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Practica con conversaciones reales


Aportes 5

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

DIALOGUE WITH SUBJUNCTIVE: Dialogue between you and your daughter using both present and past subjunctive: \*\*You:\*\* Sweetie, I suggest that you clean your room before your friends come over. \*\*Daughter:\*\* But mom, it's not necessary that they see my room. Can't I just close the door? \*\*You:\*\* I understand, but it's important that you make a good impression. If I were you, I would have tidied up. \*\*Daughter:\*\* Okay, I'll do it, but I wish I didn't have to. \*\*You:\*\* I know, dear. If only cleaning were more fun! In this dialogue: \- The present subjunctive is used in "I suggest that you clean" and "it's not necessary that they see." \- The past subjunctive is used in "If I were you, I would have tidied up" and "I wish I didn't have to."
Let's goooo!
i asked too mi sister go to the store, so is important that she be ready in a short time
### **Purpose of the role play** * The role play will use **vocabulary** and **phrases** taught throughout this course. * Pay close attention to how these words and expressions are used in context. ### **Tips for watching the role play** * **Take notes** on any new phrases or vocabulary you encounter. * Focus on understanding how these terms are applied in real-life situations.