4Notes of the course in Notionhttps://maize-stargazer-012.notion.site/Curso-de-Ingl-s-B-sico-A2-Experiencias-Pasadas-e-Intenciones-Futuras-f8c874723a9847e896d10c91475322eMariale94
1Notas del curso A2:Experiencias Pasadas e Intenciones Futurashttps://southern-driver-b35.notion.site/Past-Experiences-and-Future-Intentions-551a832b32b146ecb273a463be00ee04Paz__
2Notes Notion Curso de Inglés Básico A2: Experiencias Pasadas e Intenciones FuturasHello to everyone. 😁 I want to share my notes. I hope this helps you. 📝 Please report any errors. 🐞 Link of the notes in notion ⭐ernerdo
Omg your image is pretty descriptive and cute great job