer common. **9. Possessive adjectives to comment on works of art in English** * You learned how to use possessive adjectives like "his," "her," "their" to describe ownership in works of art. For example, "Both of Picasso's pieces match the description," and "An artwork by a surrealist artist known for his use of dreamlike imagery." This helps you clearly attribute work to specific artists. **10. Let’s do it! Using the present continuous in English**- You practiced using the present continuous tense to describe actions happening right now, such as "I'm gathering all the materials," and "I'm experimenting with different colors and techniques." This tense is crucial for describing ongoing actions or activities. **11. Present perfect in English to know William Shakespeare**- You explored the present perfect tense to describe actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past but are relevant to the present. For example, "Shakespeare has greatly influenced the English language," and "He has given us many new words and phrases." This tense helps connect past events to the current moment. **12. The show must go on! Indefinite pronouns in English**- You worked with indefinite pronouns like "anyone," "anything," "everyone" to talk about people or things in general. For example, "Anybody can be a director, but not everyone can be an artist," and "I cannot imagine myself working anywhere else." These pronouns are useful for making general statements without specifying details. **13. Practice present perfect + "just" with this basic clown class**- You practiced using the present perfect tense with "just" to describe actions that happened very recently. Examples include "He has just arrived," and "She has just found out she's pregnant." This form is used to highlight that something happened a short time ago. **14. Course self-assessment**- You reviewed and assessed your understanding of all the topics covered in the course, reflecting on your progress and identifying areas where you may need further practice. **15. Now you know English for music, cinema, and art!**- You integrated all the topics into your overall knowledge, applying what you've learned to discuss music, cinema, and art confidently in English.

My favorite part is when you created a song with your musical production skills

SUMMARY OF COURSE: 1\. Conversations about music, art, and cinema in English You practiced discussing various aspects of music, art, and cinema, including preferences, favorite genres, and key artists. You also learned how to talk about specific films, artworks, and their impact on culture. These conversations helped you build vocabulary and confidence in discussing creative topics in English. 2\. Prepositions and articles for music and instruments in English You learned how to correctly use prepositions and articles with musical terms. For example, you discussed how to use "the," "a/an" with instruments like "the violin," "a piano," and prepositions like "on the guitar," "at the concert." These rules are essential for describing music and instruments clearly. 3\. Preferences and comparisons for live events in English In this section, you practiced expressing preferences and making comparisons, such as "I like listening to pop music more than rock," and "Wouldn’t that make you feel better than listening to 'Someone Like You' over and over again?" This helped you learn how to express opinions and compare different music genres or events.
This course is amazing. Thank you for teaching in such a fun way.
### **What you practiced**  In this workshop, you practiced within **the contexts of:** * Music * Cinema * Art * Theater **Skills You Learned:** * How to discuss a film * How to comment on a piece of art * How to create a masterpiece * How to perform in the theater ### **Grammatical Concepts** 1. Present Continuous * Used for ongoing actions. * Examples: "I’m gathering all the materials," "I’m selecting the paint colors." 2. Verbs of State Change * Describes the change in state. * Examples: "The paint is changing and transforming," "While it’s drying." 3. Present Perfect + Just * Describes actions that happened very recently. * Examples: "He has just arrived," "She has just received news." 4. Indefinite Pronouns * Refers to non-specific people or things. * Examples: "Anybody," "Anything," "Everyone," "Anywhere." 5. Possessive Forms * Shows ownership or relation. * Examples: "An artwork by a surrealist artist who is known for his use," "Both of Picasso's pieces match the description."

We nailed it! break a leg teacher, I hope all the best for you! I really enjoyed every class and I learned too much. I Hope to see you in incoming courses. 1, 2, 3, "Action"!
Thanks so much for this workshops, with different concepts and ways to teach

Great course, history, art and above all many things I learned from.
Thank you Mariana, you are the best.
and to the great team at platzi for such great production quality.

What amazing course i never see something like that before in platzi i am so happy!

I will use what I learned here in my life with my husband and my students because we need to understand each other, enjoy and talk about some things seen.

I really love this workshop
Thanks for this fun, pleasant and innovative course.
Thanks. You are a great artist. I would like to study another course with you.


* activities or ideas in a polite and effective manner. **6. Simple past and time expressions to comment on movies in English** * You worked on using the simple past tense and time expressions to comment on movies. For example, "The Academy presented these awards for the first time in 1929," and "Between 1939 and 1966, this category was divided into black and white, and color." This helped you describe past events in a structured and clear way. **7. Using the present simple and connectors behind the scenes** * You learned how to use the present simple tense and connectors like "first," "then," "finally" to describe the roles and processes behind the scenes in theater and film production. For example, "The director is responsible for all creative processes," and "First, they work with the screenwriter." This is useful for describing routines and sequences of actions. **8. Art history: The use of "used to"** * You practiced using "used to" to talk about past habits or routines in art history, such as "Renaissance artists used to employ techniques such as sfumato and chiaroscuro." This structure helps you describe things that were regularly done in the past but are no longer common. **9. Possessive adjectives to comment on works of art in English** * You learned how to use possessive adjectives like "his," "her," "their" to describe ownership in works of art. For example, "Both of Picasso's pieces match the description," and "An artwork by a surrealist artist known for his use of dreamlike imagery." This helps you clearly attribute work to specific artists. **10. Let’s do it! Using the present continuous in English**- You practiced using the present continuous tense to describe actions happening right now, such as "I'm gathering all the materials," and "I'm experimenting with different colors and techniques." This tense is crucial for describing ongoing actions or activities. **11. Present perfect in English to know William Shakespeare**- You explored the present perfect tense to describe actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past but are relevant to the present. For example, "Shakespeare has greatly influenced the English language," and "He has given us many new words and phrases." This tense helps connect past events to the current moment. **12. The show must go on! Indefinite pronouns in English**- You worked with indefinite pronouns like "anyone," "anything," "everyone" to talk about people or things in general. For example, "Anybody can be a director, but not everyone can be an artist," and "I cannot imagine myself working anywhere else." These pronouns are useful for making general statements without specifying details. **13. Practice present perfect + "just" with this basic clown class**- You practiced using the present perfect tense with "just" to describe actions that happened very recently. Examples include "He has just arrived," and "She has just found out she's pregnant." This form is used to highlight that something happened a short time ago. **14. Course self-assessment**- You reviewed and assessed your understanding of all the topics covered in the course, reflecting on your progress and identifying areas where you may need further practice. **15. Now you know English for music, cinema, and art!**- You integrated all the topics into your overall knowledge, applying what you've learned to discuss music, cinema, and art confidently in English.

Thank you very much, I really loved the course, in fact the song at the beginning stuck to me hahaha, plus I learned a lot.