Hi, I’m from Mexico, I’m only study I don’t work and I 14 years old
Inglés Básico
Domina el Inglés Básico
Cómo presentarse en Inglés
Presenta a otras personas en Inglés
Preséntate en Inglés
Quiz: Cómo presentarse en Inglés
"Presente simple" en Inglés
Cómo usar el verbo “to be”
Presente Simple con otros verbos en Inglés
Describe personas en Inglés
Describe tu rutina diaria en Inglés
Describe la rutina de alguien en Inglés
Quiz: "Presente simple" en Inglés
Preguntas y preposiciones en Inglés
Preposiciones de lugar en Inglés
Preguntas con "wh" en el presente simple
Practica tu "listening" en Inglés
Quiz: Preguntas y preposiciones en Inglés
Vocabulario fundamental en Inglés
Diferencia entre "have" y "has"
Plurales irregulares en Inglés
Practica con verbos en presente simple
Verbos imperativos en Inglés
Cómo usar "and" y "but"
Cuándo usar "a" y "an"
Quiz: Vocabulario fundamental en Inglés
Expresa gustos en Inglés
Expresa preferencias con "like" y "don't like"
Ejercicios adicionales de gramática en Inglés
Quiz: Expresa gustos en Inglés
¡Continúa aprendiendo!
Ahora dominas el Presente Simple en Inglés
Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión
¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀
Hay cuatro aspectos importantes para presentarse a otras personas:
El orden de estos aspectos no es importante. Se pueden decir en cualquier orden, según la preferencia de los interlocutores.
Hi, my name is John. I am Colombian. I am 27 years old, and I am a teacher. I work at Platzi.
En este ejemplo se observa el cumplimiento de los elementos esenciales:
Cada persona puede agregar otros aspectos si lo desea.
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez
Aportes 4947
Preguntas 89
Hi, I’m from Mexico, I’m only study I don’t work and I 14 years old
HI all, My fist name is Jainelker, but I prefert shorcut so you can tell me Jai or Jay don’t is matter, I’m CPA or Certificate Public Accountant , and I’m 29 years old, I was born in Venezuela, especally Bolivar state, however my dad is Italian and my mom is Venezuelan
hice lo mejor que pude, lol 30 minutos practicando como decirlo
Hi my name is Anny I’m 12 years old i’m from colombia and i’m a student ❤️
Hi my name is Laura Rius, I am Mexican, I am 25 years old and I am Logistics engineer 😃
Hi, My name is Jorge, I’m from Peru, I’m a Platzi student and I’m 14 years old.
Introduce myself to others! This is a super important resource in English as you will usually need to introduce yourself and share personal information about yourself. In this class, you will learn how to introduce yourself to other people.
First your name, second your nationality, third your job or occupation and fourth your age
Hi, my name is Andrés, I’m from Colombia, I work at school, I’m 42 years old.
Hello, My name is Karen and I am from Mexico I have 28 years old and I am receptionist 😃
Hi, my name is Alejandra, i am from Colombia, i’m a software developer and i’m 27 years old
Hello!, I`m Nubia, I’m Mexican, I work like a DevOps and I’m 30 years old.
Hi guys, my name is Ana, I’m Colombian, I’m 23 years old and I’m student software development
hello my name is Fernando espiritu. I am from mexico, i am 28 years old and I am a student but I also work fixing cars
Hi! I´m Cristina, I´m from Colombia, I am 55 years old, I am a student, now I´m not working.
Hi!, my name is Anet, i’m 16 years old, i’m from Venezuela, i’m student and a freelance illustrator. 🥰
Hello, I’m Luisa. I’m colombian, I’m 24 years old and I’m a student on Platzi and SENA
I am Valeria Ladino, I am 25 years old and I am a social communicator and journalist. Actually I´m make my specialization in marketing strategy. I´m from Cali - Colombia
It´s a pleasure!
Los subtitulos en ingles (en español nose) estan desalineados con la pantalla. Ojala los puedan checar y arreglar, no nadamas en esta clase pasa eso. (:
Hi, my name is Alejandro, I’m from Colombia,I am 30 years old and I’m work like software developer
Hi, my name is Camila, I’m Colombian, I’m 23 years old and I’m psychologist!
