My notes about the course, I hope it will be useful for you

Curso de inglés intermedio alto: conversación


“Conversation isn’t about proving a point; true conversation is about going on a journey with the people you are speaking with”. - Ricky Maye

Module 1: Education


Certification: An official document attesting to a status or level of achivment.

Degree: An academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion
of a course of study or conferred as an honor on a distinguished person.

Expertise: Expert skills or knowledge in a particular field.

Hypothetical situation: A supposed situation, not necessarily real or true.

Might or may: used to express the probability of something would happen, without certainty or a plan.
Certain: Something known for sure

For: In support of or in favor of someone or something

Against. In opposition of or in favor of someone or something.

Pros: advantage or arguments in favor of something

Cons: Disadvantage or arguments against something

Non: A prefix for expressing negation or absence

Types of education: informal (Experience life), non-formal (Specific skill) and formal (School).
Activity: Prepare a list of cons and pros of learning in a University.

  • You could socialize with others.
  • You could get a degree.
  • You could talk face to face with your teachers and learn about that.
  • You have a specific schedule.
  • You spend time transporting to the place.
  • It’s complicated to learn.
  • Lost many times socializing.

Why is important to learn and/or to teach:

“To learn is to learn twice.” – Joseph Joubert

Giving your opinion:

  • I think.
  • I believe.
  • In my opinion.
  • In my experience.
  • I agree.
  • In my honest opinion
  • I am certain that.
  • I am pretty sure that.

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcom Forbes

**Talking about the future: **

  • I am going… Plan or intention.
  • Likely- something will probably happen.
  • Will – no specific plan, talking about predictions.
  • Might/May – not sure about future, no plans.

Module 2: News and information

Information. Facts provided or learned about something or someone.

News. Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent events.

Noteworthy. Worthy of note, interesting, significant, or unusual.

Seems. Give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.

Awful. Very bad or unpleasant. Example: the place smelled awful.

Good for/on you. A good thing for you to have done.

Unfortunately. It is unfortunate that… Example: Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend that meeting.

Nowadays. At the present time, in contrast with the past.

You won’t believe. Used to suggest that you will be surprised.

It seems like a good course and I will learn more.

How people got information in the past:

“Experience is knowledge. All the rest is information.” – Albert Einstain
Past simple
I used to (don’t do anymore)
I would (don’t do anymore)

Why people don’t trust news.

“News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising.” – William Randolph Hearst

Comparing information

  • Two things or more than two things.
    How to share or respond to news.
  • You’ll never guess what happened!
  • You won’t believe.
  • I heard/saw/read.

**Modal 3: Work-life Balance


Meditate. Think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

Schedule. A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.

Rather. Used to indicate one’s preference in a particular matter. Example: Thanks, but I’d rather go alone.

Strength. The quality or state of being physically strong.

Commitment. The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

Perspective. A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Open-mindedness. Willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced.

Self-care. The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.

**How keep healthy work life balance: **

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” - Jim Rohn

  1. Meditate.
  2. Organize a schedule.
  3. Have set work hours and stick to them.
  4. Set personal time four yourself.
  5. Build healthy habits.

How to work with an international team


  • Perspective
  • Culture
  • Language Learning
  • Open-mindedness
  • Food
  • Time zone
  • Humor
  • Working habits

How emotion can help us keep work-life balance:

Manage your emotion.

  • Be positive.
  • Avoid unnecessary conflict.
  • Leave work at work and personal things at home.

Module 4: Challenges at work


Interpersonal. Relating to relationships or communication between people.

Challenge. A call to take part in a contest or competition. Example: the ridge is a challenge for experienced climbers.

Overalls. A loose-fitting coat or one-piece garment worn over ordinary clothes for protection against dirt or heavy wear.

Garment. An item of clothing. Example: a windproof outer garment.

Courage. The ability to do something that frightens us.

Assign. Designate or set (something) aside for a specific purpose.

Rude remark. Say something offensive or impolite as a comment.

Persuade. Cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument; convince.

Do we need challenge at work?

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Tomas Edison

Common problems at work:

  • Interpersonal conflict
  • Communication problems.
  • Low motivation.
  • Poor job fit.

What will you do if something happened?

Hypothetical situations at work.

How to persuade others to follow our ideas.

“Don’t rice your voice, improve your arguments.” – Desmond Tutu

  • Use “WE” not “YOU.”
  • The framing method.
  • Positive body language.
  • Use data and evidence to support your plan.

Module 5: Traveling


Immerse. A deep mental involvement in something. Example: I’m immerse in learning English.

Complementary. Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another.

How did it go?. For asking about a specific task or goal you wanted to accomplish.

Stretch. Cause something to become longer or wider by pulling it.

How was… For asking in more general terms, was the experience favorable?

Portfolio. A set of pieces of creative work collected by someone to display their skills, especially to a potential employer.

Have you ever. At any time in your life, have you… Example: have you ever been to Paris?

Travel revels the bigger picture:

Why do we travel?

  • Pleasure
  • Work
  • Immersion programs
  • Personal reflection
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