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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

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19 Días
2 Hrs
42 Min
57 Seg
Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Get on the right mindset


Aportes 11

Preguntas 0

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  • I guess one of the most positive things that sometimes I can perform is develop ideas or explain something complex in a more understandable way.
  • The positive side of my recent presentation is that although when I was starting very nervous, after few minutes I back to the flow and just share my ideas and insights, having in mind the main message, and the call to action.
Getting feedback is very important, it is a good idea to do a few simulations with people to let them tell you how you are doing and how you can improve.
Hello, when I give a conference, I am very good at maintaining attention and achieving empathy with the audience.
Get in the right mindset to improve your delivery. Focus all of our energy on recognizing the positive. Find those elements that make you stand out. Look for the good things you do. When we give room for color; when we give room for innovation, when we give room for creativity, we can surprise ourselves. Mistakes, as I said, happen all the time. So be prepared with supporting responses. In this case, maybe you can prepare additional quotes. Prepare and organize. Never forget that preparation is key. Organize your ideas; Practice, practice, practice. Don't lose focus and focus on your message. Interact with the audience; Ask questions.

Thank you

I’m super committed all the time, since the preparation until the delivery. I try to notice if the audience is paying attention and the general feeling, also I like to involve the audience.

Ponte en la mentalidad correcta para mejorar tu entrega 1. Reconoce lo positivo: En que destaco 2. Estar preparados para los errores: No hay procesos perfectos pero podemos acercarnos. Esto nos da oportunidades de aprendizaje. 3. Prepara y organiza: ¿Qué elementos adicionales me faltan? 4. Practica, practica y practica: Practicar es la clave para cercarnos ala perfección. 5. Enfócate en tu mensaje: No olvidar lo que realmente quiero comunicar. 6. Interactúa con el público: Has preguntas, saluda y sonríe.

Every mistake is a valuable learning expirience…if youo have that in mind, you won’t be afraid of making mistakes…go on and keep learning!

It’s always better to look at the glass half full than half empty