Hi, My name is Juliana Miranda, I am 24 years old, I am from colombia and I study business management
Hi you all, my name is Enrique, I´m from Mexico, currently i´m working as a software engineer and i´m 26 years old.
Hi, my name is Iris, I’m 24 years old. I’m Mexican. I studied biochemical engineering, but I work in the marketing area.
Hi! My name is Daniel, I’m 23 years old, I’m Colombian. I’m studying electromechanical engineering at university and web development at Platzi. Also I like to teach (math and engeneering subjects). I have a Youtube channel, its name is Bobinando.
Hello, I’m Elena from Mexico, I’m a trader and a platzi student, I’m 42 years old.
Hello!! My name is Emmanuel González. I’m from Guatemala, I have 34 years old and I work in the Customs Area.
Hello, My name is Karla Alejandra, i´m Mexican and i´m 26 years old.
Hi, my name is Perla, I’m from Venezuelan, I’m 34 years old y and I´m economist
My name is Ángel, I am 18 years old, I am Mexican and I am student.
Hi, my name is Rachell, I’m from El Salvador, I am a Student and I 17 years old.!
Hi, my name is Carmen Najera, I’m Mexican, I’m 23 years old and right now I’m a university student
Hello! Everyone!
My name is Naxieli Martínez, I’m Mexican, I’m 51 years old, and I’m payroll consultant
Hi, my name is Leonel, I’m Mexican, I’m Thirty Three years old and i am a UX Designer, i work at CPA Vision.
Hello. I’m Alexander but you can call me Alex. I’m peruviam. I’m 23 years old and now I’m working how software developer.
Hi, my name is Karen. I am the Salvador. I am 16 years old, and I am student.
Hi, my name is Karen, I’m Colombian, I’m 36 years old, and I’m a Customer Experience Expert. I’m looking for a job at the moment.
hi , my name is abigail i’m El Salvador i’m 17 years old and i study
Hi, I am Diana Mory, I am from Venezuela, I am 37 years old, I am computer engineer, I like the study new tecnologic and my hobbie prefer is the dance
Hi, my name is Rosa, I’m Chilean, i’m 27 years old and i’m a computer enginner
My name is fernanda
I´m from El Salvador
I am 17 years old
I am platzi student
Hi, I’m from El Salvador , I’m only study I don’t work and I 16 years old
Hi, my name is Camila, I´m form Guatemala, I´m a student and I have nineteen years old.
Hi, my name is Julian, i am from Argentina, i am 23 years old and i am a musician
Hi, my name is Michelle, I am from El Salvador, I am 18 years old, I am student.
Hi👋🏻! My name is William, I am Bolivian, I’m 22 years old, and I’m a systems engineering student.
hello i’m Luis Muñoz , i´m from nicaragua, i am 31 years old, iam developer.
Hi… My name is Estefanía. I’m venezuelan. I’m biologist. I’m twenty seven years old. My favorite food is the pizza and I love dogs.
Hi! I´m Lissette I´m mexican and I´m a teacher to.
Hi, my name is Jenny
I’m from Bolivia, I am a Systems Engineer, I am thirty four years old and I’m very excited about this course.
Hi! my name is johsting. I am venezuelan. I’m 20 years old and I’m a student of platzi
Hello, my name is Fabiola, I’m from Nicaragua, I’m fourty years old and I’m student at platzi English Academy.
hello, my name is daniel, i am colombian and i am twenty - one years old.
Curso de Inglés Básico A1
Presente Simple y Vocabulario Común.
Student name:Esperanza Piló.
Name of the class:Introducing Myself.
Important notes and activities:
Introduce yourself and others.
Hi! I’m Esperanza.
I am 20 year old.
I am a student.
I am from Guatemala.
Hi my name is Alejandro, I’m 22 years old, I’m from Colombian and I digital marketer currently working as freelance in a construction business(interior decoration).
Hi! My name is Michael, I am from Colombian, I am 30 years old and I’m a systems engineering.
Hello! my name is Martin .
I am mexican. I’m 53 years old.
