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Advanced Encryption Standard


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Con la máquina Enigma, los alemanes tuvieron por las cuerdas a los "Aliados". Inglaterra salvando la plata con dos acciones: 1 Rompieron el código ENIGMA 2 Crearon el radar, con ello pudieron detectar a los submarinos alemanes.
The **Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)** is a widely used symmetric encryption algorithm, essential for securing digital information. Developed by two Belgian cryptographers, Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen, AES was adopted by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 as the replacement for the older Data Encryption Standard (DES). ### Key Features of AES: 1. **Symmetric Key Encryption**: AES uses the same key for both encryption and decryption, requiring secure key management. 2. **Block Cipher**: It operates on fixed-size blocks of data, typically 128 bits (16 bytes) at a time. 3. **Key Sizes**: AES supports three key lengths: * **AES-128**: 128-bit key (most commonly used) * **AES-192**: 192-bit key * **AES-256**: 256-bit key (most secure) 4. **Rounds**: The encryption process involves multiple rounds of transformations: * **AES-128**: 10 rounds * **AES-192**: 12 rounds * **AES-256**: 14 rounds 5. **Encryption Process**: * **SubBytes**: Byte-level substitution using a fixed S-box. * **ShiftRows**: Row-wise permutation. * **MixColumns**: Column mixing for diffusion. * **AddRoundKey**: XOR with a portion of the expanded key. ### Applications of AES: * **Data encryption in SSL/TLS** for secure communication over the internet. * **Encryption of files and storage** (e.g., BitLocker, FileVault). * **Wireless security** in protocols like WPA2/WPA3. * **VPNs** and other secure communications. AES is highly regarded for its combination of speed, security, and simplicity, making it a standard choice for encryption in various fields.
## Advanced Encryption Standard AES: Es el estandar de encripciónde facto. Es un cipher de bloques establecido como el ganador de la competencia de Advanced Encryption Standar por las NIST en el año 2000.