I am a student of Platzi
I am yaneth I´m engineer, I´m twuenty seven year old
Hi everyone, My name is Harold, I’m Colombian, I’m Industrial Engineer and I have 24 years old
Hi, my name is Gerly Velez, I am Colombian, I am 37 years old and I am a System Engineer
Hi, my name is Claudia Carolina, i’m thirty seven years old, i’m Secretary, and work in a Hospital, now learn English in Platzi…i’m very happy.
Hi my name is Diego, I’m Mexican, I’m unemployed for the moment and I’m 23 years old.
Hi! my name is Elizabeth. I´m Dominican. I´m 23 years old and i´m an English student.
My name is Gerardo. I’m from Guatemala. I’m 50 years old .I work in a food processing company.
Introducing Myself
Hi, my name is Daniela, I am Venezuelan, i am a civil engineer, and i am 31 years old.
Hi, my name is Rommy, My last name is Navarro, I am twenty two, I am live in Ecuador, I am student Agricultura engineering and I am student of platzi.
Hi, everyone, my name is laidon ayala and it’s a pleasure to be here.
I would like to share a little about myself with you.
I was born in Nicaragua but I live in Brno, Czech Republic, I am 26 years old and recently i worked as a community manager for a company in Costa Rica
My name is Lily, i am colombian, im study and work and i 20 years old
Hi, my name is Natalia, I’m from colombia, I am 25 years old and i am a Functional analyst, I work at carvajal.
Hi, my name is Raul, I’m very happy to be in Platzi
I’m 25 years old, I´m form mexico and I study digital marketing
My name is Yorbelis , I am from Colombia , Actually I work as System Analyst and I am twenty-four years old.
Hi, my name’s Jack. I am from Perú, I’m 22 years old, and I’m an industrial engineer student
Hi! My name is Kelly, I’m mexican, a programmer at the Universidad Veracruzana, I’m 26 years old and I love learning. Before, I hated English but currently, I’m enjoying it.
My name is Sebastian, i am from Colombia, i am 20 years old and i am a sportman .
Hi, Mi name is Monica Mieles. I’m from Colombia. I’m civil engineering, but I work in the scientific area, that is, I’m a researcher. I’m 25 years old.
Hi, my name is Santiago, I’m Colombian, I’m 17 years old, I’m (studying to be…) a Software Developer and I work as a Junior Software Developer here, in Colombia
Hi, my name is Julia , I’m colombian , I’m twenty-one years old and I’m a student
hi, my name is Maria Gonzalez, i am from panama, i am 40 years old, i dont work
Hi, my name is Angelica Perilla, I’m from Colombia, I’m 33 years old and I am businesswoman. nice to meet you.
My name is Jakelinne, I’m from Guatemala, I’m 26 years old, I’m a university student
Hello, my name is Axel. I’m 24 years old. I’m from Argentina and I’m a student.
Hi my name is Glendy Chojolan, I am Guatemala, I am 29 years old, I am a student
Hi everybody. I am Wilson, I am from Ecuador, I am commercial engineer, I am 40 years old, I am virtual assistants and purchasing analyst , I worked independently.
A pleasure to introduce myself to the platzi community.
Hey, I´m Rolando, 29 Y/O, from Colombia and live in Bucaramanga. I usually like to travel around the world at low cost, I had traveled to many countries, for example Mexico, Peru, Spain, Netherland, Germany, Deutsch, Italy, and others nineteen countries. At the moment I am travelling in the United Kingdom, I don’t know for how long. I am so excited ´cause I’m learning many things, practice my English and knowing so much new lovely people.
hi i’m nervous, my name is Christian La Cruz, i’m from Venezuela of the Lara State and my city is Barquisimeto, i’m seventeen, and my job, i don’t have formal job yet, i’m student
Creo que lo hice Bien, agradeceria cualquier feedback o consejo_
Hi, my name is Luis Villalba, I am Colombian, I am forty one years old, and I am a section manager, in a metal-mechanic company called Serviprocesos, for more or less seven to eight years,
hello My name is carlos I’m From Colombia, my ocupation is computer technician I 20 years old
Hi, my name is Va leria Ramirez, i´m from Guatemala, i´m 18 years old and i´m student
Hi. My name is Diego. I’m 38. I’m ecuadorian. I work in a bookstore.
buen aporte
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